
Can add own voice to TTS voice

Hi, There are some built-in sound in TTS(Text-to-speech) like sam at XP and ana for vista, is there any way to add own sound in it. ...

How to create read-only network share programmatically?

How does one create an administrative network share [1] with read-only permissions from C/C++ or Python under Windows XP? [1] Necessary in order to access C:\Program Files over the share. ...

How do I programmatically change workstation's ip address?

There's probably some nice way of doing it (in Windows XP) in VBScript (or some other scripting language) with registry tweaks. Anyone know how? ...

DLL file and not Application Extension for domain libraries

I have dll's in my folder and Windows is the displaying the 'Type' of file as a 'DLL file' and not as an 'Application Extension' file. How can I correct this association? ...

Will Visual Studio 2005, 2008 benefit from a 64 bit operating system?

Imagine the same hardware running Windows XP 32bit, or Windows XP 64bit.. (being that it's a 64bit processor currently running XP 32bit) 2gigs of ram... Will the performance of Visual Studio benefit from going to the 64bit OS? The hardware and ram is currently out of my control... If I could throw more hardware or ram at it I would. ...

.NET C# (WinForms) application not receiving event when clicked on taskbar

Hi, I have a .NET application (C#, WinForms) application running on Windows XP. If i minimize my application, and have several other windows minimized to the taskbar, and click on my application (in the taskbar) then often i see the taskbar "icon" blink but my application fails to "restore" its window. Any suggestions to what might caus...

JavaScript OS Detection - several Windows XP versions?

I am trying to detect three operating systems - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux. I use the navigator.oscpu which alerts the following OS/values - Windows XP SP3 - Windows NT 5.1 Windows Vista - Windows NT 6.0 Ubuntu 9.04 - Linux i686 I am doubtful about the number 5.1 shown for XP. Will it show 5.1 for ALL configurations or XP - ...

How do I get the command prompt do dissapear after starting a program via a batch script?

Hi there. I have a windows batch file which I run to start a java application. The problem is that I don't want the command prompt output to be visible after the app starts. And not only that,... I don't event want to see it minimised. I don't want it at all. Any ideas? Cheers!! ...

External exception C0000006

Hello, I've wrote some program in Delphi and when I am running it from a disk on key. At some point I'm required to unplug the disk on key while the application is running. If I do this on a computer with at least 1gb of ram everything is okay. When I do this on a machine with 512mb I get an external exception C0000006. If I'm not mista...

Firewall start/stop using win32 api for windows XP os

I am trying to start and stop the firewall in Windows XP using the win32 api for changing settings in the registry, i.e HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile. I am trying to change a data value but it's not changing. So can tell me any other way how I can stop the fire...

Looking for list of files already included with each version of Windows (XP, Vista, 7) so we know what to distribute

We have been distributing OleAut32.dll and olepro32.dll (and other DLLs that are in the VB6 Runtime package) for many years now but Windows 7 has a newer version of those. And we were forcing our VB6 app to use our copies of them. I removed all of our standard DLL's (including the above) and the app runs just fine, so they're all inclu...

Is it possible to kill a C++ application on Windows XP without unwinding the call stack?

My understanding is that when you kill a C++ application through Task Manager in Windows XP, the application is still "cleanly" destructed - i.e. the call stack will unwind and all the relevant object destructors will be invoked. Not sure if my understanding is wrong here. Is it possible to kill such an application immediately, without...

Environment.CurrentDirectory is yielding unexpected results when running installed app

Background: I built an installer for my app, and all my dll's and content files are getting correctly copied to the C:\Program Files\MyCompany\MyApp directory. When I run my app from Visual Studio, everything works great. When I run the installed version of my app, however, I get a DirectoryNotFoundException. The problem seems to be wit...

Ruby Loop Failing in Thread

I have a thread in Ruby. It runs a loop. When that loop reaches a sleep(n) it halts and never wakes up. If I run the loop with out sleep(n) it runs as a infinite loop. Whats going on in the code to stop the thread from running as expected? How do i fix it? class NewObject def initialize @a_local_var = 'somaText' end ...

pecl memcached on windows

I'm using Windows XP SP3 and I need to install libmemcached (NOT MEMCACHE), the php class, through PECL. However, every time I try to it tells me that it can't find memcached.dsp. Is there a way to install libmemcached on windows through PECL? ...

A clickonce deployed application is installed only for the specific user?

Are there any defaults in the clickonce installation? If someone decides to install the application, this application will be availiable to all the users of the computer? I guess the answer is no. They can only use the application if they log into the user account who installed it... but sometimes it is better to ask ...

How to fix failure of PHP code in windows:exec("rm -rf F:/tmpJob/*")

It's executed when browsing a PHP file(http://localhost/filename.php) on windows. The web server is Apache. I think it should be divided into 2 steps: 1.found user of Apache threads 2.give enough permissions to that user towards "F:/tmpJob/" I checked httpd.conf and found: User daemon Group daemon But there is no "daemon" user on...

where does msscript.ocx gets installed from

Hi All, I'm using msscript.ocx in my application which is an activex scripting host for windows. Although I want to be able to use the same for XP embedded(XPe) which's highly customizable. 1.I want to know whether on XPe, msscript.ocx can be optionally installed or not? 2.Where does it get installed from, IE? 3.Or is it a windows co...

How can my application read windows messages (WM_SETTEXT) from another application?

Is there a way to intercept window messages from another app other than a global message hook? Platform: Windows XP. ...

Side-by-side assemblies, Windows 7, and Visual Studio 2005

I have a Windows 7 machine with Visual Studio 2005 SP1 installed. Using this, I build an application which loads a DLL at runtime compiled with VS2005 SP1 but on Windows XP. This fails, with the following error: "...\foo.dll": The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the appl...