
Best way to have full Python install under cygwin/XP?

Pythons installed under WinXP have dirs like DLLs, DOC, include, etc. but python (2.5) installed with cygwin is a bare python.exe. My motivation for asking is that 'things' under XP don't seem to be finding 'other things' under cygwin and vice versa, I want to start developing with Qt, I like shells, and I do not like MS; I thought if I...

ImageList_Add returns -1 on PC controlled with pcAnywhere

One of our applications fails on computers that are controlled via pcAnywhere because the ImageList_Add() WinAPI function fails to add the image/mask after some time. The function returns -1 and the number of icons in the imagelist doesn't change. On all other computers this is no problem. What is interesting is that we can add 99 bitmap...

CruiseControl install

Hi, I just have an XP machine, and i want to play around using CC.NET. Would i be able to install it and get it working in XSP with IIS 5. ...

VMWare Windows XP session says 'insufficient disk space' for a 6 gb file but there's 14 gb free

My VMWare Windows XP session says 'insufficient disk space' to copy in a 6 gb database dump but there's more than 14 gb free :( . It's a growable disk. It;s currently 5.5 GB in size. Any suggestions? ...

Apache2 "sleeps" for couple of seconds on Windows

Hi guys, I run an Apache2 server on my Windows XP Pro SP3 machine. The problem I am having is that it does not want to start loading php page for 2-3-4 seconds. I monitored the Task Manager and the httpd process is at 0% cpu activity for that time and then on starting to parse the page, it goes to 20-30-50%. The webserver should not be...

Any way to remove notify icon in event of a crash?

Is there any way to automatically remove a NotifyIcon in the event of a crash? (I know you can mouse-over to remove it) I'm running windows xp. ...

How to install iis 6.0 on windows xp-32?

well, according to what I've found googling around, it's imposible... (maybe with with windows xp 64...) but I thought that maybe someone could find a way to achieve it, or at least some workaround...

Programmatically connect to a wireless network under XP

Howdy, I'm trying to write an application that connects to my company's wireless network automatically on windows XP. I've found the Wireless LAN API but it requires me to have some hotfix installed on the machine, and you need to have sp2 or higher(There are machines with SP1, and I'm required to support any XP machine). I've tried ...

A batch file to detect and display windows based information such as service packs.

I would like to have a batch file display which service pack it has installed, which internet explorer version it has installed, and which version of windows media player it has installed. This would be for windows xp only. The reason why I need this is because I have a script that can install windows updates offline but when it comes ...

Microsoft Script Editor for IE6 on XP Home SP3 ?

Hi all, My understanding is that Microsoft Script Editor is the best debugging utility for IE. To enable debugging in IE6 on XP, I found these instructions: On Windows XP SP2+, the option has been split to two: Go to Tools->Internet Options…->Advanced->Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer) Go to Tools->...

How to assign chdir to a variable in .bat?

I'm trying to translate a bash script into a .bat script. The specific line I'm tripping over is this: X=`pwd` What is the .bat equivalent? I need to take the directory that the script is currently running in as a variable so I can use a generic relative path to find files in the directory. I'm running on Windows-XP in the command ...

Can I install IIS 6 or 7 on a Windows XP machine?

I've heard that this isn't possible because you need to have the Windows Server OS installed, but that seems kind of ridiculous because how would you set up a local development environment? Anyway, curious if this is possible. ...

Connect to a wireless network programmatically

I'm trying to write an application that connects to my company's wireless network automatically on windows XP. I've found the Wireless LAN API but it requires me to have some hotfix installed on the machine, and you need to have sp2 or higher(There are machines with SP1, and I'm required to support any XP machine). I've tried to find s...

Programmatically prevent Windows to shutdown

Hi, I want to prevent Windows XP from powering down as long as my Delphi app is running, and I tried the following: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, 0, nil, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETPOWEROFFACTIVE, 0, nil, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETLOWPOWERACTIVE, 0, n...

WinXP: Take screenshot in a script

Which tools can I use to take a screenshot of a Windows desktop from a script? I'm running poolmon.exe in a command prompt and I need to capture the output. So a solution which returns text would be preferred but I could write a simple converter for that. If the tool could capture a single window, that would be great. If it would even w...

Can IIS 6 in Windows XP x64 have multiple sites like Windows Server 2003?

I've heard there is a restriction that you can only allow IIS to set up one site on XP x64 despite the fact it is IIS 6, which wouldn't usually have that restriction if running on Windows Server 2003. Can anyone confirm this is true, and if it is, does anyone know of a workaround? This is a development machine and it would be nice to h...

How can I monitor status changes of windows services under windows xp?

I'm trying to write a program in C, that can detect when some Windows services (aka. NT services) are started or stopped. There seems to be a function NotifyServiceStatusChange, but that's only available on Vista and Windows 7. I'm trying to do this on Win XP, so what's the best way? Is there any other than continuous polling? edit: I...

How to identify the currently available wireless networks with Python in Windows?

Is there a way to get a list of wireless networks (SSID's) that are currently available? And seeing what is the current connected network? Doesn't need to be exactly the SSID, I just need to identify the current wireless network. ...

SSH intermittently freezes on Cygwin before requesting a password

SSH on Cygwin intermittently freezes before requesting password authentication. I would be grateful for a way to track down the error: is there a log file I can check, or a website that explains this problem? Thanks in advance for your help :) When SSH freezes, it looks as follows: # My command input ssh -l $username $ip_address -v...

Is there a way to share the same .NET 1.1 web.config file accross IIS5 and IIS7

I am using Vista, but most of the other developers working on the same projects as me are still using XP. Some of our projects have wildcard script mappings for handling vanity URLs, so each time I work on those sites, my IIS 7 adds a system.webServer/handlers section to the web.config file and when one of the other developers do an upda...