
How to pass all selected files names to C# application ?

Hi, I would like to select several files on my desktop (or any other folder) and pass their names to my application. More specifically, I've added a key to the registry such that when I right click on a jpeg file I see a new "Transform" option that actually runs my application. The question is how can I pass all selected files names to...

How to know and load all images in a specific folder??

Hi every body: I have an application (C++ Builder 6.0) that needs to know the total of images there are in a specific folder, and then I have to load them: in an ImageList or in a ComboBoxEx... or any other control... How can I do that? I know how to load an image in a control, or to save in a TList, or in an ImageList... but How to k...

How to restore path with spaces in Windows ?

Hi, I added a key to the registry such that when I right click on a jpeg file I see a new "Transform" option that actually runs my application. My application gets the full path of the selected file as an agrument (in "args" parameter of "Main()"). The problem is that Windows converts the full path of the file to something that contains...

Determine if O/S is Windows 7...

Working on a project and need to be able to determine whether the O/S is Windows 7, Vista or default to XP. I understand I could run into Win2K and earlier versions but let's just say that's not a concern as other code will catch that before it gets to this point. My application will be in C++ for the time being using VS2005. I've found ...

Persistent Shadow Copy in XP SP2?

I'm wondering if XP supports persistent shadow copying like Windows Vista/7 do. I read the wikipedia article about Shadow Copy and it had this paragraph (emphasis mine): The creation of persistent snapshots (multiple snapshots which remain available across reboots until specifically deleted from the system) has been added in Wi...

Problem with FIPS Validated Cryptographic Algorithms

Hello All, I am running Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.1 SP with .NET 3.5 SP 1 under Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP 3 with an Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3 GHz processor. I am developing a C# WPF application that uses the Microsoft Patterns & Practices group's Composite Application Library (CAL). I am getting the following compliatio...

What is max heap size I can allocate for JVM on Win32 machine ?

I have BEA JRockit JDK 5.0 Update 6 running on Windows XP. I wish to know what is the max heap I can allocate when I have primary memory of 4GB on my machine. ...

Registry Printer hack to change dialog box Print Range default from "all" to "selection"?

I have to regularly print a page from a browser; in XP the dialog box for printing, "Print range" defaults to "Print All" which I keep accidentally OK-ing. I'd really like for "Selection" to be the default -- I've hunted around the registry -- and the internet! -- for answer to no avail. Any ideas? ...

How can I get ActivePerl to play nicely with cygwin's screen?

I would like to use cygwin tools (screen) for development and invoking ActiveState Perl debugger from cygwin environment throws the following error. bash-3.2$ perl -d The system cannot find the path specified. Unable to get Terminal Size. The Win32 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo call didn't work. The COLUMNS and LINES environment va...

Running Active State Perl command-line debugger from cygwin

Possible Duplicate: Running Active State Perl command-line debugger from cygwin I would like to use cygwin tools (screen..) for development and invoking ActiveState Perl debugger from cygwin environment throws the following error. bash-3.2$ perl -d The system cannot find the path specified. Unable to get Terminal Size. ...

Add menu item to windows context menu only for specific filetype

Hi, i've dveloped an application that load an image using the context menu of window (right click on the file) and for the moment is working, but the reg key is on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* and it works with all files. I want that the menu item on the context menu should be displayed only with .jpg files. Whow i can do that? Which regist...

XP vs Win7 for programming enviroment ::

Is there any difference between the two OS in terms of one being better for a development environment? ...

How to work with Oracle, .Net, Winform, Windows Vista and XP

Hi, I have an application that is a WinForm in C# that work with Oracle as database. I'm developing in Visual Studio 2008 in Vista, with Vista Oracle Client (10.2.0) and ODP.Net ( The problem is that some users od this application work with Windows XP, so the Client isn't the same and the application says that it's "need" t...

Simulating an Active Directory Login in Dev/Test Environment

Currently building a WPF app that will run in an environment where the user logs into Windows PC which is on a domain (DC). The app will ask the user to enter their login and password again when it starts up, and the login/password will be verified against Active Directory (forgive me if my terminology is not correct here). The login i...

.NET Embedding application in windows-taskbar

We've all seen it and now I want to do it. How may I go about achieving this effect with a winforms application? ...

Web Platform Installer on Windows XP. IIS still crippled?

I am pondering using the Web Platform Installer to quickly set up a dev environment in Windows XP. Will the IIS installed by the Web Platform Installer still have the 40 connection limit applied? ...

HowTo Clear Cache/Memory of Monitors in XP

I want to clear the cache/memory of monitors that I've connected to an XP machine. I'm developing a monitor-like device with its own EDID, and I want to see what a "first birthday" is like. However, the machine in question remembers the device and what resolution it's set to, etc. ...

Is the GUID generated during installation common for XP and Windows 7 ?

This question is about an installation/uninstallation framework i am writing. For uninstallation i use the following mechanism: msiexec /X {GUID} where GUID is the registrykey that is generated in the uninstall location of the registry hive : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. For one of the software...

Remove application from taskbar with C# wrapper?

Is there a way to build a C# wrapper for an existing application that will allow me to remove it from the taskbar? More info: I have an timer app that I suppose to use but don't because it well... sucks. See So to make it suck less I wonder if I can build a wra...

how to access remote registry access between xp and vista using

I have to access remote connection from XP os to Vista os in How to do that? ...