
Porting application written in C from Solaris to Windows XP

I have an application written in C on Solaris that I have to port to Windows XP. I would like to know that what are the libraries availabe to achieve this task. Also what is the best GUI development tool for the same and what are the steps to follow to achieve this all. ...

How to programmatically create a file association that works in XP, Vista and Windows 7

I want to be able to register my file-extension from my program. (Associate the filetype with my program) There are lots of articles about this, but the technique discussed (fiddling with the registry) is only appropriate for Windows XP as far as I see. What is the best way to associate a filetype with a program so that it works under ...

minimize ShellForm from ShellLayoutView.

I have an Composite UI Application Block-based app that contains a "screen print" button in the ShellLayoutView form. When this button is pressed, the application grabs the current image, resizes it and prints it. My problem is that the resize action is negatively affecting the print quality. So i want to resize the window before g...

How to speedup UDP communications in Windows XP applications

I am doing some maintenance on software and have a problem that I do not understand. Application was developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and runs on Windows XP. It consists of 21 applications that communicate to each other via UDP sockets. It is a simulation of an embedded avionics system used to debug the system in a PC environment....

Where is APC dll for PHP Version 5.2.11 (on Windows)?

Trying to locate the correct APC DLL for my windows machine. All I have tried so far, causes Apache to crash. Short of compiling from the sources (which I dont really want to do), I seem to have come to a dead end. Details are: OS: XP PHP: php-5.2.11-win32-vc6 ...

Is AppData now the 'correct' place to install user-specific apps (which modify their own data)?

I'm probably just being very thick here, but it's not clear to me where I'm supposed to install 'new' user-specific programs on Windows 7 (and presumably Vista too, though I've not specifically looked at that scenario yet). Under Windows XP (rightly or wrongly) we always installed our programs into folders under 'Program Files' and acce...

ParaView: Setup a Tiled-Display on a Windows XP Rendering Cluster

Hi, I try to ask my question here because nobody on paraview mailing-list answered until now. I try to get a tiled display to work with ParaView, so here is my setup: I have 3 Windows XP machines each equiped with graphic cards. Each graphics card is connected to a monitor, so I want to get my ParaView output on that three monitors. I ...

How can the windows xp login be passed to my jboss portal application?

My users will be logging into a secure windows xp workstation. They will be launching a jboss portal (app server = 4.2.2.GA, portal = 2.6.5) web application. This web application currently has them log in again. I can set this up to authenticate against an LDAP server but what I really want is to have them be authenticated based on th...

Where does Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition keep it's project files

Related to a previous question re. the debugger not working for me from VS Express: I established that the problem seemed to be with the particular project that VS had set up when I chose "Open Web Site > Filesystem". I w...

PSFTP not executing all batch-file commands

Hi, I have a batch-file with commands to upload my web-app code to its production server, from my dev machine (Windows XP S3) to the live one (CentOS). It cleans, minifys and unifys HTML, CSS and Javascript files. Then it FTPs everything to the server. I'm using vsftpd ssh (server) and PSFTP.exe (client). It connects ok, but when proce...

What .NET framework "shipped" with Windows XP

Could you tell me what .NET framework installed by default on Windows XP system? Because I wanted to write a C# application that does not require anything else to be installed. If none is there any way not to force users to download .net framework (for example 3.5) but install it? ...

Trouble extending event log messages

Hi. I'm trying to add some extended error codes to the event log but I get the following error. The description for Event ID ( 109 ) in Source ( PumpServer ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able...

Is it safe to remove entries from the registry to type libraries that no longer exist?

Question as in title. When I have various entries in the Registry to a type library, but the actual type library file is no longer on the system, is it safe to prune these entries from the Registry? ...

Drag a link into a batch file

I like using %1 in my batch files, but dragging a link over from the browser (Chrome) doesn't work. My batch file is echo %1 pause How can I make it accept dragged links? ...

DOS echo command can't echo a user-set variable

What did I do to screw up my CMD shell? Windows XP Pro, open a cmd window and do: C:\>set tt = name C:\>set tt tt = name C:\>echo %tt% %tt% C:\>echo %time% 14:13:28.67 The echo command doesn't work for some reason. I can echo the built-in variables just fine. Tried it on another computer and that works as expected ...

How to force a MPI application to open on second monitor (Windows)

I use a visualization software as a parallel MPI (MPICH2) program running on a cluster to drive a tiled display (ParaView). The OS is Windows XP. Each node in that cluster has two graphic cards. To each graphic card one monitor is connected. The first monitor is for administrative usage. The second monitor (output) is connected to a beam...

Auto startup and shutdown of VMs in Hyper-V

I want to be able to automate startup and shutdown of a Windows XP VM running under Hyper-V on Windows 2008. The VM should only be available during office hours. Its a standard Windows XP (SP3) installation. So the VM should startup at 8am and shutdown at 6pm (regardless of any running applications) according to a schedule that I can e...

How can call instance by COM?

I try to call skype instance by COM on F#. A aim is get mood message. test.fs // Import skype4com Api open SKYPE4COMLib type SKYPE4COM = new() = new SKYPE4COM() let GetMood = let aSkype = new SKYPE4COM mood <- aSkype.CurrentUserProfile.MoodText mood But when build(before too),error occur. Incomplete structured...

Program to automatically switch between programs in Windows

Hi all, I already did some googling, but did not find anything. I need a program, which cycles automatically between a number of applications currently openend in my Windows XP. I use it for an external Infoscreen (2nd screen) and I keep on working on the 1st one. That's why I can not use

Binary files and cross platform compatability

I have written a C++ library that saves my data (a collection of custom structs etc) into a binary file. I currently use (i.e. CREATE and CONSUME) the files locally, on my Windows (XP) machine. For simplicity, lets think of the library in two parts: a WRITER (Creates the files) and a READER or CONSUMER (simply reads data from the files)....