
Excel Word Wrap Problem after Macro

I have a macro that I use to receive data from an InputBox and then insert that data into a cell. I am having some formatting issues with the data after the following macro runs. Sub InsertNotes() ' ' insertnotes Macro ' ' Dim UserNotes As String UserNotes = InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter your note below:", Title:="Note input"...

jQuery wrap syntax

It's end of day. I'm hoping I'm just having a lapse of logic. I can't get this to work: var $divA= $("<div></div>").addClass('classA'); var $divB= $("<div></div>").addClass('classB'); $myDiv.after($divA.wrap($divB)); The above should turn this: <div id="myDiv"></div> Into this: <div id="myDiv"></div> <div class="classB"> <d...

Wrapping content with jquery

How can I use wrap around the content with the placeholder div using jQuery. So I can turn this - <div class="placeholder"></div> <div class="content"></div> <div class="content"></div> <div class="content"></div> <div class="content"></div> <div class="placeholder"></div> <div c...

JUNG: how to shape pickable vertices

Hello everyone... I am using JUNG to make a network diagram. I want to shape the vertices depending upon its type. The vertices are pickable and colored. The code for vertices so far is as under: class VertexColors extends PickableVertexPaintTransformer<Number> { VertexColors(PickedInfo<Number> pi) { super(pi, Color.blue, Co...

Blackberry ListField Text Wrapping - only two lines.

Within my ListField, I want to be able to take any given long String, and just be able to wrap the first line within the width of the screen, and just take the remaining string and display it below and ellipsis the rest. Right now, this is what I'm using to detect wrapping within my draw paint call: int totalWidth = 0; int charWidth = 0...

Android TextView Text not getting wrapped

Can any one tell me whats going wrong with the text, text exceeds then one line not getting wrap to next line going beyond the screen. Following is the code <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation=...

Wrap some specified words with span in jQuery?

Hello I'd like to know the most convenient way to wrap some specified words with span-tags. Example: I have a word, which is dog. Here's the original text: I have a dog, do you have a dog? And output should be like this: I have a <span class="highlight">dog</span>, do you have a <span class="highlight">dog</span>? Simple problem ...

How can I prevent floated div elements from wrapping when the browser is re-sized?

How do you make DIV's that are floated left next to each other not wrap when the browser is re-sized such that the viewport becomes smaller? div { float: left; } For example when the browser is fully maximized the divs line up like this: |div| |div| |div| |div| |div| |div| |div| |div| But when the browser re-sized smaller this ha...

wrap up html contents

if an html contains say <div>1222222222222234c dssdsdf sdfsdfsdf</div> how to wrap up the contents limiting to 10 characters and maybe after that we show (12222222..) two dots Thanks. ...

BlackBerry Browser: weird text wrapping behavior

When viewing the following test page with the browser in the BlackBerry 9630 simulator, the text width is wider than the screen width. So, when zoomed to 100%, one has to pan. http://sites.inka.de/klee/blackberry/text.html What solutions are there to make the text wrap to screen width? ...

Anybody know a way to use CSS text-overflow on text that's wrapping?

Does anybody know of a way to use {text-overflow: ellipsis;} on a piece of text that's wrapping to a second line? Adding {whitespace: nowrap;} makes text-overflow work, but I need the text to wrap so I really can't use that. ...

jquery scroll function not working on elements wrapping other elements

$(document).ready(function(){ var randomId = "id_"+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000); var wrap1 = $(document.createElement('div')).css('overflow', 'auto') .width(50).height(30).css('border','1px solid black').text('a') .attr('id',randomId); var content1 = $(document.createElement('div')).width(100) .text...

vim: wrap question

I would like to wrap the text 5 characters before the end of window (without breaking the line). I don't know how to do this without putting an EOL character in the text (wrapmargin/textwidth). ...

Wrapping multiple images inside a <div> in jQuery

hello! I need to find all the images inside a div, and wrap a div around them. here's the code I come up with, but that's not working! any ideas? thanks! jQuery(function(){ my_selection = []; $('.post').each(function(i){ if ($(this).find('img').length > 1 ){ my_selection.push(['.post:eq(' + i + ')']); } }); $( my_selectio...

IE 8 Compatibility Mode Causes Form Submit Button to Wrap

The below code does what I want in browsers I check with except IE when using compatibility mode. In compatibility mode the submit (Remove) button wraps to the next line. Can anyone help? It should look like it does in Firefox or IE when not using compatibility mode. Can't use float:left/right because I cannot specify length beforeha...

How to get DIVs into this code via JQuery

Heya everyone I been struggling along with this piece of code for the longest time, its driving me insane. I am trying many different things and looking at past posts here but nothing seems to be helping. Basicly i have a jquery pagination code in place and i want to add animated transitions between pages. With some assistance i got th...

wrap text around image IE

Hi I have done a bit of searching for a solution to wrap text around an image and came across the JQSlickWrap. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2457266/jquery-plugin-to-wrap-text-around-images-support-ie6 But it is not working in IE. Is there another way to wrap text around an image? Or is that just not possible for IE yet?... Great...

Wrap HTML with DIV until next H3

I have the following HTML structure: <div id="subgroup"> <h3>Group name #1</h3> <a href="#">Link #1</a> <a href="#">Link #2</a> <h3>Group name #2</h3> <a href="#">Link #3</a> <a href="#">Link #4</a> </div> I have this flat structure because I want to use jQuery UI's accordion effect. I want to wrap all a elemen...

Wrap all created li-elments after click

$('input[name="iplus"]').click(function() { $("#billsumary").append("<li>Test</li>"); }); Hi, i append a li-elemnt on every click. Now I like to wrap all those created li-elements into an ol-element but not each created one but all of them together. sample html output: <div id='billsumary'> <ol> <li>Test</li> <li>Test</l...

HTML list wrapping problem

I have a HTML list with this style: font-weight: bold; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style-type: none; display: block; width:700px; font-size: 14px; white-space: pre-wrap; and the cells have this style: display: inline; and I have spacer cells between each cell with this style: padding-right: 20px; display: inline; My problem ...