
Windows XP Screen Saver - Launched Process Dies with Screen Saver

I'm building a rather specialized screen saver application for some kiosks running Windows XP. Users tend to leave the kiosks without returning the browser to the homepage, so the screen saver does the following: Launches via the standard screen saver mechanism Notifies the user that there has been no recent activity, and that the brow...

windows Login script help

I am looking for a script that will place a subdirectory in each users home directory. In the login script we map a drive, so maybe we can just add a line to that to create new folder ‘md’ but once it’s created we need to be sure it ‘fails’ on the subsequent logins with no input requirement from user I am thinking that a IF exists or ...

ATAM presentation problem

Hi everyone ! I'm preparing for ATAM presentation for stakeholders and i got messed up with architecture presentation. I would really appreciate if someone will point diffrence between : "present architecture" and "identify architectural aproches" they are on pages 27 and 29 of this pdf :

GetAdaptersInfo and GetAdaptersAddressess BufferLength Param

I've got some legacy code in C++ here that does some things I don't understand. I'm running it in Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition on a machine running Windows XP. The code uses some Windows functions: GetAdaptersInfo and GetAdaptersAddressess. I realize that the final parameter for both of these is a pointer to the size of the buffer a...

Does a 32bit process need more memory when it runs on a 64bit system?

I have a rather memory hungry java application. On my 32 bit systems with Windows XP Professional the application will just run fine if I give it -Xmx1280m. Everything below will end up in an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space exception. If I run the same application on a 64 bit Windows XP Professional (everything else exactly ...

hosts file and multiple sub-domains

For local testing (and learning), I wish to use host name instead of localhost. I changed my Windows XP host file to this - Now works beautifully but doesn't. :( What changes should I make so that,, etc.. all work on local. WordpressMU will let...

How do I programatically retrieve the actual path to "Program Files" folder?

I realize the odds of a user changing the Windows default of C:\Program Files is fairly slim, but stranger things have happened! How can I get the correct path to Program Files from the system? ...

how to differentiate between lan card and data card

Dear All, I have a Data card with me. I wanted to know, is there any way programatically, i can tell that, it is data card and it is LAN card. I have used IFTable, I have used IListManager, INetwork manager provided by microsoft, but not able to solve the problem Edited: I have one lan card and one data card connected on my system, ...

WPF application slow on startup

My WPF application currently only shows a screen with some controls, it doesn't connect to DB or has any other functionality. It's a simple UI screen. When I was testing in some computers (WinXP SP2), I've detected that it took more than 15 seconds to startup. They were all in our domain. I've grabbed a similar computer, only with Wind...

Run a windows xp bat script remotely from a ubuntu machine

Is it possible to run a windows xp bat script remotely from a ubuntu machine via command line? ...

How to start IE with a URL in a CYGWIN session.

I have a windows xp machine set up with Cygwin running the ssh service, on that machine I have a bat script that opens up IE using the following command "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" "http://windowsxpbox:3000/flex/flexUnitTests?debug=true#automated=true". The script runs fine when I'm calling it locally on that xp ma...

Extreme slow PC if logged on as domain user remotely

I'm using windows XP to do the development. Since I working remotely from home, I found a serous problem, some applications for instance MS excel, even just open up the start menu became to extremely slow . If I logged into the local pc without domain then the problem fixed, my domain user account has 300 mb local user profile. Anybod...

HTTP client example on win32

Dear All, I wanted to develop one HTTP example on win32 platform, which is asynchronous. I am new to win32 programming, can i know what are the api and library win32 platform provides for HTTP send and receive request. I am using windows xp with VS 2005. If any example is available directly on net please provide me link to it, wit...

Highlighting tabs not working in XP

I have an old MFC application that contains a tabbed dialog, implemented using a tab control. When certain events occur, I highlight a tab using the TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM message and all is good. However, now we've moved the customer to XP and they've enabled XP themes, the tab highlights have stopped working. There are no errors, the call ...

python windows directory mtime: how to detect package directory new file?

Hi folks. I'm working on an auto-reload feature for WHIFF (so you have to restart the HTTP server less often, ideally never). I have the following code to reload a package module "location" if a file is added to the package directory. It doesn't work on Windows XP. How can I fix it? I think the problem is...

Python script: import sys failing on WinXP setup

I'm trying out a hello world python script on WinXP. When I execute: python arg1.log I get an error for the first line of the script, which is 'import sys': File "", line 1, in <module> i NameError: name 'i' is not defined Any suggestions? ...

I can't delete this local svn working directory on windows

i want to delete just my local working copy (no server changes) and i am getting the following error: Cannot delete dir-prop-base: access is denied Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use. I have tried using Unlocker but it says that no process has a handle to this and when i selec...

ruby and accdb (ms access)

If I have a base windows xp system, ruby and an ms access 2007 file (say c:/foo/bar.accdb) file, what's the least intrusive method for reading that .accdb file. What needs to be installed on the xp system. What is the specific connection string. ...

Problem: Failed to load perf counters from the computer <comp name> | help please.

I am using the Web Application Stress tools from Microsoft to run some stress tests on a Windows 2003 IIS 6 server. I am running the WAS tool from a windows XP machine. I have been following this tutorial and when trying to add perf counters I get the following error : Failed to load the perf counters from the computer \mycomp D...

How can I handle wildcards on the command line using Perl on Windows?

I though this would be simple, but apparently I can't do: *.ext in the WinXP command processor. Is there a built-in solution? (i.e. not a CPAN module?) ...