
Can I install Oracle on the portable xp which is installed on my WD 160gb USB Hard drive?

Hello Folks, Please help me. I want to install a address printing software. Instead of using Internal Hard Drive, I wanted to use USB Hard drive to give me flexibility and convinence to have the system portable. I want to know, if i can successfully install Portable XP on my USB Hard drive. If yes, can i install oracle on my hard drive...

unknown space occupied by windows xp partition

Hi, My windows xp (C drive) partition is 27 GB. Now it shows free space is only 2.3 GB. But when I calculate all the space using any software or manually (by adding all the folder sizes including hidden files) I get ~13.xx GB full. That means another 13.xx GB should be free. Also while using ubuntu, I see 13.4 GB free in "Disk Usage An...

How to search Jar files using Windows Search?

I believe back when we were on Win2K, Windows Search would search through Jar files to locate specific classes but this doesn't appear to work in XP. Does anyone know how to enable this in XP? Note, to do the search in Win2K we just entered *.jar for the files and "ClassABC" for the search text string and the search would return any ja...

Adding Application Mapings to an IIS6 webiste on Windows XP

Hi I am trying to add an Application Extension Mapping to a website in IIS6 running on windows XP. My steps are as follows: Home directory > Configuration > Mappings > Add Executable: aspnet_isapi.dll Extension: .xml Verbs: All Verbs but the OK button is always greyed out. Is this a limitation of IIS6 on XP? ...

WinForms: Foreground color of progress bar always green on XP Luna

The WinForms ProgressBar control allows its foreground color to be set. While this normally works fine, the foreground color setting seems to be ignored on XP when using the obnoxious Luna style: it is always green. Similaraly, XP Luna seems to ignore the 'Style': Although I have set it to 'Continuous', the progress bar is always drawn ...

Path Not Found error when opening VB6 project from a shared folder on Virtual PC 2007 (XP sp3)

I currently work on a small software team that primarily maintains legacy software. I am trying to set up a VirtualPC that we can use to do this maintenance. Specifically, I would like to be able to debug and run VB6 web apps from a folder on the host pc. My constraints are as follows: The VirtualPC will not be registered on the domain...

Where is the RegKey for Show/Hide Desktop Icons on Win XP

On WinXP if you right click the desktop, and select View, and select 'Show Desktop Icons', the icons are hidden. Do you know the reg key that stores this value? And maybe more important, how did you know that or find the value? ...

How do i access another user's registry portion in win XP

How do i access another user's registry portion in win XP? how do i access another user's HKey_current_user on my machine, in vb2005 or if someone can recommend a software that can already do it. Im trying to make a quick registry repair tool to fix a damaged or corrupted user ...

Configuring Namespace Reservations on Windows XP 64 bit

I need to register HTTP URL namespace to a particular group of users. On MSDN it is explained that I have to use HttpCfg.exe which appears that doesn't exists for Windows XP 64 bit. Does anyone has an idea on how to do this? Regards, Mita Cokic ...

Django Shell shortcut in Windows

I'm trying to write a bat file so I can quickly launch into the Interactive Shell for one of my Django projects. Basically I need to write a python script that can launch " shell" and then be able to print from mysite.myapp.models import * The problem is shell cannot take additional arguments and launching into "mana...

How many CRITICAL_SECTIONs can I create?

Is there a limit to the number of critical sections I can initialize and use? My app creates a number of (a couple of thousand) objects that need to be thread-safe. If I have a critical section within each, will that use up too many resources? I thought that because I need to declare my own CRITICAL_SECTION object, I don't waste kerne...

How to access SQL Server 2005 FROM a guest XP OS running in Virtual PC

I am running as my Host OS - Win 7 x64 and running an instance of SQL Server 2005 (developer, x64). I am also running an instance of Virtual PC XP and am trying to connect to the Host OS Sql Instance without alot of luck. I can ping the Host from the Guest OS and vice versa. The Virtual PC Guest is not using the NAT network adapter, bu...

File creation fails in standard account (Vista)

I have created C# application, which creates a image file on Desktop. It works fine on XP and Vista (admin account) but it fails to create image file on Desktop in Vista (standard account). Whether i have to include manifest file to the application to work properly? If i add manifest, will it work on XP without any problems? Sorry if i...

PHP stops rendering page somewhat arbitrarily

I've spent all morning trying to find an answer to this, to no avail. I'm working on a website, and I set up a small test server to make changes on. When I loaded the page I had made a few changes to, I noticed that the page stopped short. I reloaded the page, and it stopped at a different place. I reloaded again and again, and noticed t...

A button with BS_ICON style does not have Windows Theme applied to it under WinXP.

When making a button with the BS_ICON (or BS_BITMAP) style under Windows XP, the button does not have the current Windows theme applied to it. It just looks square like with the "Classic" theme. Why is this? I'm using Visual C++ 2008, and the application is not using MFC. ...

SystemParametersInfo behaves differently on Vista and XP

I am trying to find the default system font size using SystemParametersInfo() with SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS. While on Vista the LOGFONT structures inside the returned NONCLIENTMETRICS actually have the correct font height in lfHeight, when I run the exact same app on XP, lfHeight (and lfWidth) are always zero. Why is that so, and what i...

Opening the Add/Remove Programs dialog takes too much time

Hi, I'm on a WinXP Pro SP3 box. Some time ago, I noticed that opening the Add/Remove programs window takes a lot of time. The window itself opens, but it's building the list that takes so long. I fired FileMon from SysInternals, and it turned out that the process that's supposed to list the programs tries to open every file on my HD. A...

How to translate .NET Exceptions on WCF Services to English?

I am running Windows XP pt-BR (Portuguese - Brazil), a WCF service on a Windows Service container with HTTP Binding. I also wrote a test WCF client. And since I made a small modification on the service I am getting a MessageSecurityException. "An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner Fau...

Monitoring API calls

I am doing some reverse engineering and want to know which APIs are called from the executable. I am mostly interested in the APIs called on a particular Windows system DLL. I guess one way to do that is to get all APIs exposed from the DLL using dumpbin and put breakpoints on all those from Windbg. Any other approach? This seems like...

Remove/100% Hide WinXP TaskBar

When AutoHide isn't enough, how can I code to gaurentee the taskbar can't be used/displayed while my application is running? It's a full (touch)screen application (with no keyboard), that is being used in kiosk mode. When the application exits it's ok to restore the taskbar. Thank you! ...