
Print Multipage in WPF

Hi, i have to print my form but it is big to enter in only one page so i need to print it in 2 pages ,my poor knowledge allow me to know how print one page but hot how print in multipage . Do you have any advice how i can print in multipage,all kind of help will be appreciate. Thanks. Good Work ...

WPF Wavy Underline Bold/Larger Fonts

In a previous discussion, bstoney provides a very nice example of how to wavy underline some text in WPF. It works great for normal fonts, but for bold and/or larger fonts, I find that the tiling gets off such that the tops of the wavy underline are clipped and they appear below the bottoms instead. I'm hoping to avoid learning all abo...

Why would server say it can't find .exe file when trying to execute .xbap file?

I created an .xbap application with Visual Studio C# Express. Runs fine with F5. Then pressed F6, copied the following files from /Release directory up to ASP.NET webserver: Motion2.exe Motion2.exe.manifest Motion2.pdb Motion2.xbap But when I try to execute it in Firefox or IE: http://tanguay.de/xbap/Motion2/Motion2.xbap I get the...

Drag a WPF Form around the desktop

Hi, i am trying to make a c# WPF form where i can drag it around the screen by clicking on it and moving with the mouse. the forms characteristics include being completely transparent and containing only one image. This being said the window style is none and it is not displayed in the taskbar. So essentially all you can see when the app...

WPF Data Navigation Controls

I need to have a navigation set of controls to move through data (First, Next, Prev, Last, and specific record). Is there any set of controls out there that have this wired up? I am new to WPF and was hopeful something already exists that provides this capability. ...

Confusion with WPF MVVM

I have downloaded the document about MVVM from CodePlex, but I don't understand this diagram. In the document, ContactView never sets its DataContext to ContactViewModel, so I don't understand why this diagram has shown that ContactView refers to ContactViewModel via DataContext. I don't know when it sets ContactView.DataContext, or ...

ItemSource vs Datacontext in wpf.

Can any one give me the difference between Itemsource and DataContext of Listview in WPF? With example ...

Fading out a wpf window on close

Hi, I want to fade a window in/out in my application. Fading in occurs on Window.Loaded and I wanted to fade out on close (Window.Closed or Window.Closing). Fading in works perfectly but a RoutedEvent is not allowed on Window.Closing. What RoutedEvent should I be using for Close? <Window.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Win...

I am trying to save images in wpf application, but after saving some pink color is coming on that images. Is there any solution for that?

Hi, I am developing a WPF application. In which I am trying to save images. After saving the image, the color balance of the image turns to light reddish. How can we retain the original color of image after saving also. Is there any solution for that. ...

Adding Columns programatically to listview in WPF?

How can I add columns programatically to a listview? ...

liskbox selected item should highlight with some color

I have a listbox with some images.I want to hightlight the selected item with some color. Iam using wrap panel to display images horizontally with scrollviewer. Is there any way to solve my problem. ...

I have a listbox with the following code. I am getting the error like -- a panel with isitemshost is not nested in itemscontrol. Panel mustbe nested to show and get items

I have a Listbox with below code in code b...

How to create a listbox with a scrollviewer with repeat buttons

I am developing a wpf application with a listbox having some images. also having the scrollviewer to the listbox with repeat buttons. What i want is suppose listbox lenght is 100% then scrollviewer lenght should be some 75%. I dont want scrollviewer as same length as listbox.funtionality must work for scrollviewer repeat buttons. if i cl...

Storing file information for a WPF TreeView (C#)

Hey there. I hope this question hasn't come up before - I couldn't find it on the list of related questions. Anyway, I'm a fairly newbie programmer (first year of a computing degree, so I know about squat), and I'm currently having a play with C# and WPF. For fun, I'm trying to create a simple music browser - to begin with, it'll just r...

i want to know what are all the triggers available for treeview

i want to know what are all the triggers available for treeview.I want to change the color of selected item in treeview. Any answers plzz.. ...

WPF Dependency Properties: Why do I need to specify an Owner Type?

This is how I register a DependencyProperty: public static readonly DependencyProperty UserProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("User", typeof (User), typeof (NewOnlineUserNotifier)); public...

What makes WPF application startup slow?

I noticed that WPF application startup is sometimes pretty slow. Does anybody know if the the cause is the elements initialization or DLLs loading or something else? ...

ListView scrollbar messes up my layout

Hi all, I have a WPF ListBox that typically shows 4 or 5 items. For my application that means I almost never have to display a scrollbar (there is enough space). However, in case there are more items in the list, I need to show the vertical scroll bar, but as a result my content has less space and doesn't look nice anymore on a "backd...

Why does WrapPanel wrap TextBlocks horizontally but UserControls vertically?

This correctly wraps the TextBlocks horizontally: <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="10" HorizontalAlignment="Left"> <TextBlock Text="Simple WrapPanel:" Margin="0 0 0 5"/> <WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <TextBlock Text="one"/> <TextBlock Text="two"/> <TextBlock Text="thee"/> <TextBlock...

Page preferences dialog in WPF

Howdy, I'm fiddling with adding the ability to output from a program I'm working on to both PDF and XPS. Initially both were just done via printers (pdf printer/xps writer) but I'd like to do it a little more directly. The issue I've run into is that there doesn't seem to be a page preferences dialog for WPF. Is there one and I just ca...