
How to disable XP themes in WPF application ?

I have a WPF application (.NET 3.0, VS2008) that displays data in a tab control. Custom colors are required on virtually all controls in this application : basically white foreground and green background. My problem is that when an XP theme (say Luna) is active, it is automatically applied to render controls so that my white text is wri...

Windows NT Version

Fix for rpcrt4.dll was given in Windows NT 4.0. I got this from a KB article. How to check my Windows NT Version? ...

Delphi 7: Any differences between compiling under Win XP or Windows Server 2003?

Hi all, I have a legacy application to maintain. Currently, releases are built from one particular developper workstation, that is a bad, bad habit. I asked for a virtualized build server to automate the build from one centralized environment. The only problem is that the server they gave me run with windows server 2003, and they will ...

UnauthorizedAccessException in Vista from frequent file I/O with .Net 2.0

At work, we have migrated from Windows XP to Windows Vista. After the migration, some of my unit tests, using nUnit, started to randomly fail with the System.UnauthorizedAccessException being thrown. The failing tests each involve writing files used for tests stored as embedded resources in the test DLL to the current directory, runnin...

Windows XP, HKCU\...\LastVisitedMRU maximum number of items allowed?

I have a scenario where I need to put together a script to add an entry to the following registry key for the current user: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedMRU\ I am trying to find out the maximum number of values allowed in this key so that I can have my script tack another one...

How to set processor affinity from Batch File for Windows XP?

I've got a dual processor machine and I would like to launch an executable via a batch file on both processors. For example: (1) Launch Notepad.exe on Processor 1, and (2) Simultaneously, Notepad.exe on Processor 2 Currently, I'm using the following in my batch file, since my executable was "difficult" to launch and needed a return in...

Temporary turn off logoff script execution.

Hi, Is there any way to temporary switch off logoff script execution under Windows XP Pro (some key kombination perhaps)? I use .net application which runs as logoff script, it crashes if the machine is syspreped. Ideally I would like to prevent the application from run this one time while the machine is being syspreped. Thanks! ...

Is the Win32 API still "native" in current windows versions?

If my program primarily uses the win32 API, are my API calls being emulated in Windows XP/Vista/7? ...

How do you programmatically turn off the Windows XP Print Spooler service in C#

I need to write a small console app (patch) that turns off the print spooler service, does a few things, then starts the print spooler service. I'd like to write this in C#. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance! ...

How does Windows (specifically, Vista) determine if my application is hung?

I have a problem very similar to the one described here: That thread suggests that Task Manager sends WM_NULL to the process and expects the process to consume this message within timeout limit (5 seconds?). When I google for "WM_NULL hung" there are many...

Rename invalid filename in XP via Python

My problem is similar to however, I don't know the original encoding of the filename I need to rename (unlike the other post he knew it was Hebrew originally). I was doing data recovery for a client and copied over the files to my XP SP3 machine, and ...

How to store a time zone preference under Windows XP AND Vista

Between Windows XP and Vista (and server 2003 and 2008) Microsoft have removed the Index key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones and guess which value we store in our database to record an employee's time zone... (See What is the best value to use inst...

getting "authentication required" whith domain added to host file

In order to debug my website subdomain i added an entry in the host file located at system32/drivers/etc/ but although i don't run into any problem on a vista machine, on an xp one, the browser is popping out a login message box and asks for authentication information. How can i fix this and make it work just like it does on a vista mach...

Programatically disable/enable network interface...

I'm trying to come up with a solution to programatically enable/disable the network card - I've done a ton of research and nothing seems to be a workable solution in both XP and Vista environments. What I'm talking about is if you went into the Control Panel 'Network Connections', right clicked on one and picked either enable or disable...

How do I determine if a computer is running XP Service pack 3

Using either the registry or the file system. The reason for the restriction is that I am doing this as an MSI conditional statement. Cheers! ...

Getting correct shell verb text for action...

I've been looking over the following VB code: If you look under "The Methods", you'll see that he does a test to see whether or not the shell item verb is either "En&able" or "Disa&ble" - it looks pretty obvious that these are the same text strings that are listed in the right-cli...

How do I implement Zip functionality in VBA?

Hello, recently I have been working on an app in vba which relies on some files which are contained in the .docm file of the document its self. Initially, I was using the Windows XP compressed folder functionality to programmatically extract the contents of the docm. This was an optimal solution because it is built into all Windows XP ...

Samba Error: "Incorrect Function"

I've been setting up a samba share on a Redhat box, and am able to connect to it from the local machine. From an XP machine however, I'm only able to successfully connect to the root of the share (e.g. "\machine"). Connecting to the actual shared folders (e.g. "\machine\share") generates an error. The full error message is: \machi...

ANSI color support using Groovy on Windows XP

Trying out the examples found on, I'm not able to get an example of ANSI colors to work on my WinXP box (Works fine on MacOS). What I've found is that on my WinXP machine, in both cygwin & DOS prompts, groovysh --color (and 'groovysh --terminal=unix') shows escape codes rather than the expected colored prompt. grep --color w...

which way to create a soft link on XP or Vista for projects?

I'd like to create a soft link on XP and Vista so that c:\proj01\lib will point to c:\lib and c:\proj02\lib will point to c:\lib the reason to do so is that some IDE has auto complete to suggest the function name or can quick jump to the function in different files, but all files must be under one folder, such as c:\proj01, so I ho...