
TypeLoadException on x64 but is fine on x86 with structlayouts

Youll need a 64bit machine if you want to see the actuall exception. I've created some dummy classes that repro's the problem. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] public class InnerType { char make; char model; UInt16 series; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public class OutterT...

Forcing VS to compile using x86 on x64 platform

Possible Duplicate: compling assemblies on a 64bit plaform for a 32bit Currently I want to compile my project using x86 option since the application uses a 32-bit COM dll which fails since by nature 64-bit OS prefers 64-bit app. But the option of x86 to compile on VS2005 on a x64 platform is disabled. Any idea ...

How to detect that a given PE file (exe or dll) is 64 bit or 32 bit

I need to detect whether a given .dll or .exe file is 32 bit or 64 bit At the moment I have only one solution: read the PE Header from the specified file and take the 'Machine' field from there. ( Specification: Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format Specification (.docx file) at section "3.3. COFF File Header (Obj...

How is linux simultaneously 32bit and 64bit? Or is that something handled in glibc?

How is Linux simultaneously 32bit and 64bit? Or is that something handled in glibc? I run CentOS 5.3 and it is a "64 bit" version; although I build things for 64 bit and 32 bit. From what I think I know, Windows supposedly has a 32bit emulator. Does Linux do the same thing? Is it in userspace or kernel space? If libc handles it, is it ...

Calling LoadLibrary on a 64-bit dll from a 32-bit process

I have a 32-bit exe that needs to dynamically load a 64-bit dll when it detects that the operating system is 64-bit. Is this possible through LoadLibrary? If not, is there another way to accomplish the same goal? ...

Include a different jar for x32 and x64 bit operating systems

Hello Is there a way in Java to determine if the software is run on an x32 or x64 operating system - and in function of that - include a different jar during runtime? I am using qtjambi and they wrap the QT c and c++ libraties in an xxx_x32.jar and xxx_x64.jar Thanks for your feedback Marc ...

Can a WoW64 process create/fork/etc pure x64 process ?

Hi. I wish to call a x64 exe from x86 process/exe, for example: open x32 cmd : %windir%\SysWoW64\cmd.exe start notepad: notepad.exe <- it will be x32 notepad (according to taskmanager = *) Is it possible to execute the x64 notepad from the x32 cmd ? My problem is the process I'm executing must run as x64, I don't want it to wor...

Should ASP.NET v2 IIS server extension be missing after .NET 4 is installed?

I'm having a ton of issues when my ASP.NET sites are using version 2. For example, all my SVC and ASPX files return "file not found". Also when I use IISMgr and navigate to: ServerName ..... Web Service Extensions I notice that ASP.NET v2 is not present. I tried aspnet_regiis but no luck. Does anyone have Windows 2003 with .NET 4 insta...