
Switching from WiX 3.0 to 3.5 decreased msi size from 100Mb to 4Mb?!

After upgrading my installer build to WiX 3.5 the msi size fell from 100Mb down to only 4Mb! At first I thought some files were excluded from MSI, so I ran light.exe 3.0 and 3.5 with -v (verbose) and -notidy (to keep the temp files) options, checked the cab files, and indeed in case of 3.5 the cab file was 3.8Mb while the 3.0 produced 98...

Wix properties not being persisted from a WXI (<Control>) to a WXS (<InstallExecuteSequence>)

Hello, I hope you can help me with the following WIX issue: In my main.wxs, I initialize "MYPROPERTY" that then in ui.wxi, I put up a dialog box with a checkbox (that is checked/enabled from the MYPROPERTY that I've setup in the .wxs). I can verify that by unchecking the checkbox, it does flip the value because I enable/disable the "N...

Wix: Passing an object from one CustomAction method to another - Best Practice?

I am interested in the best practice of the following scenario. I have a CustomAction method that hits a web service and returns some information that I use to populate a combo box. Later in the install process in another CustomAction method, I need to access some of the meta data returned from that first web service call. In the first...

How do I force wix to update a file before manipulating it on an upgrade.

I have a wix installer that will install an XML file and then modify it. Installation works great. Today, I needed to add a couple of nodes to this XML file. So I modified the original file and then added some additional instructions to wix to assign these items values. Well, I get an error every time saying that it cannot find the n...

Database permissions issue using MSI/WIX 3.5

Hi, I've created a WIX DB installer. It works on my DEV machine using SQLEXPRESS but not on my test machine using (local). I confirmed that the server is correct in each case, using Orca. The following, is pretty much what I'm using, only with a few more scripts. the scripts are known to work fine, and if I take them out altogether, it ...

Merge modules and the component GUID

I've read the http://robmensching.com/blog/posts/2003/10/18/Component-Rules-101 blogpost which is very enlightning. However, I still have some questions: What is the scope of a component GUID? How does all this relate when using mergemodules in different installers? Lets say I have two different installers, installing to different fol...

MsiGetSummaryInformation always returns invalid parameter error

Hello All, I am trying to set the Template property in the Summary Information Stram but whatever I do, it fails. I can read the property from the handle but can't write it back. I want to generate multilingual copies of the MSI which is built (candled and light) in English. I am able to replace all the respective translated data in all...

WiX: make symbolic link with UAC enabled

Hello. I want to execute a custom action in a Windows Installer (with WiX script) that makes symbolic links at the end of installation. mklink requires administrator privilege, as the installer restricts. This is what I wrote: <CustomAction Id="mklink_cmdline" Property="QtExecCmdLine" Value='"[SystemFolder]cmd.exe" /c mklink "[SystemFol...

How do I get Wix to automatically uninstall an older build of an installer?

I used the following links advice, but it did not seem to resolve my issue. I wish to it to automatically remove any older builds (not just major version numbers). Whenever I use that code, it complains that an existing install is there and that I need to remove it manually beforehand. I wish to automate this process. If someone could po...

Class table generated InprocServer32 value problem.

I'm installing an Active X control that contains some COM servers. I'm using InstallShield's COM Extract at Build option to generate the registry information. This results in a lot of entries in the Registry and Class tables. (The extracted information is pretty much the same using Wix). It appears that my COM Sever is correctly bein...

WIX - RegistrySearch returns a wrong Installlocation

Hi all, My WIX-installer shall check for a previously installed version of the software. If there is an older installation it shall be installed in the same path. I'm using RegistrySearch to perform this check. <Property Id="TARGETDIR"> <RegistrySearch Id="InstallLocation" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\...

Wix ChooseLanguageDialog on Setupstart

Hey, has anyone an idea how to show an Chooselanguagedialog on the startup of my setup. Of course this dialog has to set the lanuage of the Setup (Yes, i use localization like !(loc.xxx) ). Thanks in advance! ...

Working example of WIX script that registers help in MS Help 2.0 needed

Hello. Can anybody give an example of WIX script to register custom help in visual studio help? I,ve searched for some tutorial, but the only thing that I found was VS schema reference. Everything I tried to do did not work. I use WIX 3.0. ...

Wix & T4 : no "Custom Tool" option

I want to generate a fragment using T4 but after adding a .tt file to the Wix project there is no "Custom Tool" option for this file. And there is no menu item "Run custom tool" when right clicking on the .tt file. Is there a hack for this ? I'm using VS 2010 and latest Wix 3.5 ...

COM registration with WIX in 32bit and 64bit Windows

I created an installer for my AnyCPU DLLs. I've marked my assemblies with teh Assembly=.net directive in my project as well. The installer seems to be able to register the COM servers successfully on my XP 32bit machine, but fails to do so in my Windows7 Machine. I did run the installer in admin mode. Also I looked up the Win764 registry...

Can WiX comsume a WCF service?

Hello, I'm creating an installer in which the user has to register their details. Those details need to go up to a server by consuming a WCF service that is there. I'm not sure if Wix can directly consume a WCF service, but if not, can a custom action take the information that has been inserted in a custom WiX UI window? That way the W...

Is it possible to localize EULA in WiX using .wxl file?

Hello. My installer, created wth WiX is localized via .wxl files. It is possible in WiX to specify multiple cultures and light.exe will be called multiple times, creating an installer for each language (this is available while building installer from Visual Studio). All works file except for EULA. It is defined in .wxs file via <WixVar...

Wix heat.exe with project harvesting type

Hi, I'm using the lastest version of Wix 3.5 and I'm trying to generate a fragment file using heat.exe. The command line is : "%WIX%\bin\heat.exe" project "MyProj.csproj" -pog Binaries -pog Content -suid -directoryid INSTALLLOCATION -ag -template fragment -out "Files.wxs" The prolem I'm having is that the assemblies my project is dep...

Dynamically update app.config file using WiX

I have an msi built using WiX. Part of the installer collects some settings that will be entered into the app.config file of the installed app. Now it works fine if I define Now my question is this: is there a way I can dynamically create this util:XmlFile tag (e.g. from a custom action) so that I don't have to hard code it in to the ...

How to correctly use WixAppFolder for install without UAC?

Hello. I have created a minimal installer with "WixAppFolder" set to "WixPerUserFolder". Application installs in HOME\AppData\Local\Apps\APPNAME as expected, but installer shows same UAC prompt for both per-user and per-machine install (under normal user this prompt has 'enter administrator password'). I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bi...