
facebook "LIKE" button on Wordpress blog doesn't create a link on facebook?

Hi, I set up the facebook like button on my blog and when I click "LIKE", on my facebook profile, it says "XXX (my name) likes Yeok-Rin « GOINGNOWHERE on raw.herobo.com." Only problem is that at facebook recent activity page, it doesn't show the link, as shown here I "liked" a random post and a post from my blog and the one below...

WordPress - Page 2 of Category displaying Not Found

I've got a category titled News and a bunch of posts which are assigned to this category. I can browse to domain/news and view 10 posts. When browsing to the next page, the URL is domain/news/page/2/ but this displays a Page Not Found error. I have WP-PageNavi installed and this is showing 4 pages that I should be able to browse to, b...

Lightbox that works with dynamically loaded html

I'm currently using a read more function on the frontpage of my site to load in larger sections of articles. It loads from a seperate html file a div with the id mainarticle. It makes use of the jQuery function .load() but the lightbox within this section does not work. I know it is something to do with .live() but I am unable to pinp...

Custom loop not comparing metavalues properly

Hi so I have a custom loop that is supposed to show upcoming events only it's not taking into account the year so it's displaying future events as being in the past due to just the month and date. <ul class="upcoming"> <?php // Get today's date in the right format $todaysDate = date('m/d/y H:i:s'); ?> <?php query_posts('showposts=2&cat...

Customize WordPress comment post query

Hello! I am trying to extend the functionality of the comments in a WordPress install. I read allusion to an elusive 'custom comment type' functionality, but could not find any information. Instead, I was thinking that I would add a custom column ' to the 'comments' database table. That's the easy part. What I have no clue how to do is t...

Problems in Using Object Variable to Activate & Deactivate WordPress Hooks

First of all, I want to say sorry for this very big question, but all these questions were disturbing my little brain (or no brain!) for the past couple of days as I was not getting any suitable answer. I will request to first read this slowly, and whoever knows any part of it, please try to answer it for that part only. I will really be...

how to transfer big files using webservice api in wordpress or php

how to transfer big files using webservice api in wordpress or php? Thanks in advance Naveen ...

Prevent Audio Player from refreshing while page change

I'm creating a website in wordpress. I have a music player in it as its for a music artist. But I want the player to continue playing while the users move through the website. I dont want to use iframe as i want the url updated so the page can be bookmarked. Or is there any way to update the url and use iframe? ...

Decode Footer Link

i have a free theme on my wordpress. but it have links on its footer. and when i see its footer.php i see only like this..: <?php eval(stripslashes(gzinflate(base64_decode("dVLLboMwEDwTKf+wyqEhF7g3lKh/UCWRqkpIyOAltgQY2U5IpH58/YBAk5YL652dnd2xd+lyAbNvOiUx5ZcBHePlIkhMBJy+ZatC0Fsu+YnpbDXrMhUoTrEgMidUmYpk17EOeBVW57bUXLQ5XrnSKszWmmGDtixXTPTZe...

How to avoid linebreak in Safari?

I am using cforms plugin on a wordpress page. Unfortunately "required" in Russian seems to be two words according to the translation office. In Firefox it looks ok, in Safari it breaks to the bottom left of that line. span.reqtxt, span.emailreqtxt { margin:2px 0 0 3px; font-size:0.9em; font-weight:bold; color:#0d5f99; display:...

wordpress - action hook 'pre publish post'?

Hi all, need to change post content before it is published. I could overwrite the native publish function but don't want to do this. What i'd like to do is something like: add_action('before_publish_post','my_func'); function my_func($content){ $content = "new content"; return $content; } I have had a look at the 'publish_po...

Wordpress ws-ecommerce plugin

I used ws-ecommernce plugin in Wordpress and entered 2 categories and 2 brands in Categories. How can I show them separately (Brands and Categories)? Please tell me the statements. ...

Wordpress multiple custom metabox values?

Hi. I'm trying to add a feature to have multiple featured images to a theme I'm creating similarily to this (from the theme Habitat by Kriesi on themeforest.net): http://s3.envato.com/files/1163033/images/5_backend_post.png You can see there on the right that there is a way to add as many featured images as you want. This requires that...

wordpress category with products on home page

I want to display one category with products on home page. I'm using wp-ecommerce plugin. How can I do that? ...

Ajax in WP post edit problems.

I'm trying to use Ajax from within the Wordpress edit post section. I want to create a button that adds a new text box. I want to use ajax so that when the use clicks the 'Add new' button it addes a number to an array using array_push & then foreach to display a text box for each array value. Anyone have any insight? Here's the code: ...

rewrite rules for wordpres 3.0.1 multi site with subdirectories nginx

Hi, I've been trying to use the solution from this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3488861/rewrite-rules-for-subdirectories-in-wordpress-3-multiuser-with-nginx But I keep getting an "unknown directive if(" when restarting nginx. Am I doin' something wrong or do I have the wrong rewrite rules or what? Thanks for your help. La...

wordpress: use post-thumbnail if set?

hey guys, i hope there are a few wordpress experts out there that can help me with ths. i'm using: the_post_thumbnail('medium'); to view a post-thumbnail that can be set for every post in the backend. however, if there is no postthumbnail set i want to print out a different image. any idea how i can check the function to find out if ...

Getting posts that have thumbnails in Wordpress?

Hi everyone, I've been working with WordPress built-in functions for a couple of days now and got everything working this far. However, I am trying to find a solution to only fetch posts that have thumbnails into an array/object. I have already checked out the Wordpress function references, but have yet not found any solution. How can ...

how to debug wordpress - capability causes bug

Dear all, Help! All users with manage_options capability on my WordPress site are unable to open wp-admin (and any page in administration of wordpress). They just get the message Sorry, no posts matched your criteria. As a quick fix this was done in wp_capabilities field in usermeta table: a:2:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;s:14:"manage...