
Java | Webservice error

I'm trying to create a jax-ws client for a service built some time ago. While I creating the client (using myecplise's ws-client creation tool) I'm getting a error that halt the creation of ws client the error was: AXIS error No service is available at this URL I'm not familiar with webservices, I just configured it on myecplise and a...

Better solution for WCF service(s) that talk to 3rd party Java services?

I am in a scenario where I have to integrate with a 3rd party system here at my job that exposes Java-based web services. I can parse the service WSDL definitions and generate proxy classes and interact with them just fine in the .NET world. However, the services aren't very "clean" in the sense that the property names in the Java app's ...

Extracting WSDL <type> elements with JWSDL

Hello, I am trying to read the Type elements from a WSDL. I need to extract the types information to extract the elements from the returned SOAP object. I have been experimenting with several classes over the last couple of days with no progress. Here is my code, // Identify Simple Web Service Site with some good Types String endpoi...

axi2(1.5) is not defining the elements in wsdl types

Hi I am trying to create a web service as an "aar" file. But when i deploy it... i can not see the wsdl:types or xsd ... here is the wsdl <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=""&gt; <wsdl:documentation>Inverse</wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:types/> <wsdl:message name="getInverseRequest"/> <wsdl:message name="getInver...

Define mandatory fields when generating WSDL via CXF Java2WS

I'm using CXF Java2WS to generate WSDL from my java code. I want to define that myEntity argument to the web service is mandatory - that CXF will generate the WSDL with minOccurs="1". I didn't find any annotation that do this. @WebService public interface MyWebService { public int helloWorld(@WebParam(name="myEntity") MyEntity myEnti...

How to get rid of XmlIgnoreAttribute() when creating proxy dynamically from wsdl?

I am using WebClient to read wsdl from URI. WebClient client = new WebClient(); Stream wsdlStream = client.OpenRead(wsdlURI); ServiceDescription wsdl = ServiceDescription.Read(wsdlStream); Then I set Namespace and CompileUnit and use ServiceDescriptionImporter's GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit method to generate .cs class file. Then I co...

Webservices (wsdl) and phpunit

Hi, I have some needs, for a specific test type: I would like to check through phpunit tests, some webservices state, in a first time, and the file parsing, in a second. I use Symfony and SFphpunit plugin, but didn't find tools in phpunit library which can help me to do it. I'm write, or anyone has an answer? Thanks, Yan ...

Is it possible to create a web-service client solely from a wsdl file?

I'm creating a web-service client. I used a WSDL file to generate the client side stubs. But now I have to authenticate to the web-service, and invoke methods. I've checked some tutorials on how this should be done, but they always explain generating the client code and server code then having them work together. I was wondering if all ...

SOAP request namespace question

I require some clarification on understanding exactly what a SOAP request is asking for with respect to a .Net 3.5 ASMX web service. Here's a sample request: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:env="" xmlns:dp="

Using JAX-WS, how do I have multiple ports inside one wsdl?

I would like to define 5 classes with an @WebService annotation on them and use wsgen to create a single wsdl for all of them. Each class would be its own port. I've been reading the wsgen documentation and this doesn't seem possible. But, when I look at the wsdl spec, it appears to be possible. Does...

How to override Wsdl generation in Web Services .Net

Hi, I would like to create a WebService in .Net who expose multiple WebMethods I need a WebService version per new implementation (WebMethod or New Property in Business Object), like this : [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] public class Service : System.Web.S...

How to specify a parameter of an OperationContract as required

Hi, I wonder how I can specify a parameter of an OperationContract method in WCF as required so that the generated xsd contains minOccurs="1" instead of minOccurs="0". Example: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] public interface IMyWebService { [OperationContract] string DoSomething(string param1, string p...

Spring-WS: SimpleWsdl11Definition with a multi-node taxonomy for WSDL

Spring-WS 1.5: Using SimpleWsdl11Definition, exposing a WSDL is straightforward (from Spring-WS doc) in XML configuration: <bean id="orders" class=""> <constructor-arg value="/WEB-INF/wsdl/Orders.wsdl"/> </bean> Yields a URL exposing the WSDL at: http://localhost:8080/spri...

Encoding faults in SOAP 1.1

I have a WSDL specifying the following port: <wsdl:portType name="Foo"> <wsdl:documentation>...</wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:operation name="getFoo"> <wsdl:documentation>...</wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:input message="tns:getFooRequest"></wsdl:input> <wsdl:output message="tns:getFooResponse"></wsdl:output> <wsdl:fault name=...

how to map complex type to an existent class

i want to map an existent type to wsdl type the wsdl complex type <types> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" targetNamespace=""&gt; <xsd:complexType name="RequestDescriptor"> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="language" type="xsd:string" default="xx"></xsd:element> <x...

Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class for a Web Service reference?

In Visual Studio 2008 I have a Class Library project (called Media) to which I added a Web Reference (not a Service Reference) to a third-party web service (wsdl). In the Class Library project a proxy class is created for using the service along with several classes for the types used in that service. I also have a second Class Library ...

Maintaining formatting of multiline text when retrieved via Sharepoint web service

I'm writing a C# app that retrieves data from a SharePoint list via a web service proxy object (created with wsdl.exe). Several of the fields within the lists are multilined plain text. When these fields are displayed using the standard SharePoint web portal the text is formatted correctly (has newlines) but when I get this data using th...

How can I fix the web reference proxy that Visual Studio generated to handle jagged arrays?

It seems there is a known bug in wsdl.exe, the tool that Visual Studio uses to generate web service proxies. With certain XSD schemas the tool will generate classes that can't be deserialized from the XML. As far as I'm concerned that's unacceptable, but I don't know how to fix it. I will describe my case in detail, hopefully somebody...

Calling web services from powershell: "Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction"

I am attempting to call a web service from a powershell script. I am not the author of the web service, nor do I know much about web services. (I'm only ramping up in PowerShell, as well.) The vendor of the web software has provided me with a .wsdl file. I ran wsdl.exe against it, then csc.exe against the .cs file that was generated, i...

generate WSDL from java WS

Given a public SOAP web service and no WSDL, I need to build a .NET client that can communicate with this service. I'm a .NET dev looking for a simple way to generate a WSDL file given this url? I'd prefer to do this with some tool directly from my windows development machine but the only thing I've found is the javatowsdl tool in Ap...