
How to undo fill-paragraph in emacs?

I have a text file that is pretty long. Any easy way to "undo" a M-q (fill-paragraph) on a file that was written and saved a while ago? For example, I want to change this: They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!! They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the t...

Disable word breaking when wrapping lines in .NET DrawString

Hello, I am using .NET to draw a string into a limited space. I want the string to be as big as possible. I have no problem in the string breaking up into more lines (if it stays inside the rectangle). Now the problem: I don't want .NET to break the string in different lines in the middle of a word. For example string "Test" prints on a...

Is there a way to prevent a string of letters with no spaces from overflowing out of its corresponding boundaries?

The question is pretty straight forward, I have tried using a span with rules set to clear:both; and display:block;, at the bottom of each list entry where the text is being inserted in with no luck. I am not really sure what to do on this. I don't expect to many entries with long consecutive letter strings but for example if someone doe...

R: ggplot2, can I set the plot title to wrap around and shrink the text to fit the plot?

library(ggplot2) my_title = "This is a really long title of a plot that I want to nicely wrap \n and fit onto the plot without having to manually add the backslash n, but at the moment it does not" r <- ggplot(data = cars, aes(x = speed, y = dist)) r + geom_smooth() + #(left) opts(title = my_title) can I set the plot title to wrap a...

How to line-wrap console output in NetBeans 6.8?

Is there a way to make the console output text wrap based on the actual width of the window? I have limited screen height real estate on my laptop, and so want to have the console window docked on the right rather than the bottom of the window. An option or a plugin is fine, I'm using NetBeans 6.8. If this exists in a newer version of N...

Find longest initial substring which renders in a limited width

Hello everyone, I have a long string, ex: "Please help me to solve this problem." This string is so long to fit in a width of 100 pixels. I need to get a substring of this string and substring will fit in 100 pixels. Ex: substring "Please help me to sol" is fit in 100 pixels. Please help me how to estimate a substring like this. Thanks....

How do I wrap a very long line of text in a GWT label?

This is an extract of my code at the moment: VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); RootPanel.get("messages").add(mainPanel); HorizontalPanel tempPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); tempPanel.setSize("100px", "200px"); Label content = new Label("AAAveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryverylong...

Is it necessary to wrap long lines when sending emails ?

I'm using Zend_Mail to send emails. Few articles (like first example on this page) have suggested to wrap long lines in message body. Questions: Is it necessary to use wordwrap(), in case any of line is larger than 70 characters? Where does this '70' figure come from? ...

Vim, LaTeX, word-wrapping, and version control

I'm writing a LaTeX document in vim, and I have it hard wrapping at 80 characters to make reading easier. However, this causes problems with tracking changes with in version control. For example, inserting "Lorem ipsum" at the beginning of this text: 1 Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lobortis lectus 2 ...

[IPhone] How to get the lenth of each line of the text when wordwrap is considered.

Hi there. I meet a problem as follows: I have a NSString displayed in a UILabel into multiple lines with WordWrap mode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap, rendered into 2 lines NSString* myText = @"I am here Work". "I am here_" //Line 1. _ is for blank. "Work" //Line 2. Is there anyway for me to get the width for the substring 'I am here...

Does the Wrap function in ColdFusion insert CR/LFs?

I have the need to do some word wrapping with a few considerations: 1) Source file is MS WORD 2) Copy and paste the text into a textarea in a cfform. 3) Use #wrap(theTextVar,80)# to dump out the text 80 characters 4) The text is uploaded to a legacy system which needs ansi or ascii chars uploaded. Everything seems to work okay, I ju...

Word Wrap in Vim (preserving indentation)

I was just looking at this post which describes how to wrap entire words in vim. The accepted solution was this: :set formatoptions=l :set lbr Which takes this text (tabs are shown as \t): *Inside of window *Outside of window |---------------------------------------| |\t\tthis is a like of text that will ...

arbitrary word wrap in IE

Firefox wraps text inside spans and divs neatly without expanding them. I'm having trouble achieving this with IE. IE only wraps words at word separators like spaces or hyphens. If the text does not contain spaces or hyphens the span expands in width. How do I get it to wrap arbitrarily and maintain the width of the span (or div) ? ...

Balanced text wrapping in HTML

In HTML, is there a way to evenly distribute text that is broken across multiple lines? E.g., I don't want: Here is some really long label that ends up on two lines. I'd prefer: Here is some really long label that ends up on two lines. ...

Wrapping text and div as a unit

I have the following that I would like wrapped as units. <div class='tag-box'> <a href=#>Axe Committee</a> <div class='circle'><a href=#>x</a></div> </div> The CSS for these classes are: .tag-box { display:inline; } .circle { display:inline; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; background:rgb(196,15,24); /*dark red*/...

word wrap in tcpdf

I'm using tcpdf to creat a pdf version of the html table below. How do I word wrap the text in the cells? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> table.frm { width: 960px; Height:400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right...

Add wordwrap to decoded json text

Hi, I am using a simple script on my PHP webpage to decode and output JSON as text. However, what ever I try I can't get it to wordwrap the output. $file = file_get_contents('sample.txt'); $out = (json_decode($file)); echo $out->mainText; How can I get this script to wordwrap at 600 characters without chopping words in half? If possi...

html - problem with word wrapping

Hello! I have some text in div, and I want it to wrap to fit document width (without any scrolls!). I don't want to have word-break, like div {word-wrap: break-word;} For example (this is what I want to get): hello world! today is a good day. But not: hello world! today is a good day. or: hello world! today is a go od day. ...

Multiline Text as the button label - WIndows Forms

Basically, i am creating a button in Oval shape. But my button label is too long to display in one line. So i wanted to split in to multiple lines. So the Oval button looks good. My Problem is, How to enable word wrap on a Button? Any suggestions? ...

DrawString with character wrapping

Hi all, I'm creating a fatal error dialog for a Windows Mobile Application using C#. The problem is when I try to draw the stacktrace using DrawString, half of my stacktrace is getting clipped off because DrawString uses word wrapping instead of character wrapping. For those who don't understand the explanation: When i draw the stackt...