
how to adjust wrap text no. of lines for the uitable cell height in iphone?

Hi, In my Iphone application,the width of the text line is increased than the width of the device width.but how to devide the cell height based on the wrap text lines? so that the no. of lines should adjust into the cell height. if anybody has any solution or any other source code or any other usefullink,which would be apreciated. Tha...

jquery wrap sibling elements

The following markup will have some extra elements injected into it (ie: a div containing some flash for example). How can i dynamically wrap all of the p tags in one div and add a button above it to toggle that newly made div? <div class="post"> <p>blquehrgéoqihrteoijth</p> </div> <div class="post"> <p>blquehrgéoqihrteoijth</p> ...

Width of float no longer shrinks to fit when contents wrap to multiple lines

Here is a test file. Resize the window to be wide enough to hold all four boxes. Notice the container is no wider than the boxes, as intended. Resize the window to be small enough that the boxes are on more than one line. Notice the container is the full width of the page (this is unintended). Why? Is it possible to prevent this in a ...

Jquery using wrapAll

I need to find all the p tags inside all the divs with a class of someClass and wrap them with another div. This is how the beginning mark up would look like : <div class="someClass"> // Lots of different tags generated by the site <p>Some text</p> <p>Some text</p> <p>Some text</p> <p>Some text</p> </div> <div class="som...

Wrapping a div around the document body

Hello! I am trying to dynamically wrap the contents of a document's body tag in a DIV. So far, I have used the following code: document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="wrap">' + document.body.innerHTML + '</div>'; This works, but has the unwanted side effect that other scripts on the same page stop working (I assume because changing innerH...

Wrap Text inside fixed Div with css or javascript ?

Hi, I have tinymce editor(textarea) and one div. Whenever i type inside the text editor, it shows at the preview div which is (200px) in real time which is looks alike stackoverflow preview. What I want to achieve is, if we type one words without space and if exceed 200px, I want to wrap it to the next line. I tried to find it and I...

jQuery wrap selected text in a textarea

how can i get the user selected text(just inside textarea) and apply actions to it something like wrap the selection [#bold]selected text[/bold] , thanks ...

IE6 floated element wrapping problem

I am trying to get tags to wrap to the next line by left floating them. In firefox the text will wrap onto the start of the next line, however IE6 will wrap the text onto the line directly under the start of the text of the tag. So for example if the a tag is halfway along the line it will wrap to the next line but halfway along it inst...

How to tell SQLexec not to wrap characters?

I'm using Oracle 11g. Also using the spool command to get the output of a query to a file. The problem is that sqlexec is wrapping the characters and making my life miserable. Now under normal circumstances this might be fine however the spool file is on average a 100,000 lines and more so because sqlexec keeps giving me line breaks .......

sIFR 3 no text wrap around floating images

Is sIFR supposed to wrap around floating images? I have some headings next to a large image float:left and the image bumps the headline down below it. Headings that aren't beside floating images do wrap properly so the functionality is there, so my question is whether or not sIFR 3 text wraps beside floating images. Jeremy ...

How do i make a border with css around some elements without specifing an absolute width?

i am new to css and would like to draw a border around this: <form name="SomeForm" method="post" action="SomeAction"> <fieldset> <legend>Details</legend> <div class="menu"> <p><label for="UserName">Username</label><input name="UserName" id="UserName" type="text" value="#data[1].username#"></p> <p><label for="Passwo...

Wrap long lines in Vim?

I've noticed that gq does not work when I paste in a long line. For example, with a textwidth=72 and formatoptions=tcroqbnl, gq refuses to wrap this (in insert mode, I pasted the entire label contents, and then exited insert mode with ESC): <label for="contact_reason_1">To get assistance with or to confirm a tire replace...

How to make a DIV wrap for content with no whitespace?

I am trying to get a DIV element to wrap its content despite the content not having any whitespace. The content is a nucleic acid sequence, so inserting whitespace every x-characters is possible, but I'd rather do it more elegantly if possible. e.g. <div>TCTTGCTGCGCCTCCGCCTCCTCCTCTGCTCCGCCACCGGCTTCCTCCTCCTGAGCAGTCAGCCCGCGCGCCGGCCGGCTC...

Text Wrapping around an absolute positioned div.

I know there are a few questions about similar topics but they mostly amount to floating the div/image. I need to have the image(and div) positioned absolutely (off to the right) but I simply want the text flow around it. It works if I float the div but then I can't position it where I want. As it is the text just flows behind the pictur...

how to show vertical line to wrap the line in vim?

hi, I'm finding a way to show a vertical line at 80 column in vim(not gvim). I've been used "set wrap", but I just want to show the line to wrap the long line by myself. thanks. ...

jQuery wrap() not working

HTML: <input type="text" class="text text-1" /> jQuery $('input.text-1').wrap('<span class="textfield-1"></span>'); CSS: .textfield-1 { border: 1px solid #d00; display: none; } wrap() doesn't seem to work. I don't see 's wrapped around input in firebug. If they were wrapped, inputs would be hidden with display:none, but ...

Android WebView wrap-content

Hi Friend... a simple question... Is it possible to Load a URL in a webView and resize it to fit the screen... i Mean i want to make the WebPage small so that the user doesnt need to scroll... IS it possible???? ...

Degree range (0-360) wrap around woes

I'm trying to trap the degrees that are X distance (fig: 45) away from a given degree (fig: 15). I'm getting caught up in the 360/0 wrap around. The given degrees are all normalized 0-360. Can someone please show me how to do this? I've included a graphic that illustrates my lacking aptitude. I swear on Michael Jackson's grave that I sc...

Has OAuth failed?

I consider to use OAuth for Single Sign-On (SSO) with RESTful services. At first sight to use OAuth as the de-facto standard looked naturally to me. But I must confess that I don't understand how to use it for SSO. During studying OAuth I discovered more and more criticism of Auth - so much that I tend to think OAuth has failed. OAuth i...

Retain case when using str_ireplace?

I am building a search that will wrap the searched text with a <span> tag and i have this code working ok: str_ireplace($q,'<span>'.$q.'</span>',$row[name]); The problem is, if a user searches for Tom is will show Tom which is cool, but if they put in tom because of the str_ireplace it would show tom, does that make sense? The real is...