
Do you use Microsoft's Prism (CompositeWPF) in commercial development?

Are you using or going to use Prism? I had experience with Composite Application block (composite UI for WinForms) and can say that it's an overengineered hard to use framework. I've taken a look at Prism and it seems to be better designed e.g. simple to use and fast. What do you think? ...

Is there a secret trick to force antialiasing inside Viewport3D in Windows XP?

Under Windows XP WPF true 3D content (wich is usually displayed using the Viewport3D control) looks extremely ugly because it is by default not antialiased as the rest of the WPF graphics are. Especially at lower resolution the experience is so bad that it can not be used in production code. I have managed to force antialiasing on some ...

How do I create a base page in WPF?

I have decided that all my WPF pages need to register a routed event. Rather than include public static readonly RoutedEvent MyEvent= EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("MyEvent", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(BasePage)); on every page, I decided to create a base page (named BasePage). I put the above line...

Disable WPF label accelerator key (text underscore is missing)

I am setting the .Content value of a Label to a string that contains underscores; the first underscore is being interpreted as an accelerator key. Without changing the underlying string (by replacing all _ with __), is there a way to disable the accelerator for Labels? ...

Business Application UI Design

Hey guys, Basically I'm going to go a bit broad here and ask a few questions to get a bit of a picture of how people are handling UI these days. Lately I've found it pretty easy to do some fancy things with UI design and with WPF specifically we're finding new ways to do layouts that are better looking and more functional for the user,...

What tool do you miss more for WPF development?

In my previous question we have gathered a list of useful WPF tools. Today my question is what tool do you miss more? Personally I miss a WPF designer for programmer. I want to concentrate on writing code, so I need a good XAML editor with intellisense support not a fancy forms editor. Take a look at Paul Stovell’s article “Th...

Find item in WPF ComboBox

I know in ASP.NET I can get an item from a DropDownList by using DropDownList1.Items.FindByText Is there a similar method I can use in WPF for a ComboBox? ...

How well does WPF blend with XNA in real life?

I understand that there are several ways to blend XNA and WPF within the same application. I find it enticing to use WPF for all GUI and HUD stuff in my XNA games. Does anyone have any practical experience on how well this approach works in real life using .NET 3.5 SP1 ? Any pitfalls (such as the "airspace problem")? Any hint on what app...

Is there a good WPF diagrammer / toolkit / provider ?

Basically we need a custom diagram component in our new WPF based application. Needs to show text/lines, linked 2D Nodes and custom images apart from the other diagramming features like Undo/Redo, Align, Group, etc.. ala Visio. The initial team did a bit of investigation and settled on the WinForms Northwoods GoDiagrams suite... a solut...

WPF control performance

What is a good (and preferably simple) way to test the rendering performance of WPF custom controls? I have several complex controls in which rendering performance is highly crucial. I want to be able to make sure that I can have lots of them drawwing out in a designer with a minimal impact on performance. ...

Strong Validation in WPF

I have a databound TextBox in my application like so: (The type of Height is decimal?) <TextBox Text="{Binding Height, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, Converter={StaticResource NullConverter}}" /> public class NullableConverter : IValueConverter { pu...

WPF - Load Font from Stream?

I have a MemoryStream with the contents of a Font File (.ttf) and I would like to be able to create a FontFamily WPF object from that stream WITHOUT writing the contents of the stream to disk. I know this is possible with a System.Drawing.FontFamily but I cannot find out how to do it with System.Windows.Media.FontFamily. Note: I will on...

how would you architect a desktop application in C# 3.0

Hi I've created a simple desktop application in C# 3.0 to learn some C#, wpf and .Net 3.5. My application essentially reads data from a csv file and stores it in a SQL server CE database. I use sqlmetal to generate the ORM code for the database. My first iteration of this app is ugly as hell and I'm in the process of refactoring it. Whi...

WPF Get Element(s) under mouse

Is there a way with WPF to get an array of elements under the mouse on a MouseMove event? ...

Choosing a folder with .NET 3.5

In a C# .NET 3.5 app (a mix of WinForms and WPF) I want to let the user select a folder to import a load of data from. At the moment, it's using System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog but that's a bit lame. Mainly because you can't type the path into it (so you need to map a network drive, instead of typing a UNC path). I'd like somet...

Custom cursor in WPF?

I want to use an image or icon as a custom cursor in WPF app. What's the best way to do it? ...

Where do attached properties fit in a class diagram?

What is the most appropriate way to represent attached properties in a UML diagram or an almost-uml diagram like the VS2008 class diagram? ...

Do you know any WPF based text editor control?

Note that I'm not looking for something based on TextBox or RichTextBox. What I'm interested in is a text editing control written from scratch using WPF typography features. Open source would be a plus. ...

How can I reformat XAML nicely in VS 2008?

Visual Studio 2008's XAML editor (SP1) cannot reformat the XML into a consistent style. Which tools can I use to get a nicely formatted XAML file? Studio integration preferred. ...

c# Using WPF and .net 3.5, how can i register a global hot key to say CTRL+SHIFT+(LETTER)

Im building an app in c# using WPF and i need it to bind to some keys. Ive found some links but not work well with my setup. Anyone done this before? also if i could bind to the windows key would be great. ...