
wxWidgets/Python Gradient Editor?

This open source fractal program Fraqtive, which uses Qt, has a really cool little gradient editor for coloring your fractals: http://fraqtive.mimec.org/node/34 Does anyone know of any nice gradient editing interfaces that use wxWidget/wxPython? ...

Generating a keypress event in wxWidgets programatically

Hi, I'm looking for a way to programatically generate keypress events in a C++ wxWidgets app, for testing a control that I had written. Are there ways to do this? Thanks a lot for the help! Sahas ...

How to embed data in an application

I want to make an application, but the application will be using icons (bitmaps) for some of the menu buttons and other stuff. I want to keep my application as one simple, single standalone exe file which means I will somehow have to embed all of the icons into the application (EXE on windows) so I can load the bitmaps without having any...

Is there any cross-platform GUI Toolkit which does not follow the one source to rule them all concept?

After a long evaluation period of mainstream toolkits Qt, WxWidget, GTK i came to the conclusion that it does not make sense to religiously equalize the different platform. Now more then ever before. In the days before Java portability meant, that platform dependent code was located in known places and should be small but not none. No w...

Wxwidgets and Pyqt

Hello, is there a similar function PyOnDemandOutputWindow in Pyqt? This function redirect the console output to a separate window. Sorry for my english. ...

How to make wx.TextEntryDialog larger and resizable

I create a wx.TextEntryDialog as follows: import wx dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Rules:', 'Edit rules', style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) dlg.SetValue(self.rules_text.Value) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: … This results in a dialog box that is too small for my needs, and that is not resizable: ...

What is the equivalent of UpdateWindow() in wxWidgets?

I am new to wxWidgets and trying to find out how to force the painting of a window. ...

Scientific plot with Ruby + wxWidgets

I need to incorporate some scientific plot function into a program written in Ruby with wxWidgets. What's my best solution? I know that 1) PLPlot has a widget for wxWigets, but I'm not aware of any ruby bindings. 2) Python works well PLPlot and wxWigets, but I rather not rewrite the whole thing in python again. Any suggestion would be...

How add already captured screenshot to wx.BoxSizer?

My Python code: self.images = wx.StaticBitmap(self, id=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(200,150), style= wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) self.hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.sizer.Add(self.hbox) # my main sizer #in function dinamically captured images bmp = wx.Bitmap...

Image bit manipulation in Python

Hello SO, I have an application that receives a pointer to JPEG data from a camera API wrapped with ctypes, converts it to a wx.Image, and displays the images as a movie. One of required features is to set two of the components of a pixel equal to the third. E.g, my pixel in RGB format is (100,200,255), I want to set the the R and B va...

wxWidgets transparent background image?

I'm attempting to create a window with a transparent PNG background with no success, how would I go about it? Setting wx.Frame.SetShape allows for non-box shapes, but transparency effects like shadows still have a background behind them. For example, the Photoshop splash screen. ...

What is the SendMessage Equivalent in wxWidgets.

I want to send synchronous event from a worker thread to the UI Main thread. How do I do it in wxWidgets? A link to a sample would be really helpful ...

wxHaskell fails because it depends on wx_macu-2.8

I install wxWidgets with macports then ran the command: sudo cabal install wx which output included: /bin/sh: wxdirect: command not found /bin/sh: wxdirect: command not found /bin/sh: wxdirect: command not found /bin/sh: wxdirect: command not found Configuring wxcore- setup: Missing dependency on a foreign library: * Missing ...

wxWidgets AddRoot() on wxTreeCtrl fails to add more then one node

I'm using wxWidgets 2.8.11 on Windows 7 64 Bit. I created a wxTreeCtrl control, which as the name suggests, is a tree control. You can add Root nodes by calling AddRoot(), however it seems to only work the first time of calling it. Here is the code where I create the Tree: newHandler-> sendPacketTree = new wxTreeCtrl(newHandler->sendGr...

Can't read certain registry keys programatically

I have a little app which reads registry key string values. It works well but for some reason it fails on this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductId Despite working on other values of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ It also fails on `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mi...

Event when cursor changes position wxWidgets Text Box?

In wxWidgets, how can I detect when the cursor position changed in a wxTextCtrl? I looked at the manual and couldn't find any event relating to it, but maybe there is another way I've missed. ...

wx Text with outline

Hello SO, I have a video player written in wxpython and am overlaying the current FPS onto the video. My text is black, so if the video is sufficiently dark the FPS counter is not visible. I am looking for a way to draw text with an outline so it will stand out no matter what the video is displaying. E.g. I want black text with a whit...

wxWidgets display bitmap from an 8 bit array

I have a function generating an array that I need to draw to the screen. The array is in the form of an 8 bit grayscale image. How can I draw the array to the screen properly? I have a working version of this app in with win32 code which uses StretchDIBits to draw the image. My question is, can I/how can I do something similar in wxWidge...

dialog position in wx with multiple monitors

This is a copy of a question I asked on their forums and got no replies: Having trouble finding information on making dialogs appear on the correct monitor when the parent is not on the main display. Currently I used wxDefaultPosition to initialize the dialog but this doesn't seem to play well with dual monitors (or more). Is there so...

wx.radiobox python

I have the following code : myList =['a','b'] rb=wx.RadioBox(self.panel, -1, "Options :", (0, 0), wx.DefaultSize,myList, 2, wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS) When it renders first time I see that a choice has been made how can I change the code that when this radibox rendered first time there are no option has been chosen. ...