
AppData\Roaming\ Folder absent on Vista

Hi All, The application I am working with writes to the User\Application Data folder on XP and the AppData\Roaming folder on Vista. On one of the Vista machines the AppData\Roaming folder is not present. As a result some of the features of the application are not functioning. Have any of you encountered such a scenario befo...

How to use pthread library in DevC++?

I downloaded pthread package from pthread. What should I do now to use it in DevC++? ...

Tortoise usage pattern no longer works: sort by creation date, nor sort by revision is possible

I have been using Tortoise for years. My standard usage idiom is to have my win explorer view set to my default sort the files in inverse cronological order by modify date. Problem: if you have to do a full checkout, the modify date becomes the create date which is the date of the checkout. So... in that case I sort in inverse revisio...

memory allocation in C

I have a question regarding memory allocation order. In the following code I allocate in a loop 4 strings. But when I print the addresses they don't seem to be allocated one after the other... Am I doing something wrong or is it some sort of defense mechanism implemented by the OS to prevent possible buffer overflows? (I use Windows Vist...

Problem with WNetGetUniversalName

Hello, I have a strange problem with some code that calls WNetGetUniversalName. When I call the function I always get error 67 (ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME). But the network connection really does exist. So from the scratch. I'm writing a Windows shell extension that shall do some stuff with text files that are located on a specified network driv...

how do I launch another process in XP compatibility mode?

Our application requires HASP SRM device driver to be installed in order for ours to install and run. At this time, only their 5.50 drivers work consistently on all tested platforms (both their 5.75 (official) and 5.86 (beta) drivers crash on about 1 in 3 computers tested). Hence, their 5.50 drivers are good, anything else currently av...

Rapi.dll / OpenNETCF slow issues on Visual Studio

I am referencing OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication (Rapi.dll) in my project and have the following problem: When I for ex. "private RAPI mobjRapi = new RAPI();"... it takes about 5 minutes to execute that statement. I am basically trying to copy a file from a mobile device An additional issue which might be related is that when I click "...

Code Signing for Vista with GoDaddy Certificates

We recently purchased a Code Signing certificate from GoDaddy. Following their instructions, we were able to use the SignTool from MS and sign our installer. When installing under XP, this works great. However, when installing under Vista, if we look at the certificate, it is saying "One of the countersignatures is not valid. The fil...

How to work with Oracle, .Net, Winform, Windows Vista and XP

Hi, I have an application that is a WinForm in C# that work with Oracle as database. I'm developing in Visual Studio 2008 in Vista, with Vista Oracle Client (10.2.0) and ODP.Net ( The problem is that some users od this application work with Windows XP, so the Client isn't the same and the application says that it's "need" t...

Installing '08 on Vista Home

Hello everyone, I have a problem that makes me tear every hair on my head for the past 2 days. I finally decided to give my laptop, dinosaurs running on XP to my mother, to join my wife's computer, runing under Vista. But I am facing a hard reality, I never work on Vista and now I must install my Visual Studio 2008 and I confess that I ...

(Save Dialog) How to change file extension automatically on file filter change in Vista/Win7 ?

Hi, While showing a save dialog, I want to hook user's filter type change and change file extension automatically. (e.g. like MSPaint's "Save As" operation.) With TSaveDialog and setting UseLatestCommonDialogs := False, I can handle this by the following code. (without latest common dialog support, of cource.) procedure TForm1.SaveD...

Local Network - Windows 7 and Vista can't see each other

I've got a strange issue at home that has been bugging me for weeks, but I really need to get it sorted now so I'll detail as much as I can and hopefully someone can spot what might might be wrong. I have a wireless router connected to the internet and 3 devices connected to it. They are: Name OS Network IPv4 PC1 Wi...

.NET Embedding application in windows-taskbar

We've all seen it and now I want to do it. How may I go about achieving this effect with a winforms application? ...

how to access remote registry access between xp and vista using

I have to access remote connection from XP os to Vista os in How to do that? ...

VSTO Outlook AddIn disabled in Vista

We have an issue with an Outlook 2007 AddIn (created on a Windows 7 development machine with Visual Studio 2008/VSTO). It installs with the MSI installer on these machines: - the development machine - a Windows XP machine Install initially succeeded on a Vista machine, but after installing an updated version of the AddIn, it gets disa...

How Do I Extract a Full Icon From a Vista/7 Executable?

If I have a Vista .ico file which contains a 16x16, 32x32, 256x256 etc. version of an icon, I can successfully load it as a .NET Icon by simply doing -: Icon myIcon = new Icon("C:\\MyIcon.ico"); I can then access all of the various sized images in the icon. I can even access the 256x256 Vista PNG using methods detailed HERE. However...

Administrator rights request

I've got error if I don't run my program "As Administrator" Access violation ... in module ... etc... Got error when trying to work with my ini file. How to avoid error or make a request Administrator rights. (using C++Builder6 , but Delphi code is readable for me too) working with ini by default TIniFile *FormCllient; FormCl...

Sniffing PPP/WAN interface in Vista/Server 2008

I used to be able sniff traffic on windows xp and server 2003 on PPP/WAN interfaces using wireshark. There used to be a Generic dialup interface, but its seems not to be there on vista/server 2008/7/Server 2008 R2. I did some google but it didnt come up with any results. Have you guys any idea to get it started? ...

What does HKLM in MS windows stand for??

What does HKLM in MS windows stand for?? ...

TortoiseSVN Commit htdocs?

Trying to version control my project that's sitting in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs using TortoiseSVN. I can't commit it though because Tortoise doesn't have permission to create the .svn file in that folder (anywhere in Program Files?). How can I get around this? ...