My code gets an error saying:
does not contain a definition for
'GetDataFromNumber' and no extension
method 'GetDataFromNumber'.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Collections;
using System.Window...
I've been struggling with a NullReferenceException and hope someone here will be able to point me in the right direction. I'm trying to create and populate a DataTable and then show the results in a DataGridView control. The basic code follows, and Execution stops with a NullReferenceException at the point where I invoke the new UpdateRe...
get unhandled exception that says:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Eagle_Eye_Class_Finder.GetSchedule.GetDataFromNumber(String ID) in C:\Users\Joshua Banks\Desktop\EET Project\Eagle Eye Class Finder\GetSchedule.cs:line 24
at Eagle_Eye_Class_Finder.Form1.button2_Click(Object sender,...
Can anybody suggest free charting libraries for Visual C++ 2008 Windows Forms Application.
I have 2 forms Form1 and Form2, when program executes I want both forms to display but Form2 with ShowDialog(); i.e user has to respond to Form2 before using Form1. How can I achieve this?
Form2 will take userinput and will display on Form1, so do I have to hide Form2 after user responds to Form2 or just kill it.
Somebody know the VListBox?
It is fast to load item to the listbox.
But I can't get the SelectIndexChanged Event be triggered by set SelectIndex.
Somebody know how to trigger that event by winapi or something else?
VlistBox source code is in the page above.
I'm trying to open another form with a button and it's only ok at the beginning. After a few forms made the stackoverflow error acours !
The error is on form 1, form 2 and form 3 (I started to debug multiple times): the codes are really simple. like for form 3:
public partial class Form2 : Form
Form3 obrok = new Form3();
I'm doing things as said in How do I prevent the user from changing the selected tab page in a TabControl?
Things are working fine. But the validating event of tabpage1 occurs if I've tabpage1 is currently selected and user clicks on tabpage1 itself. and later when user clicks on tabpage2 validating event for tabpage1 doesn't fire.
I have Listview on WinForm
I need to have two columns but without headers, How do i do that?
My binding is set up as this:
_selectXAxisUnitViewModelBindingSource = new BindingSource();
_selectXAxisUnitViewModelBindingSource.DataSource = typeof(SelectXAxisUnitViewModel);
_selectedUnitComboBoxBindingSource = new BindingSource();
_selectedUnitComboBoxBindingSource.DataSource = _selectXAxisUnitViewM...
I need to add the following items to a combo box.
Value DisplayText
Mpost Posted
Call Calling
RScan Re-Scan
These items are fairly static, and is not retrieved from any database... Hence thought of assigning these in design time itself.
I'm Unable to use Items property as it asks only one value per i...
How can i get same functionality in windows forms as in the next example. When i have two links one beneath, and when i click first link a panel is visibleunder it and next link is shifted. When i click again the panel is invisible and second link shifted back.
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleDivState(divName)
I am trying to run a for loop for a backup system and inside that i want to run a SP that will loop. Below is the code that does not work for me..
Any ideas please?
Dim TotalTables As Integer
Dim i As Integer
TotalTables = 10
For i = 1 To TotalTables
objDL.BackupTables(220, i, 001) ' (This is a method from the DL and the 3 ...
I Write a Windows Application By C Sharp.
I Use a Picture in Background of my Form (MainForm) And I Use Many Picture in Buttons in This Form,And also I Use Some Panel And Label with Transparent Background Color.
My Forms,Panels And Buttons has flicker. I solve this problem by a method in this thread.
But Still when other Forms Start ove...
So my program works like this: using winforms, user enters ID number, using an array, based on the right id number, that student information and class schedule outputs in a message box!
My question is how to take the 4 classes in the message box/array and write them to the linklabel text in form 2????
My Getschedule class contains the ...
I am using an HP RS232 pole display with setting as listed below. Also the documentation is provided in this link:
Char type: USA/Europe (default)
Command mode: EPSON (default)
Baud rate: 9600, n , 8, 1 (default)
Passthru None (Default)
Here's the code
Adding some gui modifications and I want to have a button which is 10pixels away from the forms left and right border. With this code the right border of the button is around 20-30 pixel outside the form window. Why is that? How can I position my button to be exactly 10pixels away from the form borders ?
int margin = 10;
meny1 = new Bu...
C# Winforms 3.5
I have a list of user controls all derived from one base class. These controls can be added to various panels and I'm trying to implement the drag-drop functionality, the problem I'm running in to is on the DragDrop event.
The DragEventArgs: e.Data.GetData(typeof(baseClass)) doesn't work. It wants:
I was wondering if anyone knows of an existing sample or an approach to achieve the desired functionality.
Basically, what I'm looking for is a web browser like skeleton. The idea is that the main screen of my application is shown in the left tab. This tab can never be closed. On this screen is an overview of various application compo...
I have a WinForms .Net HMI software which talks to hardware over USB. I check for communication with the hardware at Load time and if communication is active then run it (The hardware manufacturer has provided a communication library to talk over USB).
I want to build an emulator for cases when communication with hardware is not possib...