
Is it possible to build a WinForm app (or another type of .NET app) which allows me to interact with other windows outside the applicaiton itself?

I'm learning Chinese at the moment and I have gotten my hand on a Chinese dictionary definition. Now I would like to make an interface. All I really want the application to do is when I point my mouse pointer over any text on the screen (in any window), it would identify the text I am pointing at and then display a small form over it, ...

How can I run some common code from both (a) scheduled via Windows Task & (b) manually from within WinForms app?

Hi, QUESTION - How can I run some common code from both (a) scheduled via Windows Task & (b) manually from within WinForms app? BACKGROUND: This follows on from the thread REQUIREMENTS C# .NETv3.5 project using VS2008 There is an existing funct...

C# Create "wireframe"/3D "map"

How can I produce a similar output in C# window forms in the easiest way? Is there a good library for this purpose? I just needs to be pointed in the direction of which graphic library is best for this. ...

Acrobat Reader ActiveX in WebBrowser stealing focus [C#]

I'm using webBrowser.Navigate(url) control to display page. I noticed this action steals focus from current control (grid) and than I have problem to focus grid back (tired myGrid.Focus, .Select etc...) This is really annoying behaviour of browser... Does anyone knows how to prevent focus stealing by Browser or (if not) hot to force to ...

Which is the best HTML tidy pack? Is there any option in HTML agility pack to make HTML webpage tidy?

I am using html agility pack to parse html tabular information. Now there is some html content with missing ending tags and from such page because of missing ending tags html agility pack does not parse information properly.So I want to insert ending tags where there are missing ending tags so html agility pack parse information properly...

Adding custom UserControl assemblies to the toolbox

If I drag and drop an assembly, or use the Toolbox's "Choose items..." dialog, should I be choosing the debug or release version of my assemblies from their bin\ folders? I.e. is Visual Studio clever enough to work out that when I want a release build it'll reference Release built assemblies? ...

Silverlight Vs. WPF Vs. Winforms What is good for specifically my purpose?

I am about to start a new Windows applications and the contenders for the platform are: Windows Forms WPF Silverlight Now my experience with WPF at least in my last application was not very encouraging (the app failed to run on the deployment machines and I had to re-do it in Winforms). So my confidence is shaken here. My app is for...

C# Messagebox With ComboBox

How can I produce a messagebox in a C# Win Forms application that displays a combobox with a series of values to select as well as the usual "Ok" button? I would like to be able to trigger this on calling the MessageBox.Show() method. I am assuming some sort of override will be necessary, but I haven't seen any pre-existing examples for...

Windows forms application blocks after station lock

We're having a serious issue at work. We've discovered that after the station where the client was running is locked/unlocked the client is blocked. No repaint. So the UI thread is blocked with something. Looking at the callstack of the UI thread (thread 0) using windbg we see that a UserPreferenceChanged event gets raised. It is marshal...

C# windows application, how to save & restore positions of child forms.

I have a windows application with an MDI form and some child forms. I need to save the position of the child forms and then restore when it is opened again. How to do that in C#? Also, I need to check if the child form's title bar is not hidden under the mdi form (e.g title bar might get hidden because of mdi form's menus). If this is ...

What are the alternatives to DataGridView?

We're looking to replace DataGridView in our Winforms app. What are the alternatives - commercial or otherwise - that we ought to evaluate? ...

Dynamically Scaled UIs with VB.NET WinForms?

I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with designing UIs to be scalable to any resolution. Are there any libraries or functionalities of .NET that make this easy? We also have Infragistics controls as a resource. ...

How do I "Fire and forget" a WinForms Form?

What's a good technique to create a WinForms Form instance, display it (non-modally) but not have to keep a reference around to it? Normally, as soon as the variable goes out of scope, the form is closed: var form = new SuperDuperForm(); form.Show(); // Form has probably been closed instantly I don't want to have to keep track of ins...

Changing a formwindows backcolor from a panel

I have a panel that is docked to the right side of a windows form. I set a color with a setting on the panel but I want to then update the main form (not the panel) backcolor to the new setting. But when I use me.backcolor = setting it changes the panels backcolor. This is also with windows forms with Visual Studios 2008 Thanks...

How can I hide the resizing handles of a control in Windows Forms?

I have an UserControl and would like to hide the resizing handles in design-time, just like the TextBoxControl, that has only two handles (left and right ones)... the height of the textbox is fixed, unless you say it is multiline. In that case, the textbox shows all nine resizing handles. ...

How do I put a listing of files into a menu?

I have a folder with .txt files in it. How can i make my menuitem get those .txt files and put the filenames in the menuitem, so that it creates a list of all .txt files in that folder. So when i put a .txt in the folder the program automatically creates the menu item. Does someone knows how to do this, or perhaps an example? ...

ToolStripButtons BackGround property problem in winform.

My goal is totally fit image in toolStripButton and toolStripDropDownButton. If a image in the button set with image property, I can not totally fit the image in the button. Because of margin, border, or something of the button.(I don't know exactly). So I try to set the image in the button with BackgroudImage property. After I adjust ...

MouseMove sensibility

I use MouseMove event to move objects(say labels). simple principle(schematic): OnMouseMove(e MouseEventArgs) if e.Button == Left deltaX = e.X - lastX foreach label in labels label.Location.X += deltaX lastX = e.X Once the labels number increase, I start to see the labels traces along the movin...

winforms - how do I setup Checkbox's in a Groupbox so that I can reference checkbox states at the group level?

Hi, I am working on a WinForms app in C#, VS2008. How do I setup Checkbox's in a Groupbox so that I can reference checkbox states at the group level? For example 7 checkboxes for each day of the week. Then I would like to be able get the state when checking via something like: "result = daysOfWeek.Monday;" I'm probably missing t...

Treeview does not refresh to show childnode moved from one parent node to another

I am using the Windows Forms TreeView class which contains a set of TreeNodes. The TreeNodes can have child nodes. I have a root node with 2 sub nodes (Node1 and Node2) Node1 has 2 subnodes (child1 and child2) I have a function that will allow a user to select any node and move it to another node: TreeNode SelectNode = this.TreeView1...