
How To Create File System Fragmentation?

Risk Factors for File Fragmentation include mostly full Disks and repeated file appends. What are other risk factors for file fragmentation? How would one make a program using common languages like C++/C#/VB/VB.NET to work with files & make new files with the goal of increasing file fragmentation? WinXP / NTFS is the target Edit: Wou...

Error connecting to all of my SQL servers

I suddenly started getting this error when trying to connect to any of my sql servers (25+) from SSMS on Windows XP. When I left work yesterday everything was working fine, came in this morning, and I started getting this. Tried rebooting my pc but that obviously didn't fix it. My co-workers can all connect just fine. Searched for a solu...

How to detect if a Microphone is present

I just had a very long tech support call because a customer didn't have a Mic on their laptop. (Stupid me: they said they'd used the mic earlier and I have never heard of a laptop not having a Mic). I'm wondering if there is a way to detect whether there is a Microphone (recording capability) on Windows XP, Vista, 7. (I've got error ha...

Socket programming Xp > Vista, Vista > XP

I am developing a program which sends images from one computer to another (similar to remote assistance without mouse/keyboard input). The two computers I use to test this are one Windows XP machine and one Windows Vista. I have the stationary XP machine directly connected to a router, and a laptop which is connected through wireless. ...

Windows XP OS User Login Id from Javascript

Hi, Just wondering if there is a javascript means of getting the Windows XP login/user id logged in from within a browser application, when the user in question, say, clicks on a url within an e-mail. Basically need to determing who has logged into the Windows XP machine. Thanks. ...

How to create SFTP service in Windows xp sp3?

Hi We can create ftp server in Windows XP SP3 OS using IIS ftp server. In my project i need to connect SFTP server so, How can I create SFTP server in Windows xp SP3 operation system? Is it possible to creat using IIS as we create FTP server? Can anyone provide me tutorial or links to create SFTP server in my desktop machine? Thanksnr...

Statistics regarding Windows XP before SP2, is it worth still supporting it

We would like to drop support for our application on stock Windows XP and XP SP1 and thus require SP2 or higher. I tried finding some statistics about market share of the various service packs of Windows but failed. Do you have such links? Do you still support XP before SP2? ...

blurry wpf applications

Hi, I'm using win XP and recently since the last windows updates (at least that's the time that I noticed this happened) - 11.2.2010 - all WPF applications that I run are blurry. I first noticed on my own apps, they were suddenly blurry. I first thought if it wasn't something with the SnapsToDevicePixels property. But that was not the ...

How can I select a layout when using Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (shimgvw.dll) to print jpgs from the command line?

I am automating the printing of jpg files using a windows batch file and the command line interface for the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. The command I'm using in my .bat is: rundll32.exe C:\Windows\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_PrintTo /pt "%fullpath_to_jpg%" "%printer_name%" My photo printer does 4x6 prints. If the jpg file is ...

Cannot enable server side includes in IIS5

I am trying to enable server side includes in some plain html files. I need help enabling ssi via IIS on the localhost. I am running XP Pro, and using both ie8 and firefox to test the files. Thanks for your help. ...

Drawing video with text on top

I am working on an application and I have a problem I just cant seem to find a solution for. The application is written in vc++. What I need to do is display a YUV video feed with text on top of it. Right now it works correctly by drawing the text in the OnPaint method using GDI and the video on a DirectDraw overlay. I need to get rid ...

How do I get the pik gem to play nicely with cygwin in Windows XP? Or is there another way to get multiple versions of ruby up and running easily in cygwin?

Pik looks great if you're stuck on a windows machine. The only problem is it appears to be set up for a windows command prompt, and I'm using cygwin. Whenever I try to switch to a different version of ruby in cygwin, it still just uses the default cygwin installation of ruby. $ pik list 186: ruby 1.8.6 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 369) [i386-m...

I can't get the ruby development kit working for Windows XP

So, I can't for the life of my get this working properly. My ultimate goal is to get the dbd-odbc gem installed and working, and from multiple things I've read, I need to install the ODBC binding for ruby alongside the dbd-odbc gem. Well, I can get the dbd-odbc gem installed just fine, but when it comes to trying to install the binding i...

Reading Desktop icon positions from registry

can you read an icon's location from windows xp registry and once it get identified then set it anywhere on desktop programmatically? ...

Is it possible to run my Windows Form application in Windows CE platform?

I am new in Windows CE development and never done it yet. Need some advise from the expert in here. In our current project, we are developing a client-server application. The client side is using a windows form application that are base on Windows XP OS while the server is a web base application. This question are related to the clie...

MediaElement plays video, but no video shows

I can open a video, play it and get position and set position, but nothing shows up in the video window on one pc. The code works fine a on a couple of PCs, but doesn't work on another. Does any one know or can refer me to what files I need to properly run MediaElement on XP pro. Thanks, Rob ...

c fOpenThread() is this part of a header file, any info

Hi, Visual Studio 2008 C XP SP3 I am reading a book by Hoglund and he uses: HANDLE hThread = fOpenThread( THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dbg_evt.dwThreadId); Anybody know anything about fOpenThread as I can't find any details and I am getting the error message error C3861: 'fOpenThread': iden...

EM_GETLINE fails when Spy++ is running

There is an edit box in some dialog in my application, which is running on Windows XP. When I issue EM_GETLINE on this control, it returns its contents and it's ok, but when I start Spy++ the control suddenly starts behaving incorreclty and always returns an empty string. What might be a problem? ...

How to schedule remote mysql backups on windows

Hi guys and gals! I am looking for a smart way to take care of scheduling backups on a remote Mysql Unix/Linux server from my own personal Windows XP computer. Is there any (free if possible, preferable of course) software that i can schedule that logs in to a mysql database and downloads a complete backup? Would also need an alterna...

Is There any handy way to get windows XP, windows 7 current login User Name in VC? Many Thanks!

I want to get current login user name in windows xp, windows 7, in c++. How can I do this? Is there any handy API without authority problem? Many thanks! ...