
Is there any way to start process in suspended state?

I want to launch a process in suspended state. Is there any way to do this by using only standard tools coming with Windows XP? Is there any lightweight third party tools? Problem I'm trying to solve: I have a application which I want to debug it by using Visual Studio 2005. I have debug build with necessary *.pdb files and I have all s...

Web pages that a long time to load keep on reloading, just on vista on my work n/w...

I have a curious problem at work which I've been struggling with since the advent of Windows Vista. We send our own email newsletter out to 40,000+ people once a week. The sending code has been in place for years, it's in classic ASP/VBscript called through a browser and simply loops through each email address, sending it to them. The...

How do I handle a failed DllImport?

I'm attempting to write a C# managed class to wrap SHGetKnownFolderPath, so far it works on Vista, but crashes on XP due to not finding the proper function in shell32.dll, as expected. I want to have it set so I can fallback on a (admittedly hacky) solution using System.Environment.GetFolderPath if using XP. (Or, even better, if it can'...

Total memory consumption of the system

Is it correct to assume that the total memory consumption (virtual + physical) of a system is sum of "Memory Usage" and "VM Size" columns shown by the task manager in windows? ...

Logging into Windows XP with a barcode

This is a question that is an extension of my previous "Free 3 of 9 Extended Barcode Font" question. I have a barcode that now will input a username & TAB & user's password. This barcode works fine in Word or Notepad but when I try it for the Windows Log-in Screen the tab function does not work in my barcode. The barcode simply inputs, f...

Why does my Rails website timeout on Windows XP?

Hi All, is my first Rails site. I am using Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) Phusion_Passenger/2.2.2 . The site works fine on Linux/Mac/Phones. However, it does not load on any browser on XP. This behavior is also found on other XP machines. The browser seems to wait for more content and it times out. I have checked headers with Liv...

Language to write a Windows application that doesn't take up a lot of space

I need to write a Windows XP/Vista application, main requirements: Just one .exe file, without extra runtime, like Air, .Net; posstibly a couple of dlls. Very small file size. The application is for network centric usage, similar to ICQ or Gtalk clients. ...

how to install XP from USB instead of CD-ROM

i do not have a CD-ROM but a USB drive and XP setup files how would i install XP using USB drive ...

Windows XP Original Keyboard Driver Source Code, or similar; is it available?

I'm looking for information on the input devices related to windows default keyboard and in the future mouse drivers. I've seen the code for keyboard filter drivers, but I want to write the actual keyboard driver, not just a filter that can monitor actions created by a keyboard. It would be amazingly useful to see the source code of exi...

What's the difference in Windows program invocation?

I have a program on a Windows XP computer on another continent. If I start it by double-clicking on an associated file, so that it runs the program according to the file-type association, it crashes at a certain point. If I start it by dragging an associated file to the program icon, it works fine. If I double-click on the icon and dr...

WPF application crashed after user exit from CMD full screen mode.


Font backward incompatibility

I am using Segoe UI for my winforms application. On XP, this font doesn't exist and I would like to have my app use Verdana instead. What's the best way of achieving that. ...

Localhost subdomain on XP Pro IIS?

Is there a way to setup subdomains udner Xp Pro IIS for something like test.localhost Can it be done via IIS or the hosts file? Need to do a tets on a site that uses pathign back to the root so having the site ina virtual directory like localhost/test causes issues. ...

Can we install Visual Web Express 2008 and IIS on Windows XP Media Center ?

Is Microsoft.NET 3.5 (and VWD Express 2008) compatible with Windows XP Media Center SP 2 ? Thanks. ...

IIS not serving shtml files properly, instead the browser tries to download the file

Hey Everyone. Okay, so I'm at a temporary office and they've given me a machine with XP to do dev on. Awesome. I've set the site up in IIS and I need it to serve shtml files. Problem is, when I browse to the shtml file, the browser tries to download the file, rather than display it properly. I've tried a few things that I've found on...

How can I set the RAILS_ENV in a Windows console?

On Linux and OS X, I'm accustomed to running Rake tasks in specified Rails "environments" by doing this: $ export RAILS_ENV=monster_island ; rake monsters:destroy_all How can I do the equivalent if I'm running the task on Windows XP in a Windows console? ...

Removing Windows Logon screen through a service

I am trying to remove the windows logon screen (winlogon) from an executable launched from a service. The service would start automatically with windows and wait for commands from another computer. When it receives a command, it will launch an exe which will start cmd.exe under a particular username. The service is already present. I ha...

Modifying or hiding a form's caption tooltip

We have an MDI form which contains some number of child forms which have varying captions showing the currently loaded document's filename. When the child forms are maximized their title text gets placed in the parent window's title bar which often results in the text being too long to fit in the bar and Windows is nice enough to add el...

Programmatic way to temporarily block specific Web Sites?

I need a way to programaticaly block and then later unblock specific websites based on their domain names. I only need to block browsers (so http & https would be sufficient, I guess?) but not just Internet Explorer, it should also work for anyone trying to run Chrome or Firefox too. This needs to work on Windows XP and be usable from ...

What is this: res://C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdoclc.dll/http_400.htm# ?

Hi, I am running Windows XP with IE6 and doing some web stuff but for some reason, when I submit a page, I am getting a HTTP 400 Bad Request The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. When I do a right-mouse click properties, the address(url) value is: res://C:\WINDOW...