
How can i add a button to all windows explorer instances ?

Hi, I am trying to add a button to one of the existing tool bars in any windows explorer instance. After much research i figured out that BHO (browser helper objects) are the best way to hook to windows explorer. My question is : Is that the correct way to go about it ? In the SetSite of the BHO i get the comObject that is the e...

How Can I Check To See If the User Set His Clock Back?

In my desktop program, I want to check that to see if the user has set his clock back. To do so, I compare the timestamp of certain Operating System files to the current computer date. If any are after what the computer thinks is the current date, then he must have set his clock back. For Windows XP, I have been using such files as: ...

Track handle creation / deletion

I have a large old program which has some rather complex graphical displays (all via standard API calls). The program appears to be working fine, but I recently looked at the "handles" field of Windows Task Manager when this program was running and noticed that the number of handles was gradually and relentlessly creeping upwards. Is th...

XP alternative to "TEXTSTLYE" Aero theme class

I'm using the "TEXTSTYLE" class with OpenThemeData in Vista/Win 7 to render text elements with the appropriate emphasis (all values found on the Parts and States documentation): TEXT_MAININSTRUCTION for my header text TEXT_SECONDARYTEXT for subtitles TEXT_HYPERLINKTEXT for links TEXT_INSTRUCTION for standard text This looks great ...

What is an Event Handle?

I have a handle leak in a big old program. Using sysinternals handle.exe I deduced that the type of handle that is leaking is an "Event" handle. But I'm not sure what parts of my code I should be looking at. Is there a list somewhere of functions that return handles to events? EDIT: There is not a single instance of CreateEvent, CreateE...

NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces causes AppDomain.UnhandledException to stop firing on Windows XP Embedded

I have an application that targets desktop OSes (XP, Vista, Win7) as well as mobile devices running Windows XP Embedded. All platforms are running the full .Net Framework, not the Compact Framework. The app uses the AppDomain.UnhandledException event to detect and log any fatal application errors. Nothing unusual there, and it works perf...

XP accounts - why does this happen?

Hi all, Quick question regarding my computer accounts. Recently revisted one of my old comps and forgot the admin password :) When I boot up I get screen showing John Doe account - no one else, no admin account. Couldn't remember this password. After a bit of stuffing around, I was able to find out that I have 2 admin rated accounts -...

Installshield 2009 installer refuses to onfigure for a second user (did work until recently)

Since years we use installshield to deliver our software. Since the last Version of our software the following happens: After installing the program for "all users", when a restricted user logs in, he sees our applications Icon on the desktop. When double clicking it the first time a dialog appears "Configuring ". In recent versions aft...

Correct place to install demostration projects?

With the new Windows 7 restrictions (well, new to Windows Vista anyways), we can no longer install demo projects to *%ProgramFilesFolder%\OurApplication\demo\* since restricted users will not be able to open and modify these projects. Is there a "correct" place to install these files now? The two alternatives that I am aware of would b...

How do I make a "^" character in MATLAB?

^ is the exponential operator in MATLAB. The problem with it is that it isn't present on a lot of non-english keyboard layouts, and if you use it a lot in your work, switching between HR and EN becomes troublesome. Is there a way to add it to MATLAB's toolbar (like in Excel, so you can use it via mouse or touchpad), or to define a custo...

Is there any way that Enter/LeaveCriticalSection could leave a handle behind

I have the following code in my program: EnterCriticalSection(&critsec[x]); // stuff LeaveCriticalSection(&critsec[x]); It works fine 99.999% of the time but occasionally a handle seems to get left behind. Now I have done the obvious things like make sure that x did not change value between the enter and make sure that there isn...

Causes of "Connection with the server was reset" on project open?

I've got an old VS2003 project that needs to be updated. Porting it forward to newer versions of .Net is way beyond the scope of the update. I fired up an old XP box and loaded up VS2003, but am unable to open the project. I receive a "The Web server reported the following error when attempting to create or open the Web project locati...

Change IIS 5 virtual directory in Post-Build Event in Visual Studio

I'm running into an issue where I need to be able to change the target directory path that my IIS 5.0 virtual directory is pointing to from within a Post-Build block in Visual Studio 2008. If you're not familiar with Post-Build events they basically just take batch commands. So if you know of a batch command for IIS 5.0 in XP Pro that c...

How do find out what libraries a windows exe uses?

I have a 3rd party application that doesn't come with an installer. It's a very small exe, a simulator. Anyhow, it crashes on startup due to some missing libraries. But the error doesn't tell me which ones. Is there an application on windows that tells me which libraries are going to be loaded at program load time? ...

What Windows message is sent to repaint a partially occluded window?

I know that WM_PAINT tells a window that it needs to repaint itself entirely, but apparently that's not the message that gets sent when it's been covered partially and then the window that was in front of it is no longer in the way and it needs to repaint the dirty portion. Does anyone know what message is sent in this case? EDIT: Foun...

Acer Aspire One AOA 150 netbook health monitoring Gui

I have a Acer Aspire One AOA 150 with Windows Xp Home. I want to write a simple GUI taskbar applet on Windows Xp and Windows 7 which can monitor the voltages from the power supply, the temperature of the system,S.M.A.R.T. hard disk temperature data and the CPU and fan speeds. Much like the functionality of GKrellM, a GTK applet designed ...

Kdevelop in Windows XP

I received a src archive from a friend who develops Qt apps on Linux on Kdevelop IDE. Is it possible to load the Kdevelop project in Windows in some IDE ? Is there a Kdevelop port on Windows without Cygwin/Msys etc ? Are there any workarounds or I should I have to install Linux and take charge? Update : I visited the page as mentioned ...

.Net Application Hangs on Unpatched XP Machines

I'm developing a .Net 2.0 application using DevStudio 2005 and running on a Windows XP machine. On my machine, which is up to date with all the automatic updates, the release version runs OK. If I run the application on a vanilla XP SP2 machine (i.e. freshly installed OS with no updates) it hangs with 99% CPU usage. It's hanging at the p...

What is the Maximum length that a Windows Registry Key name can be?

I'm writing a very long registry Key name (it's a list of programs for a combined uninstall) and I think it's too big. What's the max size the key can be (in characters) ? (The smallest maximum among Win xp, vista, 7 since it'll need to work on all of them) ...

Direct2D fallback to GDI in XP

I'd like to use Direct2D for my .Net application using the Windows Code pack. Since some of my users are using XP, I need to provide a GDI+ fallback. I wonder how people usually do this kind of fallback. Do they abstract/interface all the necessary graphics feature into some custom generic library? If so, is there any open-source librar...