
How to get a list of binaries located in particular folder with their versions (using command line in Win XP) ?

I would like to get a list like below: a.dll 1.0.0 b.dll 1.0.1 c.dll 1.0.2 ...

Command line SAPI text-to-speech to WAV/MP3

As the title says I need to be able to create a WAV or MP3 file using SAPI on Windows XP. I can install basically anything needed if anyone can recommend a third party application which would allow me to do this. In terms of programming languages really only VB6 is available on the target machine (yeah...) so if anyone can recommend a ...

Rename PC To Serial Number

I'm trying to make a script to rename PC's to their serial number. I'm not great with VB, but I've been able to put together enough code to READ the serial number, but I'm not sure where to WRITE it. Here's what I currently have: strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Set col...

WCF performance issue in Vista

Hi there, I am having performance issues with Vista when trying to connect with wsHttpBindings and NetNamedPipeBindings on Vista. I'm having 4 WCF services where the first one connects to the second and the second one connect to two others. The problem is when I run this setup on my Vista (64 bit) desktop the response times a really w...

Remote Named Pipes connection refused on XP

I've got a simple design I'm trying to implement. A single C++ based server app creates a write-only named pipe. Multiple clients (C++ or C#) connect as read-only and listen for status messages. I have this working for local processes, but I am unable to connect a client on a different host to the server. The server is running on XP S...

Windows console command: find a pattern inside a text?

Hi all: I remember windows getting a command to search a pattern inside a text. Does there anyone know that? Thanks. ...

how to pass clipboard to batch in xp

using windows xp i want to copy text (url) to the clipboard then run a batch file that will use that url. i know the reverse is possible with the clip.exe floating around. ...

WPF Memory Leak on XP (CMilChannel, HWND)

My WPF application leaks memory at about 4kb/s. The memory usage in Task Manager climbs constantly until the application crashes with an "Out of Memory" exception. By doing my own research I have found that the problem is discussed here: and #8 here:

Elevate user rights in XP for dependency installation

Hi Currently our application installs as a current user, and this is all hunky dory, but our app does require a few dependencies (.NET 3.5, ReportViewer, SQLCE), and all these require admin or elevated rights to install. Now on Vista/Windows 7, this is not a problem. But what does one do besides getting someone else to login and instal...

Adobe PDF Links Problem in IE8

Hey there, I created a link in a pdf document to a local html file ressource. When you press the link, the following messagebox is shown: For none German speakers... Securitywarning ... Document is trying to open ressource... are u sure that you wanna do that... Options are "Ok" or "Block" But it is independent if click "block" or ...

Using messengerApi in visual studio (c#) in any windows, compatibility issue.

I'm Trying to develop a project that interacts with Live Messenger (8.5, 9.0 and higher) I can't get it to work in windows XP, whenever i try to instantiate a MessengerClass (available in the messengerAPI) it gives me an exception, however, in windows vista, this error doesn't happen (same exact code, tested in more than one XP and more ...

Glade editor not showing icons in palette

I've just installed the GTK+ Glade 3.6.7 designer on Windows XP and there are no icons in the palette. I can select small icons or large icons from the view menu but neither will show. I just get red X images. The toolbar icons do show. ...

windbg will not break in on hung system(kernel debugging)

I have a target system that is consistently hanging. After the hang I get no response at all, I can't ping it, the NUM LOCK and CAPS LOCK keys do not toggle the associated lights on the keyboard. I am currently attached to the system using kernel mode debugging over rs232. When the system hangs I am not able to break the debugger usi...

How do I install GDI+ version 1.1 on Windows XP?

Has anyone done this successfully? As I understand, GDI+ 1.1 only ships with Vista. I'm trying to get my hands on the different Effects classes. I'm using C++ VS2008 (VC9) ...

PHP on IIS 5.1 is not working

I know this has been asked a few times here. But none of the suggestions or answers related to PHP on IIS have helped. I have tried installing PHP ON IIS 5.1 (XP SP 3) on two computers and it still doesn't work. I've even began to think that all of the articles and installers for PHP on IIS are a huge prank...and that PHP on IIS doesn't...

Easiest language to produce a Windows executable to prefix running another executable with system calls?

I want to run some system commands (to fix things) before running an executable. I have a reasonably locked down (work) Windows XP system and so can't change what a shortcut points to. For my users' convenience, I must keep the same shortcut. However, I am able to swap out the .exe (renaming) and potentially replace it with another .exe ...

Log my battery performance on netbook

Which Windows API (Windows Xp and Window 7) do I use to log my battery performance on netbook? I want to write an app which can graph the watt vs time. I always run a select few apps on the netbook. Is there a tool for this already? ...

Migrating to Windows 7 - How will this impact my software?

I want to migrate to Windows 7 from XP, and I have some questions: Will Oracle 10g and SQL Server 2008 work? Will my C# programming (in Visual Studio 2003, 2005 and 2008) work? Do I need to do anything particular before upgrading? ...

Doubt in clustered and non Clustered index

I have a doubt that if my table do n't have any constraint like Primary Key,Foreign key,Unique key etc. then can i create the clustered index on table and clustered index can have the douplicate records ? My 2nd question is where should we exectly use the non clustered index and when it is useful and benificial to create in table? My 3r...

Referring to MS Windows special folders in Emacs

Is there a simple way to find a file on my desktop in Emacs? Instead of going the "C:\Documents and Settings\MyName\Desktop\" way... Maybe there is a way to define aliases in my .emacs which I can use during find-file? ...