
Why won't Direct3D recover after unplugging a monitor in Windows XP?

An interesting bug came up that I'm having no luck with. In a windowed Direct3D9 program using native code, I handle a device lost using something similar to the following: void MyClass::RecoverFromDeviceLost(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 deviceToRecover, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS devicePresentParams ) { HRESULT hr = deviceToRecover->TestCoopera...

Unable to register VB ocx components (err 0x80040201)

Hi, I have a problem trying to register some ocx files. When I execute regsvr32, it returns 0x80040201 error code. I'm using win xp SP3 and my user has administrator permissions. When I try to register them with another user on the same machine I can do it without a problem, and both users are administrators and have "total control" p...

BitString error on Windows XP?

Scott, I'd like to thank you for your BitString program. I am working on interpreting data from a neutron detector, and I've found that this module is just the tool I need. Unfortunately, I have yet to get the module to successfully pass I'm running Windows XP and Python 3.1. I've downloaded your file bitstring-0.4...

how to configure apache on XP for python 2.6.2 and what do you prefer, python with framework/without?

I am starting python today. It will be my pleasure to have your help. ...

ja chars in windows batch file

What is the secret to japanese characters in a Windows XP .bat file? We have a script for open a file off disk in kiosk mode: @ECHO OFF "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" –K "%CD%\XYZ.htm" It works fine when the OS is english, and it works fine for the japanese OS when XYZ is made up of english characters, but when XYZ ...

Change appearance of window control

Hi, I want to change appearance of all common controls in my application. can I do it programmatically with an easy way. I have huge code base and I don't want to modify each and every resources. I prefer if I can inject DLL which change default look of windows common controls, which I fuse into window system while starting application...

A massive and non-trivial way to block many URLS on Windows XP ?

Hello, My GF is from a country X. She is now living abroad but is addicted to internet and often spends many hours per day on her laptop browsing "nonsense" information by websites from that country X, or written in a language used by people from that country X. She hates this habit of hers, and asks me to block as many possible URL fr...

Javascript and Windows

Hello, I noticed that if I have a .js file in windows explorer (not Internet Explorer, I'm meaning the folder explorer...) I can actually click on it and it will execute, giving error messages, like say "window object is undefined". Is there more information about the environment where the .js script are run into and the objects availab...

HTTP POST and GET request for WinXP

I remember that there is a folder in the c:\Windows\system32 where all the HTTP POST and GET request are logged. I cannot find the folder in the net. Does anybody know where that folder is? ...

WPF TabControl XP Styling Problem

I'm working on styling a TabControl on a PC runnnig Windows 7 and everything looked fine, but when I tried running it in Windows XP, I get a hideous white border around the TabControl: I believe it's the same problem fighting with luna (described here, but I'm...

Monitor CPU load on XP programmatically

Is there a way to fetch the system cpu load in windows xp via a DLL call or other means. I would like to embed the call in my program and when the CPU load hits 100% I would like to capture the time. My program is maxes out cpu load every couple of days, and I would like to figure out precisely when so I can do a data dump and analyze th...

Install Ruby Curb gem in windows XP

I'm trying to do file uploads with ruby 1.8 and it seems like there are no good out-of-the-box solutions. They all seem to need some 3rd party patch or fork of a project to work. I would use mechanize but I actually need to interface with an xml api and mechanize seems to be made specifically for dealing directly with webpages. I've trie...

How to Show Videos as a Desktop Background (in XP)?

Is it possible to display videos as a desktop background in XP programmatically, preferably using C#? VLC can do it, via its "DirectX > Enable Wallpaper Mode", so it may be possible to do this through the VLC command line interface. Can anyone recommend a way of doing this? ...

how to run both python 2.6 and 3.0 on the same windows XP box?

What kind of setup do people use to run both python 2.6 and python 3.0 on the same windows machine? ...

desktop icon functionality in a window

My wife complains that I have too many icons on the Windows XP-Pro desktop. I like to be able to quickly drop a file onto the icon for application I want to have open it. And I like to follow a link to open often-used deeply nested folders rather than navigate there. Thus, I have over 100 icons on the desktop. (We share the same user...

log information of remote login in xp

how can i get the user log information, who accessed the system using remote login for windows XP. ...

How can I use speech recognition with C# on Windows XP? + do I need to train every pc that runs the app?

Hi all! I am making a robot that responds to few voice commands. I am using Windows XP and C# to achieve that. My only problem is that I don't know how to use speech recognition with C#. I've been searching Google and MSDN, but I did not find any beginner friendly tutorial yet.. Any suggestions?? Also, I know -from my experience with...

ValidateUser instead of LogonUser?

We're trying to "lock down" a computer such that we have a generic login account for Windows XP that has very few permissions. Our software is then launched via a launcher that runs it as more privileged user, allowing it to access the file system. Then, an operator will login to our software and we were hoping to authenticate their cr...

What's the difference between the TrackPopupMenuEx and TrackPopupMenu windows APIs?

I read about these APIs in this webpage: I tested TrackPopupMenuEx and TrackPopupMenu APIs and they do the same thing: displaying a menu at the cursor's position. The source codes are the same, you just have to add or erase the "Ex" at the end of the names of these APIs. Why two APIs for ...

Running on Windows CE 6 'and' Windows XP

Is it possible to create a small program that will run, without recompiling and without emulators, on both Windows CE 6 AND Windows XP SP3? From my knowledge, this isn't possible. Source code needs to be recompiled for the target platform. However, a hardware manufacturer for embedded boards is claiming otherwise. The application isn't...