
Dependency problem of Perl CPAN modules

I tried to install SOAP::WSDL on Ubuntu 8.04 Server through CPAN but got the following error message: cpan> install SOAP::WSDL Running install for module SOAP::WSDL Running make for M/MK/MKUTTER/SOAP-WSDL-2.00.10.tar.gz Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/M/MK/MKUTTER/SOAP-WSDL-2.00.10.tar.gz ok SOAP-WSDL-2.00.10/ SOAP-WSDL-2.00...

How to write a java client to access wsdl file

Hi All, I have a .wsdl file i need to access the exposed method in it using java,how can i do it,i am new to webservices so not getting it what are the steps involved to write a java client and consume the webservices ,pLease let me know ...

Apace axis2 wsdl2java tool, foo_type0 classes

When I use wsdl2java - with adb data binding - to create the stubs for a web service given a WSDL file, I get some classes with name foo_type0 what is this type and in witch case is it generated?? Could there be a foo_type1 or foo_type2 type?? I have noticed it's generated when a type at the WSDL includes an < any /> element. ...

List documents in Sharepoint Documents Management via SOAP

Hi there we're working on simple integration of PHP basad application with Sharepoint Document Management system. The idea is to be able to: I. create a subfolder in Sharepoint DWS from PHP - we have this point working. II. list documents of a particular subfolder of DWS (and have a direct links to these doc on sharepoint) We have de...

Consuming object of ComplexType through PHP SoapClient

I'm trying to consume a soap feed using the PHP SoapClient and convert it to an array. It works great until I run into an object that is a complexType. Then it returns... [0] => stdClass Object ...instead of showing the multiple elements that are displayed when I access the SOAP feed otherwise. I'm very new to SOAP, so any help is ap...

Interoperable way to send XML data in WCF?

Hi, I'm using System.Xml.XmlElement as a parameter for sending XML data in WCF. Is this generally the interoperable way to send XML data in WCF, so that, for example, a PHP or Java Web Service will understand it if I'll send it from a WCF Client? I've read that I should never send XML directly as string in WCF. In WSDL generated by W...

eXtreme Design-by-Contract with Java, other than XINS?

Are there any technical Design-by-Contract solutions for Java projects similar to XINS? I'm looking for projects/frameworks that enforce developers to first author a contract for their application and then code within the boundaries of that contract, really using the contract to the full potential. I'm looking for something that, like XI...

Having trouble generating a SOAP RPC envelope from a WSDL

We are generating a SOAP envelope using WSDL4J to parse the WSDL and XSOM to parse the schema (to find the types). This works fine with "Document" web services but not with "RPC" style services. When parsing RPC style we receive errors stating that the parser is unable to reference types in other namespaces (from the wsdl:definition and...

Which web service stack allows binding wsdl first web service to existing classes in Java?

Greetings, I have a complicated scenario to handle. I have a wsdl file which uses a particular XML schema. The XML schema is actually a handcrafted implementation of a specification. There is also a Java based implementation of the same specification. So the XSD used in WSDL and Java classes at hand are quite similar, but not exactly s...

xsi:type in doc literal format

Although in normal circumstances xsi:type does not appear in a literal WSDL's SOAP message, there are still cases when type information is necessary and it will appear -- in polymorphism, for instance. If the API expects a base type and an extension instance is sent, the type of that instance must be provided for proper deserialization o...

Is there a WSDL-like mechanism for JSON?

My company is using SOAP for web services. Despite my efforts to convince my peers to use JSON, we still ended up using SOAP. WSDL was one of the main reasons (another is their unfamiliarity with JSON). That kind of annoyed me. I love JSON for its simplicity and lightweight, but I also like WSDL which provides the description of the dat...

PHP IDE with webservice wsdl Import Support

Recently I have been building a lot of applications that needs to access webservices. I currently use a tool wsdl2php to generate a php Class file from the wsdl file. I was wondering if there are IDE's available that can do the same thing, or at least make it really easy to access/code against the Methods that are available. I currentl...

Java classes to generate SOAP requests from wsdl

Hi there, I am looking for a way to easily generate SOAP requests from a wsdl file. for example, something like this: WSDLObject myWsdl = new WSDLObject(""); SOAPRequest myRequest = myWsdl.generateSOAPRequest(); Is there anything like that? I am trying to do it dynamically via another applicatio...

How to specify endpoint address that is different from service location in Java Web service client constructed with SAAJ?

I am constructing web service client in Java using SAAJ to consume Windows asmx service. I cannot use other high level tools because applying Java tools (Axis or Jax-ws) to WSDL results in WSDL errors It works good for http services but for https services I got the problem because in WSDL address location ( ...

Programmatically verifying a Web Reference matches an end point in .NET 3.5

I'm in the unfortunate situation where I need to consume web services that do not have a contract defined, as per normal SOA practices. This means that I need to guard against changes in the web services that break my web references. In the past, breaking changes in new web services versions such as the alteration of enumeration values h...

Is there a way to remove magic numbers from a XML Schema?

I have a WSDL with some types defined. Some elements accept lists of elements and on the service return I also have elements with list of values (or other elements). As a result I have some magic numbers in the XSD (e.g. minOccurs="10", maxOccurs="250" etc). These values 10, 250 etc are repeated throughout the XSD types. Is there a wa...

Error importing in Delphi 2010 WSDL generated from ColdFusion

Hello -- I'm a novice with SOAP and WebServices. Trying -for testing purposes- to import in RAD Studio 2010 (Delphi Update 4) any very simple WSDL produced from ColdFusion 9 WebService, I received immediately error message "syndicate.cfc SoapBindind is not a valid component name" Details [50074F4C]{rtl140.bpl } Classes.TComponent.Se...

Create SOAP Request from JWSDL

Hey there, I have been working with JWSDL to allow me to programatically work with WSDL files. I now want to create SOAP requests that can be sent to the server. How do I generate these requests from the JWSDL classes? any ideas? thanks! ...

WSDL - soap:operation/@soapAction - needs to be unique?

In WSDL1.1, does each binding/operation/soap:operation/@soapAction have to be unique inside it's containing binding? If not, how does the SOAP/WSDL server know which "matching" operation to invoke? ...

Changing the URL on a webservice client generated with wsimport

I am trying to write a module for a Java application that accesses a WSDL-described webservice. The source WSDL was downloaded straight from what I believe to be an ASP.NET webservice; the service URL ends in a .asmx extension, and viewing the service URL in a browser shows a link which can be used to download the WSDL. A key requireme...