
How to hide a taskbar entry but keep the window form?

I'd like to hide the taskbar entry to maximize effective space since the app has a systray icon, i dont need the taskbar entry. The app doesnt allow you to only have a systray instead of both. How can I hide a taskbar entry but keep the window form? Thanks, Dennis ...

using wiimote on windows xp

I'm looking for a reliable java api for wiimote. and it should run under windows xp. does anybody here know one? ...

What permissions are needed to install and update an ActiveX control?

We are developing a web-based point-of-sale application, which, while it mostly runs in a browser, also requires integration with hardware devices such as credit card readers. In order to provide hardware integration, we have implemented several simple ActiveX controls in C++ using ATL. We are not experienced Windows developers, and are...

How to build Qwt on Windows

Here's what I've done: Downloaded qwt-4.2.0-setup-qt230nc.exe from sourceforge Unpack to C:\Program Files\Qwt Go to Qt Command Prompt Run msvc-qmake.bat. Get the output. Now the lib directory is created, but it's empty. Also tried opening VS project file, but it doesn't converse to VS2008, because there are no vcproj files. I also...

Install device driver silently on Windows XP

Is there a way to programmatically install device driver silently without cat file and without connecting the device on Windows Xp? I'm using DriverPackageInstall function from Windows Driver Kit. And I can install driver only if device is attached. In other case I get an error: ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST. But that method works fine with Win...

Creating service on windows xp

Hello, I'm creating services on Windows XP. I have to use a utility that we are using . The utility is making registration in the registry. My question is that when I'm creating the service a folder name Enum is not created, which I saw was created for all other services. Is it important ? For what I need it ? Thanks ...

Cannot execute zip task in Phing on XP

Hi - I'm using Phing to create build files, but I've noticed that it does not appear to be able to execute the zip task: <target name="makeroot"> <echo msg="Making directory Template" /> <mkdir dir="./../Template" /> </target> <target name="makefolders" depends="makeroot"> <echo msg="Making folders within Template" /> ...

Wrong control id for mixer API in Windows XP

Hi. I am having a problem with the Mixer API in Windows XP. I am trying to change the microphone recording level and mute state for a distinct sound device (I have multiple devices installed). Do do this, I need the MIXERLINE.dwLineID member in order to obtain MIXERCONTROL.dwControlID. I am trying to do this by passing MIXERLINE_COMP...

visual studio 2005 problem with windows flying open

I'm going through the problem of setting up a new computer and I'm having a problem with VS 2005. Whenever I start debugging all the windows (properties, watch, errorlist, stack, ...) pop up all over the place undocked. At this point I've tried docking them and closing them. When I stop debugging more windows pop up all undocked. Thi...

How do I install gfortran (via cygwin and etexteditor) and enable ifort under Windows XP?

I'm a newbie in the Unix world so all this is a little confusing to me. I'm having trouble compiling some Fortran files under Cygwin on Windows XP. Here's what I've done so far: Installed the e text editor. Installed Cygwin via the "automatic" option inside e text editor. I need to compile some Fortran files so via the "manage bundles...

Detect Errored Devices on Windows XP with C#/pInvoke

How do you query the status of all detected devices? Where devices are USB connected hardware ( cameras, credit card readers ), PCI bus connected hardware, or hard drives. Anything that can show up as errored in the Device Manager is of interest. ...

Running C++ binaries without the runtime redistributable (Server2k3, XPSP3)

Having written a CGI application in Visual Studio 2008 and debigged it locally, I uploaded it to a Windows Server 2003 OS where it promptly failed to run. I am guessing I need to install the wretched Runtime distributable, but after reading this:

How to apply a patch

I have this patch code which i downloaded from a web article (Calling Matlab from Java). But I donot know how to apply it in my windowsXp running computer. What I'm trying to do is call Matlab script file from java. I have found the necessary source codes and every thing but...

VS2008 Remote Debugging problems from 32-bit Windows XP client to 64-bit Windows 2008 Server

We are having an issue with remote dedubbing using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 on a 32 bit XP client machine and a 64 bit Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine on Hyper-V. When we debug the web project locally we can correctly see the modules loaded in the modules window (Ctrl + Alt + U) with the relevant symbols. When we try and debug ...

IE Conditionals suddenly stopped working after Windows XP Security update....

Really bizarre stuff goin on here. I installed some security updates for XP...then I fire up my text editor to do some coding, and realize that my IE conditionals don't work anymore. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I've Googled this til the cows come home. I've tried uninstalling the updates, but Windoze keeps re-installing them....

DOS legacy application with USB printer.

I have the unfortunate task of doing (minimal) maintenance work on two legacy applications developed in DBIII+/Clipper '87. I have full access to source and a minimal toolchain to recompile the application when needed, but I am not allowed to reimplement it from scratch due to various (mostly psychological) reasons from the main user. ...

How does Windows SideBySide work? Any Documentation?

I recently asked a related question about SideBySide problems. I figured out that installing a shared assembly with installer works, while using a private assembly does not. I also found another related question mentioning sxstrace.exe. But this seems not to exist for Windows XP. Is there any resource with detailed information about ...

What todo to force XP shim in Vista

In Vista, we can create a shimming .sdb file to force e.g. XP compatibility. You can also do some stuff in a manifest file you embed in your executable. Are there any command line options or environment variables that can be set to force these settings. I found some references to WinAmp to do this, but is there an overview of all possib...

Scheduled tasks in Win32

I have a Scheduled Task on a WinXP SP2 machine that is set up to run a python script: Daily Start time: 12:03 AM Schedule task daily: every 1 day Start date: some time in the past Repeat task: every 5 minutes Until: Duration 24 hours Basically, i want the script to run every five minutes, for ever. My problem is the task runs some...

Any "gotchas" with remotely-coded, locally-run .NET web apps on XP machines?

It looks like I am going to be on a project where, for deadline and expertise reasons, we are going to code a web app (.NET 3.5) that will be deployed to enterprise laptops to be run locally. Since my experience with developing web apps has only been with centralized servers that I can immediately jump on and take control of, I'm trying ...