
Moving from XP to Windows 7

This week I’m going to try and start the move from Windows XP to Windows 7 on my development PC at work. I’ve downloaded the Windows Easy Transfer app for going from XP to Win7; that should take care of My Documents. My concern is all of the development environment. In particular I’m concerned about re-establishing things like my Wind...

VBS Invalid Character

This is a simple VBS script. But when I double-click on this, I get Invalid Character 800A0408 on Line 1, Character 1, which I think is the first "Dim". I am new to VBS--can u tell me what I did wrong? FYI, I have an XP OS and IIS6 Manager installed. ' This script adds the necessary Windows Presentation Foundation MIME types ' to an...

How to connected red5 on windows server 2003 from client windows xp ???

Dear all , I installed red5 version 0.9 on windows server 2003 (with ip : http port is 5080 and rtmp port is 1935 . After installed , I called on server : localhost:5080/demos ,it's ok :) But have a problem , I called from client : , it's failed . Please tell me how to configs windows server ...

Problem after assigining port number to MSSQL2005 named instance:Service won't start

Hello Guys! I'll like to combine both my initial problem which leads me to this one and this one. my first problem was to be able to connect jaspersoft ireport 3.7.0 to MSSQL2005.I downloaded the jar from microsoft downloads and added the `jdbc4.jar` from the `irepot>tool>classpath>add jar`. It went fine but i needed the port numb...

problem burning DVD using IMAPI2 in Windows XP using

i have used IMAPI2 for buring CD/DVD in windows XP..but it is giving me unhandeled is written as:- System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'IMAPI2.Interop.MsftFileSystemImageClass' to interface type 'IMAPI2.Interop.MsftFileSystemImage'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the CO...

Install TurboGears on windows xp

I've been trying to get TurboGears installed on Windows by following this site. I've installed virtualenv but when I execute the command "virtualenv --no-site-packages testproj", I get the following message: New python executable in testproj\Scripts\python.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python26\Scripts\virtualenv-sc...

Appearance of a WPF ListView under Windows Vista and Windows XP is not the same

In a WPF application I have a ListView: <ListView Name="ItemSelList" ItemsSource="{Binding ItemColl}" SelectionChanged="ItemSelList_SelectionChanged"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="Date" Width="90" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Date}"/> <GridViewColumn Header="Time" Width="90" DisplayMemberBindi...

Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint functionality on Windows

Hi I'm currently developing a cross-plataform virtual keyboard. In linux i was able to do whatever i want, but in Windows i'm having problems to prevent the widget to obtain the keyboard focus. In linux, using the window flag Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint the widget never gets the keyboard input, but of course, that flag does not ...

Python Script to backup a directory

#Filename:backup_ver1 import os import time #1 Using list to specify the files and directory to be backed up source = r'C:\Documents and Settings\rgolwalkar\Desktop\Desktop\Dr Py\Final_Py' #2 define backup directory destination = r'C:\Documents and Settings\rgolwalkar\Desktop\Desktop\PyDevResourse' #3 Setting the backup name targetBa...

Usage Tracking for Windows desktop applications ...

I am looking for some frameworks that can be used to collect usage information for Windows desktop application and analyze it. For example, I would like to be able to answer questions like (a) how many times do people use this application in a day (b) which are their favorite menu items, etc. I looked briefly at Google Analytics and Omn...

How to see list of html-tidy errors in VIM for Windows?

I am using Vim 7.2 on WinXP. I've tired to run tidy like this: :compiler tidy :make :copen When I do :copen it shows me no errors to jump to. I've seen references that shellpipe might need to be set a specific way, but that refers to an earlier version of VIM. How should I be using HTML-tidy with VIM, and do I need to mess with shell...

C# Image.Clone to byte[] causes EDIT.COM to open on Windows XP

It appears that cloning a Image and converting it to a byte array is causing EDIT.COM to open up on Windows XP machines. This does not happen on a Windows 7 machine. The application is a C# .NET 2.0 application. Does anyone have any idea why this may be happening? Here is my Image conversion code: public static byte[] CovertIma...

Preventing Windows from using Alt+Shift key combination to switch locale

Our program requires the user to hold the Alt+Shift keys together in order to carry out some operations. The problem is that Windows uses this combination to switch locale on some setups. Anyone got any ideas as to how we can "override" this behaviour of Windows whilst our program is running? Can we do some sort of message intervention? ...

Installing Security Certifcates for all users on a Windows XP machine

Hi, I am required to install two security certifcates on user's PC's to allow them to connect to a certain Australian Government website to perform searchs. I can perform this manually (via Certifcate Import Wizard) when the user has logged into the machine, however when a different user logs in, the certifcates need to be re-installed...

VB.NET Folder location

Hello, My program uses some external programs that i included in the Files folder. In my code im reffering to Files/external_program.exe Windows Vista & Windows 7 knows how to handle this and starts the program on the same location as my program in the Files folder. But Xp doesnt know where it is, and Windows XP will think im refferin...

How to add the UAC shield icon to program that still must target XP?

I have a program that still must target Windows XP (_WIN32_WINNT 0x501), as most of our customers still use XP. However, we have been shipping Vista for a while, and are now pushing Windows 7 upgrades. For the software to work correctly on the newer OSs, there are a couple operations that require UAC elevation. I have the elevation cod...

how to check the read write status of storing media in python

Hi All, How can i check the read/ write permission of the file storing media? ie assume i have to write some file inside a directory and that directory may be available on read only media like (cd or dvd)or etc. So how can i check that storing media ( cd, hard disk) having a read only or read write both permission. I am using windows x...

Selenium RC slower on Windows 7 than on XP?

I've got two systems, one with Windows XP and another with 7, both running Firefox 3.6, the same version of Selenium RC and the newest nunit. When I run tests on 7, it is executed extremely slowly (I mean walking by textbox and setting its values), but when I execute this script on Windows XP it is extremely fast. Do you have the same ...

What exactly happens when Complex Script Support is enabled?

When we click the check box "Install files for complex script and right to left languages (including Thai)" in Regional and Language settings what exactly happens? Changes to registry keys? I noticed that it installs some .fon files and keyboard dlls. Is this totally necessary if one just wish to read complex script on Windows XP? M...

How can I tell what resolution a VM is running at with VirtualBox?

I have some VirtualBox VMs running. Is there any way to programatically get the resolution they are running at? The guest VMs are running Windows XP. ...