
Replacing the Start Menu

I want to make my own Start Menu replacement and I am trying to figure out what approach to use. There are a number of ways the Start Menu is activated: click on it, hit windows key, hit ctrl+esc keys or tab until it gets focus and hit the space or enter key. I know enough about win32 to do each one of these separately and I could figur...

Why does my simple GTK+ based app take 8 seconds to start up?

Hi folks, I wrote a GTK+ app whose .exe is small, but of course like all GTK+ apps it links with many DLLs (under Windows). What my program does at this point is construct a GUI that consists of a GtkWindow, GtkTable, and about 12 others widgets. That's it. Yet when I start it up it takes about 8 seconds on my 2 GHz WinXP machine. Is ...

Installing PHP in IIS 5.1

I know there have been some similar questions to this, but they haven't helped me. I'm trying to install Wordpress 2.8.4 on my XP box, with IIS 5.1. I installed MySQL, and found that it was possible to install Wordpress through the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. After installing Wordpress (the install worked fine), I proceeded to the...

Repeat a task using schtasks.exe in windows xp?

Hi gurus, I need to run a task every 10 mins from morning 9 AM to Evening 3 PM every weekday on my Windows XP. I have used the following command to do that but on Windows XP SP3 I think /RI option is unavailable. schtasks /Create /RU HS77 /RP /SC DAILY /TN taskname /TR C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe /ST 15:10 /RI 10 /ET 15:31 /K /SD 09/...

Change Vim command to work in MS-Windows? Use make to check python syntax

:make provides a list of errors which can be navigated through in order to fix. The problem is that this script only works in Unix based OSes. autocmd BufRead *.py set makeprg=python\ -c\ \"import\ py_compile,sys;\ sys.stderr=sys.stdout;\ py_compile.compile(r'%')\" autocmd BufRead *.py set efm=%C\ %.%#,%A\ \ File\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l%....

Find out running on XP embedded

Is there a way to find out if my program is running on XP embedded? I've tried .NET System.Environment.OSVersion, but the version information looks like that of a "normal" Windows XP, except for the minor version number, and relying on that seems to fragile to me. ...

drawing under icons on desktop

I wrote a program who paints widget on desktop wallpaper, under desktop icons, and all was good. But I reveal a strange bug - my program was not works on some other computers - they displays the same desktop without widget after start. So, have anybody any expirience, some knowledge in this area? Please, help me! :) (I can't find any ...

How do I get an VIDEO from a WIA camera?

Hy, I'm developing small app in C# 3.5 for winXP that will automatically download images and video from camera to pc, on camera plug-in via usb. I have canon ixus 50 camera and i figure out how to get images from that camera to pc, but I just can't figure it out how to get/download avi format videos, can someone help me pls. Its true th...

Is there a technique to determine if a dos app was invoked via sentto vs a dos window?

In the case of a sendto invocation, I would like to keep the application open, after it completes, so the user can look at it. In the case of a dos window invocation, the user controls when the window closes. The platform is XP using msvc 6 ...

Setting up Windows XP with bootcamp - Why does OSX Boot and Skip XP Installation?

Asked and Answered on Super User I am attempting to install Windows XP on my Macbook. I use bootcamp assistant and partion 32GB for windows. I insert the XP disk and I go through the initial blue screen disk formatting screens. After the partion is formatted (side question: which option is correct to choose: NTFS or FAT?) and the fil...

how to visit every computer on the network and modify the host file in windows xp

Hello all, We need to append a line to the hosts file for every user on our network. I have admin privileges, but don't know the first thing about windows scripting. Can someone point me in the right direction on this? I don't have the list of all the machine names, so I'd prefer a script that would discover all the machines on the n...

Uninstalling an in-use shared assembly leaving WinSxs in a bad state.

I am having troubles uninstalling a shared win32 SxS assembly using Wix3 on WinXP. My wix file looks pretty much like the one described in The problem is, if a module from the assembly is in use, the uninstaller completes with a success errorcode but leave...

Programmatically Changing XP Appearance Settings

I am trying to silently apply very specific appearance settings for a single user with poor eyesight on an XP machine. I can alter the settings by using the appearance tab of the display settings dialog and clicking apply/ok. Doing this works however the user cannot see well enough to change her settings back to how she likes them each...

Screensaver in C++ with fading image

How can I make a screensaver in C++ that fades an image in and out at random places on the screen with a specified time delay on the fade out? Multimonitor support would be awesome. If you have a working code or know where I can get it, it would be great. Otherwise point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a method that has a sm...

postthreadmessage and peekmessage problem in delphi 2006

I created a multichilded application. The application windows (W[n]: TMyWindows) are all the same and all have an private object class instance associated with them (E: TMyObject). The child windows generate through this objects some messages. I have created in the main application two threads which process these messages depending on th...

Access a locked folder

Ok so my supervisor is currently testing something with Windows Permission Settings for folders, basically setting who can access it and who can't. He wants me to find out if I can get in, without permissions. Basically checking how secure this method is to protect a folder from unwanted access. So my question is, Is it possible to get...

disabling windows ability to respond to ping request

im writing an application destined to accept icmp echo request, and respond icmp echo reply by its criteria. problem is, windows xp takes over the received ping, and quickly replies the sender with a response. i tried disabling this ability through windows firewall and microsoft managment console, it worked but it disabled me from sendin...

Is there any way to intercept print jobs on a local Windows XP machine?

Preferably using a scripting language like Perl or Python, but if I have to go the compiled route then so be it. Essentially what I want to do is make an addition to my company's mail merge system. Right now, the software we use has a rather limited selection of mail merge fields that it exports, but if we could somehow incorporate res...

Screensaver: Draw in front of the lockscreen

I need to build a screensaver which simply draws a picture and displays some information around it. That all isn't any problem. The problem is that I would like to lock the screen, which I do with the API-Call Private Declare Function LockWorkStation Lib "user32.dll" () As Long Call LockWorkStation() and in fact have my screensaver d...

WPF MoveFocus() working on Vista, not XP

The following bit of code works on Vista as expected (focus is moved down the ListView), but on XP SP3 (with .Net 3.5 SP1 on both) it moves only between the first two items of the ListView. if (myListView.SelectedItem != null) { IInputElement orig = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(this); FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(this, myLis...