
Hardware breakpoints on XP 64 bit

Has anyone got hardware breakpoints to work on 64bit XP and if so how? We have an application that uses hardware breakpoints this has worked on 32 bit XP and 32 bit Vista operating systems for sometime now. However having ported our code to 64 bit we get a crash when the app is run on 64 bit XP but not when run on 64 bit Vista. The app ...

need to disable ctrlH

i've been able to disable ctrl shift delete and also from under safety tab however, when you press ctrl h or click favourites and then history you can still delete. i need to know how to block this feature. i've tried looking on google and that tells me to DisableDeleteBrowsingHistory dword set value as 1, all what that does is blocks...

Setting DIFFSERV/DSCP with GQOS for specific socket in c

I need to set the DSCP field of packets sent from a specific (tcp) socket in windows XP. It seems that the GQOS API should serve this purpose (see but I really, really, can't find any working example or figure how to use it on my own. I would be very grateful if anyone of you h...

What is the cause of JVM exit code 1073807364?

I've built a RCP-based application, and one of my users running on Windows XP, Sun JVM 1.6.0_12 had a full application crash. After the app was running for two days (and this is not a new version or anything), he got the nice gray JVM force exit box, with exit code=1073807364. He was away from the machine at the time, and the only thin...

Problem with cross-windows compitability on C# with layout and language

Hi all, i am developing a C# Application with .Net Framework and Visual Studio 2005 on Windows 7. On Windows 7 it looks like I want it to, but when I startet the program on Windows XP, the layout is not the same than in Win7. Some buttons are on slighty different position and a Panel of a splitcontainer was much larger. I also tried to...

Windows XPE service installation - how to set security at CreateService time?

I'm using CreateService to install a windows service on Windows XPE. I'd like to set things up so that only the Administrator can start/stop/pause/resume the service. Right now I'm using the following to install the service: schService = CreateService(schSCManager, ServiceName, ServiceDisplayName, // service name to displ...

Virtual Size and GlobalMemoryStatusEx

Hi, guys, My system is Windows XP. Virtual Size displayed in TaskManager is different with MEMORYSTATUSEX.ullAvailVirtual got from GlobalMemoryStatusEx. When I create lot of buffers and the memory usage is up, MEMORYSTATUSEX.ullAvailVirtual can well reflected the virtual size usage. It's same. But when I delete the memory, Virtual Siz...

Refresh Internal Windows Network State

Hey, I am working on a piece of software that effectively needs to talk to server sockets on the other side of an XP Windows Network Bridge. Now, this works ok, but if one of the connections that is part of the bridge fails (e.g. the physical cable is removed), and then re-established, the Network Connections viewer will not update the...

Is there a tool to open a text-file directly from a remote (WM) device?

I have asked this question on superuser as well, but have not yet gotten a satisfactory answer. Since I feel that this question is relevant to (Windows Mobile) developers, I decided to ask it here as well. If you feel this is inappropriate, please don't hesitate to close or delete this question. When I browse the files on a remote Win...

What does HKLM in MS windows stand for??

What does HKLM in MS windows stand for?? ...

how to track if a given process throws exception, using windows service in C#

My process sometimes throws exception like dllnotfound after start. i have a monitor service responsible for maintaining the consistent state of the process. how can i keep track of state of my process using windows service. is there an open source implementation of windows service that maintains/track the state of process in windo...

Random COMException on Web App "The handle is invalid"


Detect Window Move in Property Page (win32)

I implemented a wizard using property sheet. One one page I display tooltip if user enters something invalid. It is a tracking tooltip so I have to manually turn it on and off. Now I want to move the tooltip when the wizard page moves. It seems that only the property sheet window receives WM_MOVE event from Windows. The page does not. I...

Is there a Perl memcached client that works on Windows XP?

I'm trying to find an alternative to the Cache::Memcached Perl module that works with Windows XP. Or, to somehow get Cache::Memcached working on Windows XP. A bit of background: the production environtment (web server) is Solaris 10, which I've already installed memcached and Cache::Memcached, and all works fine. However, the developme...

windows - allowing remote desktop machine to access local files

Hi, currently i have two machines A and B... both are running WinXP. I am on machine A and using mstsc to connect to machine B. Now, how can i see from machine B the cdrom, usb, disk drives of machine A? even more if connect any usb to machine A can it be automatically detected by machine B also? ...

start without inheritance of parents file descriptors

Hi I need to start some process on winXP with "start" command. Sounds simple. But is there a way that the started process would not inherit any ports from parent? I start children in my program using: system "start x -params" Now when parent is being killed, I can't start it again because I'm learned by errors that some process is a...

Java Win WX and Win Vista

Hi, I've developed a Java application using Eclipse. The OS of the computer I used is Win Vista. I'm having trouble when using this application on a Win XP computer. The problem I've detected is: If in my code I use the following lines: File source = new File(C:\\Program Files\\); boolean directory = source.isDirectory(); The value ...

How can you find the processor number a thread is running on?

I have a memory heap manager which partitions the heap into different segments based on the number of processors on the system. Memory can only be allocated on the partition that goes with the currently running thread's processor. This will help allow different processors to continue running even if two different ones want to allocate ...

Why does my .NET service start really slow on a XP boot

Hi, I have a .NET windows service which acts as a host for some wcf. In the OnStart method the service hosts are created and started. The service is configured to startup automatically. This works well on Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit) and it can be startet with "net start" on Windows XP Pro SP3. The service startup with "net start" comman...

SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime crash on windows xp

The time function in the same code crashes on xp but runs fine on windows 2003 machine. Any ideas? TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; SYSTEMTIME stStartUTC; SYSTEMTIME stStart; LPCSTR lpszZone; BOOL bStatus; FILETIME* pFT; DWORD dRe...