
Hunt down No buffer space available

Hi I have very ugly problem with: No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?) It is client-server app. Client is Windows XP SP2 32b, with two net cards core duo. Java 1.6. u7. Application have couple server socket open for local communication and couple of client socket for rmi to jboss server. ...

Does windows XP SP2 include .net framework by default?

I am not sure if Windows XP SP2 comes with .net framework 2.0 or not, I tried to search for this but I couldn't find a final word. So if anyone knows whether a clean install of Windows XP SP2 installs .net framework 2.0+ or not it will be great. Thanks ...

FIPS-compliant Isolated Storage in WinXP?

I've read (but not tested) that Isolated Storage uses Sha1Managed, which is not FIPS-compliant? Is that accurate, and can anything be done to use Isolated Storage on a FIPS-compliant WinXP SP2 box? I've seen mention of "Isolated Storage" within both the ClickOnce and Silverlight spaces. I'd appreciate an informed answer regarding eith...

FIPS-compliant HashAlgorithm on WinXP?

How can I use C# on a FIPS-compliant WinXP SP2 box to uniquely hash the contents of a given file? I'm not concerned about performance (yet?). Hopefully someone can point out an exception to the "rule", but it seems that the "*ServiceProvider" classes are FIPS-compliant and unavailable on WinXP, while the "*Managed" classes are availabl...

How to force an application that autostarts from CD to run in "Compatibility Mode"

We distribute an app that needs to be run in XP Compatibility mode on Vista 64 bit. But it autostarts (it runs from a CD) not from a shortcut. Anyone know how to force it to start in XP Compatibility mode. ...

surprising time shift for python call

I'm using the following code in Python 2.5.1 to generate a UTC timestamp from a string representation of a date: time.mktime(time.strptime("2009-06-16", "%Y-%m-%d")) The general result is: 1245103200 (16.6.2009 0:00 UTC or 15.6.09 22:00:00, if you're in my time zone). But now, I found that on some computers running Windows XP, this ...

TAnimate in Windows XP/Vista with themes enabled won't work

A coworker has been using a custom AVI to indicate progress during some longer operations for years. It's always worked fine. Recently he decided to move from Delphi 7 to Delphi 2007, in part to get theme support for his applications. (We've finally got most people, but not all, running on XP.) The animation stopped working. Disabling t...

How to disable Control-C in a WindowsXP Python console program?

I'd like to put my window into a mode where Control-C does not generate a SIGINT signal to Python (ActiveState if it matters). I know I can use the signal module to handle SIGINT. The problem is that handling SIGINT is too late; by the time it is handled, it has already interrupted a system call. I'd like something equivalent t...

Restrict a directory that can be used only through a .net Application

I have a windows Application that stores certain files in a directory. I would like to know if there is a way in .net that I can restrict users not to have access to that directly (by just going to that directory in windows, and grab files) so only my application can add/verify/delete a file in that directory. ...

Hebrew Passwords on WinXP

What is the accepted way for entering passwords in Hebrew / Hebrew localised installations? Should the password entry dialog be right aligned with new characters appending on the left? like this: |----------------------| | |*******| |----------------------| Or do they generally left align with new characters inserted to t...

Programmatically changing the WinXP language

How do I programmatically change the language used in WinXP using .Net 2.0 (or a pInvoke). The user does not have access to the task bar in the application I'm working on so the input method needs to reflect the application's selected language. I need to be able to swap the language from a left-to-right to a right-to-left and back again ...

.NET - Is there a way to change the GC behavior for the entire machine?

A co-worker said this is possible (but it looks a bit strange to me). If there's a way to do it, where can I do this? I'm talking about winXP OS. ...

Accurev - Environment Ignore Rules not applied in 64-bit machine.

Hi All, I recently installed the 64 bit version of XP on my new development machine, and subsequently installed AccuRev. One thing I noted was that the ignore rules I previously used on my 32 bit machine in the ACCUREV_IGNORE_ELEMS environment variable are not being applied. Has anyone else encountered this? ...

Installing Erlang on Windows XP

I have tried installing Erlang 13B through to 12B to follow the tutorials. Everytime I get to c(tut), I get an error instead of (ok, tut), so it seems like there are no modules installed, can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried e-macs but I don't really know how to use it and haven't even got close to getting the erlang...

Windows Form Paints Repeatedly In XP, But Not In Vista

I am trying to solve an issue in my application. I am developing the application in Vista and it works fine there, but when I take it to XP, the form becomes sluggish and unresponsive. When I watch the windows messages using breakpoints, I find that in XP the form is repeatedly painted about once every second (even though it does not r...

AIX/XP Curses get key/modifier key in a cross platform fashion.

Hello All. I am working on a simple console app to get my feet wet with curses again. I am having a bit of a problem porting my app from xp to AIX. Here is a sample chunk of code. int main(void) { WINDOW *_window = initscr(); int _rows; int _cols; cbreak(); /* Accept all keys */ keypad(_window, true); ...

How to configure website guest access?

I finished creating my C#/SQL web application in VS 2008 on an XP Pro OS. It builds and executes successfully. Using the same code, I developed a website in VS 2008. Although this website builds and executes successfully, when I deploy it from my computer, it does not display the data grid. I think this is because the internet user d...


Hi, I'm using the FAXCOMEXLib api for sending faxes in C#. I've recently moved to a new development machine running Vista and now I'm running into an issue with the API. Microsoft released a new version with Vista and now when I compile the application on the Vista machine, I can't install and run it on an XP box without getting a fat...

Preparing a Windows XP development environment for SharePoint

I am trying to get started with MS Sharepoint. How can I prepare my Standalone PC (running Windows XP Professional) to have a development environment for MS Sharepoint ? ...

What are the WinXP console cursor control characters in c++?

I need the characters/escape sequences that move the console's cursor position. It would be nice to know the left/right/up/down cursor controls, but if that's not possible, a home (go to the first character of the first line in the console). Thanks in advance. ...