
how to read file from client system with java? I have to use wsdl?

Hi, I want to read file from client system, I have path of client system where our file is generated, I want to use WSDL to do this functionality ... I am new to WSDL if any body already did please guide me how to read file from client system with WSDL .... Any Help Appreciated ... EDIT :- The requirement is like ... We have client c...

proxy classes of web-service using WSDL

Hello All, I am getting the following exception whenever trying to create proxy classes using WSDL. Few observations :- 1) My WSDL points out/imports following xsd If i use the tempratue.xsd in wsdl from above URL, It always fails and throws following exception in eclipse. ...

NTLM authentication using CXF wsdl2java stubs

I have a web service protected by HTTPS with NTLM authentication and I generated a set of java stubs using CXF's wsdl2java tool by temporarily disabling authentication. I am now attempting to use the Java stubs within an applet that connects to the web service with the authentication turned back on. My intention was to edit the Java st...

How to use Axis WSDL2Java generated files?

I generated Java files from WSDL with WSDL2Java converter, but I don't know how can I use service with these files, because there are no examples. I'm implementing client side. ...

wsdl2java ant task: howto include wsdl file name in java file comment

We're generating Java files from WSDL descripitons using the axis-wsdl2java ant task. <axis-wsdl2java url="${src.dir.etc}/wsdl/BLAH.wsdl" output="${build.dir.generated_src}" timeout="240000" testcase="false" verbose="true" skeletondeploy="false" serverside="false" debug="false" helpergen...

AXIS 2: Transport error: 404 Error: Not Found

Hello Im trying to use AXIS's 2 wsdl2Java tool to build the client that will consume a web service. I've run the tool and it has generated the required classes (a singel .java file). I've added that to a project and many of the jar files under AXIS_HOME/lib (until the code started building and then running). Looks like it ready to wor...

How to connect with an Axis webservice hosted in a password protected realm?

Hi. I'm trying to connect with a webservice that's in a password protected host, i.e. you must enter user+pass to access the remote WSDL. The key word there is "trying", I have a client made by WSDL2JAVA that works ok if the service is unprotected, but I can't find how to add the login to that code. To clarify, it's not the webservice ...

tell wsdl2java not to generate code if file is not modified since last code was generated

basically i am using ant to generate webservice client and server stubs. We don't change wsdl as frequently as our java code. But since wsdl2java generated code is always new, javac target always compiles code (too slow). Is there a way to tell wsdl2java task that gensrc is not modified so don't generate code ? ...

Axis wsdl2java not generating all interfaces in stub

I am trying to generate stub using wsdl2java.bat, my wsdl consists of two bindings. I see that wsdl2bat creates interface for operations in the first binding but does not generate anything for operations in the seconds binding. wsdl2java.bat -uri http://... -o client -d adb -s -u. For example the code should look like this try { /...

Apache Axis: How to set call properties using code generated from wsdl2java?

I'm using Apache Axis 1.4 (yes, the old one), with wsdl2java to generate the client code for a webservice. I'd like to set additional properties on the Call object before calling methods on the generated stub. For example, I'd like to set username, password, perhaps add or modify existing headers, and change the client handlers to use d...

Apache Axis WSDL2Java error - Missing <soap:fault> element

We are integrating a third party SOAP web services in our application. The WSDL is used with SOAPUI tool, where sample requests and responses worked fine. When we try to integrate with apache Axis 1.3, where we tried WSDL2JAVA with the WSDL. We received the following error ERROR: Missing element inFault "serviceFa...

Code generation from WSDL using XML Catalog

Is there any tool for generating Java code from WSDL using XML Catalogs? The problem is that I have wsdl files that import XML schemas which also import other schemas and the schemas are not available at schemaLocation url. That is why code generation fails. If a tool was able to use XML Catalog this problem would be solved without modif...

WSDL2Java tool error Apache CXF

Hello, We get the following error when we use WSDL2Java tool to generate stubs. The webservice is up and running. WSDLToJava Error: org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLRuntimeException: Fail to create wsd l definition from : /SampleSNMWebService?wsdl Caused by : WSDLException: faultCod...

How to use WSDL2Java generated files?

I generated the .java files using wsdl2java found in axis2-1.5. Now it generated the files in this folder structure: src/net/mycompany/www/services/ The files in the services folder are: SessionIntegrationStub and SessionIntegrationCallbackHandler. I would like to consume the webservice now. I added the net folder to the CLASSPATH env...

Can't consume webservice from Java

I created the webservice stubs using axis2-1.5's wsdl2java.bat. This created a src folder with the following structure in it: src/net/mycompany/www/services/ The package of the file is: package; Now, I am trying to use this stub in my java code. I placed my...

Generating stub classes for 3rd party WS

I need to incorporate a pretty complex 3rd party web service into my Grails app. My plan was to use WSDL2Java to generate the stub classes from the wsdl, and this was the method recommended in the 3rd party's documentation (complete with examples). First i tried to use the Axis2 codegen plugin for Eclipse but eventually came up against ...

Can/should one disable namespace validation in Axis2 clients using ADB databinding?

I have an document/literal Axis 1 service which I'm consuming with an Axis 2 client (ADB databinding, generated from WSDL2Java). It receives a valid XML response, but in parsing that XML, I get the error "Unexpected Subelement" for any type which doesn't have a namespace defined in the response. I can resolve the error by manually changi...

WSDLs generated by Axis2 services can't be read by SoapUI or WSDL2Java

I'm converting some services from Apache SOAP to Axis2, so the Java service classes already exist. I created a new project in Eclipse, imported the source, made sure that the Axis2 project facets were installed, and Axis2 emitter properties are correct. Then, in Eclipse, I selected the service class and chose "Create Web Service," choosi...

Basic authentication in Axis2 WSDL2JAVA.bat

Hi Guys, I am using Axis2 for generating Client from WSDL Files, using WSDL2JAVA.bat i will generate java files from WSDL, the problem i am encountering is ***i cant pass username and password for the WSDL urls which has Basic Authentication to WSDL2JAVA.bat***. Kindly help. Thanks, Ramachandran ...

Importing a WebService:

Hi all, I'm trying to import the following web service: Using curl for the service getResistry() : everything is OK: curl --header 'Content-Type: text/xml' --data '<?xml version="1.0"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mar="