
Debugger constantly throws an exception?

I am trying to move our projects over to use MonoDevelop, as we have been having a very bad experience with Visual Studio. Anyways, when ever we go to debug an application, we get a TargetInvocationException and asked to Ignore, Retry, Abort. Clicking anything other than abort just re-throws the exception and on clicking abort forces Mo...

Having issues debugging website with VS2008

Hello SO: I am attempting to debug a website on Windows XP. To be more specific, I am trying to debug an install of SiteFinity CMS. This CMS was installed via Microsoft's Web Platform Installer. It was installed to the default location of C:\Inetput\wwwroot. The first error I got when attempting to debug the website with VS2008 was rel...

Setting DSCP using IP_TOS stopped working on Windows XP

Hi, I had this working a few weeks ago. I use the old setsocopt with IP_TOS and the DisableUserTOSSetting=0 to set the DSCP in outbound RTP traffic. Now it does not work anymore on my Windows XP machine. Using QoS packet scheduler and gpedit.msc does work but is not my preferred solution. I have checked the registry flag many times no...

Tray icon does not disappears on killing process

Hi, I have a window service for my application. When i stops that by killing process with task manager, tray icon does not disappears. Is it a window bug or something else? Do we have a solution for that problem? Thanks in advance :). ...

Auto refresh and Samba

Hello. I have server with debian5 and Samba. Also I have notebook with Windows XP. I connect from notebook to this server from internet. E.g.: \\ But folders are not refreshing. If I create a new folder I must press "F5" button. How I turn on auto refreshing? ...

link a batch scrript (.bat file) to a different console/shell on Windows XP?

Hi All, Is there any way to link batch script (.bat files) so that they run via another shell/console and not cmd.exe ? For instance, if one install powershell or others (a few are open-source projects are available on soureceforge), how to link it to your bat files ? I looked in the "file types" menu but it seems that the bat extensi...

Jetty6 service and administrator rights

How do I determine if my Jetty6-service run with administrative rights? I need to setup Jetty on my XP dev box to run as a service. It installs OK and I can see the Jetty6 Service in windows services manager. But when I try to start it I get this error in the log file: STATUS | wr...

Has anyone got Rails3 up and running with DataMapper on WindowsXP?

I've tried following the directions listed here, but it seems damn near everything in the ruby/rails community is NOT designed with windows in mind. Had to install MINGW32 and MSYS to even get native gems to compile. Had to install the Git Bash as the templates that are run assume you've got git functioning on your system. Depending on w...

Windows XP VPN Server setup from console

I want to set up a VPN server in windows xp but is there a way to do that from commandline? ...

Windows Application not showing in taskbar on vista

Hi, We have a C# application that works fine on windows XP and windows vista BUT does not show the taskbar (in Vista only). In windows vista the application does not have an icon in the bottom toolbar i.e. if I have the application open and then I go to another application the only way I can get back to the app is by alt+tab through, I ...

How do I automatically copy files to my hard disk from USB device when connected using Perl?

My current thinking: I need a certain module that will let me access the USB device. Also, I need some kind of deamon thing that will notify my script of any incoming USB connection event. And then I simply use some regexp to find the file I want to copy and then do the copying, maybe with some file copy module. But I searched CPAN with...

MSMQ on Win2008 R2 won’t receive messages from older clients

Hi all I'm battling a really weird problem here. I have a Windows 2008 R2 server with Message Queueing installed. On another machine, running Windows 2003 is a service that is set up to send messages to a public queue on the 2008 server. However, messages never show up on the server. I've written a small console app that just sends a "...

How to programatically retrieve the "Location" as displayed in the Regional and Language Settings?

Hi, How can I programatically retrieve the "Location" as displayed in the Regional and Language Settings? ...

Unable to start windows service on a local machine(having windows xp)

Hi, I have installed a windows service(C#) on my local machine having windows XP installed in it. But when I tried to start that service It gave me this error- The MyWindowsService service on Local Computer has started and then stopped. Some Services stops automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the performance logs and...

Getting the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the specified Windows XP window in screen coordinates in MATLAB

I'm trying to write a MATLAB function to find the position in screen coordinates of an arbitrary window (not just a MATLAB window). The code only needs to work in the current version of MATLAB and on Windows XP. I know I could write a MEX-file or shell out to another program, but I want to do this all with MATLAB code. It should be po...

Disabling the installer close button in XP.

On the final dialog of my WIX installer, I have a property which sets the Finish button to be disabled. When the Finish button is disabled, the close button at the right top of the installer automatically gets disabled in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. In XP however the Finish button is disabled but the close button is enabled. Is t...

run c programmes from cmd / dos in xp

Hi , this maybe a noobish question so sorry, is it possible to run c programmes from cmd? I am in the process of creating a programme that takes 3 command line arguments, a string seperator and 2 file names and i have conditions such as if more or less command line items are passed then print an error etc i cannot test this from dev-c...

Java Swing and Windows XP touch events

I'm trying to find a concrete yes for some assumptions I have about developing a Java Swing app to be run on a Windows tablet device (I believe it'll be running Windows XP). We have a demo we are writing and we're leveraging previous experience with Java Swing to write the UI and I just want to make sure that touch events in Windows are...

How can I interrupt MATLAB when it gets really really busy?

I'm running a long simulation in MATLAB that I've realized I need to stop and rerun. However, MATLAB is really into this calculation, and it's stopped responding. How can I interrupt this run without killing MATLAB? (I realize this is a problem with many Windows programs, but it's really acute with MATLAB.) ...

OpenLDAP on windows

Hi Friends, I am looking for some way of implementing OpenLDAP on WindowsXP. Is this possible? If Yes thn please tell me how? ...