
How does Windows XP use a monitor's EDID to determine allowable display modes?

I'm working on a video display device that uses custom timings for resolutions at848x480 and 800x480 that do not conform to any VESA standard. The device has an EDID that specifies these timings. I would like to know the process that Windows XP uses to determine the resolution to display at, and how it presents the user with a list of c...

Does windows xp contain GdiPlus.dll?

I have a question about deploying application, my application need gdiplus.dll for load images. Does windows xp contain GdiPlus.dll as default? Many Thanks! ...

How do I get an error report from a "Please tell Microsoft about this problem." dialog?

A program I wrote crashes on startup. (Win XP). A dialog "Please tell Microsoft about this problem." appears. I want to be told about the problem since it's my app. Thing is, clicking through (clicking link: 'View the contents of the error report'), the "Error Report Contents" dialog doesn't let my customers copy its contents to the cl...

port mfc pocketpc to xp embedded

Hi, I'm asked to port an existing PocketPC mfc app (lot's of forms and buttons) to XP embedded. 3 possible scenarios spring to mind: 1) I use some kind of tool or wizard and get the sources compiled for XP 2) I open a new MFC app in vis studio 2008 and form by form copy controls (gui) and code over and this way recreate the same stuff...

Advice for Windows XP Scripting, WSH versus PowerShell

After much experience scripting in the Unix/Linux open-source world, using languages such as Bourne Shell, Perl, Python, and Ruby, I now find myself needing to do some Windows XP administration scripting. It appears that the legacy environment is Windows Script Host (WSH), which can use various scripting languages, but the primary langua...

How to extend windows explorer functionality?

How would I go about extending the functionality of windows explorer in XP? Is there some way whereby I could create a "plugin" of some sorts that could hook into explore.exe to add additional folder browsing functionality? What language could I use to achieve this? This is an expansion of a question I asked here. ...

Double backslash not work?

Hi, does anybody have idea why some windows XP installation would not evaluate path with double backslash in them? Error is found on some XP (same build, patches, unknown more details). In most everything works, on some PCs following doesn't work: Querying path (registry or folder) with functions like RegEnumKeyEx, fopen fails if path ...

How to wait in a batch script

I am trying to write a batch script and trying to wait 10 seconds between 2 Function calls. sleep 10 does not wait for 10 seconds I am running XP ...

Matlab on cmd (winxp)

I've just started experimenting something with Matlab, and since I'm used to Vim's interface, I try to stay out of Matlab's editor as much as possible. What's troubling me is that every time I start a .m file, it brings up the interface. Is there a way to start test.m from a cmd line, and let it give output out on a cmd, as it would nor...

Error 1219. Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user

I am trying to map network drive, but get error 1219 on Windows XP: net use z: \\serverA\tests password /user:serverA\alex I have tried net use * /del /yes But it has no effect, and the net use shows empty list. \\serverA\tests is a valid path, as I can open it in Explorer. What can be done? EDIT: After reboot it works. But ...

How do I change the size of the menus in Visual Studio 2008?

Hi all. This is the weirdest thing: For some reason, when I'm running VS 2008 in XP, and I use the 'Advanced Appearance settings' control panel to change the Size of menu items in all applications, Visual Studio 2008 is unaffected by the change. (That's Control Panel -> Display -> Appearance tab -> Advanced -> select 'Menu' from the it...

Is there an official Windows XP registry reference?

Is there an official Windows XP registry reference online somewehere? I see there's a reference for Win 2000 and Win 2003 servers on MS technet, but I can't seem to find one for XP. Yes, I know that Win 2000 reference would be good enough (most things will be the same in XP anyway), but if there's an explicit reference for XP, I'd like t...

WPF rendering is ugly and blurry on Vista

Can anyone explain why this simple WPF application looks so horrible on Vista? I've tried setting SnapsToDevicePixels, but this makes no difference. This is a clean WPF application, nothing added whatsoever except for the one button. Using VS 2008 SP1. In the IDE it looks perfect, but when running it is screwed. All WPF apps that I have ...

Win32 app suspends on minimize window animation.

Hello, first time poster here. I'm writing a multi-threaded streaming audio application in C++ (MSVC) on Windows XP SP2. The problem I've encountered is that, upon minimizing / restoring any application on the task bar, all threads in my application are suspended while the window animation is active. This affects me because it causes t...

"SMTP incoming data timeout" when sending email with inline images using Indy 10 in Windows XP

I'm getting the error "SMTP incoming data timeout" when I try to send an email with inline images in Windows XP, I'm using the tiburon branch of Indy 10 with the following code to send emails with inline images: MB := TIdMessageBuilderHtml.Create; try MB.PlainText.Assign(Text); MB.Html.Assign(FHTML); MB.HtmlFile...

C# Login Automation of Windows (XP, Vista, Etc..)

I have an authentication key (USB dongle) that I would like to use in place of logging into windows. The dongle is not just a simple thumb-drive it is a specialized dongle made for software authentication. I've seen tutorials on how to do this with Phidgets RFID kit, however I can't seem to find that tutorial anywhere now. Basically I...

How to get "native" look for WPF widgets on windows XP?

I have just started playing around with WPF. I've noticed that while some widgets automatically pick up the native look and feel (e.g, buttons, menus), some others don't (e.g., labels, panels and windows have white backgrounds). How do I make all widgets look normal by default in WPF? ...

Take screenshot of any external application using C#

We have a C# (WPF) application in which we want to take a screenshot of an arbitrary application launched by us (i.e. so we have a reference to the Process we started). The application may be minimized or behind other windows but we still only want the image of the individual application, not overlapping pixels. I know the typical P/In...

Log SQL Server Password change

I have a recent unfortunate event. I host a business partner's SQLServer 2005 server, and the "sa" password was mysteriously changed (nobody wants to take responsibility on it). So I was wondering, is there a way I can configure SQL Server 2005 to log all password changes? I know that could be achieved with Windows Server 2003, Windows ...

Ruby on Rails on Windows XP CTRL+C in console not stopping mongrel

I am currently in the process of learning Ruby on Rails. I have been following the Learning Rails podcast and screencasts. I've run into a problem, well more of an annoyance. Every time the screencast has me kill the mongrel server I am forced to close the console window because CTRL+C isnt killing it as it should. I then have to open ...