
Visual Studio 2010 having problems with x64 assemblies

I have MVC 1.0 project in Visual Studio 2010 on FX 4.0 and fortunately I do not have problems like others do but, well, different ones :) My project has one mvc project and one class library. When I set both projects to x64 (or AnyCpu) first line of all my aspx pages <%@ Control Language="VB" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl(pr...

x64 wix installer on XP doesn't write the registry values under Wow6432Node

In case of installation on x64 I need to write two registry values: 1) <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange" Name="Info" Type="string" Action="write" Value="8"> 2) <RegistryValue Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Exchange" Name="Info" Type="string" Action="write" Value="9"/> I'm using <?if $(var.Pl...

Find out the "Bit"ness of the current OS in MSBuild

I have a build script that needs to hard code a path to an executable. The path is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SmartDevices\SDK\SDKTools\cabwiz.exe This has worked fine, but now I am running on a 64 bit OS (but my coworker and build server are on 32 bit still). I need the path to be this for me: C:\Program Files...

When compiling x64 code, what's the difference between "x86_amd64" and "amd64"?

When compiling code with VC++, MSDN gives you the option between using the x86_amd64 toolset or the amd64 toolset (when calling vcvarsall.bat). How do I choose between those two when compile x64 code? Will the amd64 option churn out more efficient x64 machine code than the cross compiler? ...

Apache PHP MSSQL sloooooooooow, win7 x64

Hello I had an php apliccation with mssql2000 (sql server 2000) , I'm using appserv 2.5.9 with apache2 and php5. I've upgraded my computer to Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and tryied to run the application, but it goes to sloooooooooooooooooooow Since like 2 years, works perfectly fine (not application problem, and no db problem, works fine...

32 bit dllimport generating incorrect format error (0x8007000b) on win7 x64 platform

Hello, I'm trying to install and run a 32 bit application on a Win7 x64 machine. The application is built as a Win32 app. It runs fine on 32 bit platforms. On the x64 machine it installs correctly in the Programs(x86) directory and runs fine until I make a call into a 32 bit dll. At that time I get the incorrect format error (0x80070...

Visual Studio - Finding which modules are causing C1905 (processor incompatibility)

I'm attempting to make an x64 build of a project with Visual Studio 2005. It's currently failing with linker error C1905, 'Front end and back end not compatible (must target same processor).' From what I gather, this is essentially saying that my x64 build is attempting to link with x86 modules. Unfortunately, this project links with a ...

SQLite 64-bit library crashes when sqlite3_prepare_v2 fails

I'm compiling both a 32-bit and 64-bit SQLite library with Microsoft Visual C++ from the command line for a simple C# wrapper. The 32-bit version works fine, but the 64-bit version crashes my application completely when sqlite3_prepare_v2 returns anything but SQLITE_OK. build.bat set ARGS=/nologo /LD /DSQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA sql...

Getting syswow64 directory using 32-bit application

I'm trying to find a file inside the system directory. The problem is that when using Environment.SystemDirectory On a x64 machine, i'm still getting the System32 directory, instead of the Systemwow64 directory. I need to get the "System32" directory on x86 machines, and "SystemWow64" directory on x64 Any ideas? EDIT: To find the S...

Getting around lack of inline asm using MSVC10 x64

I'm trying to write a simple device driver for Windows 7 x64 using the latest Windows Driver Kit that will parse the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) and print the contents. I plan on doing this by using the SIDT (store IDT) assembly instruction, however MSVC does not allow you to use inline asm when compiling for x64. Is there any way t...

NUnitForms and 64-bit

Has anybody had any luck getting NUnitForms working in a 64-bit environment? I'm particularly interested in Windows Server 2003 x64. Whenever I try to run my unit tests I get the following error: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : The parameter is incorrect This seems to be related to the MouseController.Press() method. ...

How to manage development of PowerShell snap-ins with x86 and x64 versions

I am currently writing a PowerShell snapin that has specific dependencies on mixed-mode assemblies (assemblies containing native code) that specifically target x64 or x86. I have both versions of the dependent assembly, but I am wondering how best to manage the build and deployment of this snapin, specifically: Is it necessary to have ...

porting linux 32 bit app to 64 bit ?

Hi , i'm about to port very large scale application to 64 Bits, i've noticed in that in the web there some articles which shows many pitfalls of this porting , i wondered if there is any tool which can assist in porting to 64 bit , meaning finding the places in code that needs to be changed.... maybe the gcc with warnnings enabled.....

Using ASM when compiling x64 C++ with MSVC10

Due to MSVC10 not allowing the use of inline ASM instructions when targeting x64 architecture, I'm looking for any ways to get around such restrictions. I have learned from googling that writing and compiling separate ASM modules then linking against them and calling them from C++ is one way, however I have no idea how I would do this. A...

Accessing parameters passed on the stack in an ASM function

I am writing an assembly function to be called from C that will call the sidt machine instruction with a memory address passed to the C function. From my analysis of the code produced by MSVC10, I have constructed the following code (YASM syntax): SECTION .data SECTION .text GLOBAL _sidtLoad _sidtLoad: push ebp mov ...

How to determine whether a System.Diagnostics.Process is 32 or 64 bit?

I tried: process.MainModule.FileName.Contains("x86") But it threw an exception for a x64 process: Win32Exception: Only a part of the ReadProcessMemory ou WriteProcessMemory request finished ...

How can I install Crypt::SSLeay on a Win 64?

I've got 64-bit Vista with ActiveState Perl "v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread" and I'm trying to get the Crypt::SSLeay package installed along with versions of libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. I've done this before on a Win32 machine using the 'uwinnipeg' server, but I'm running into issues with my 64-bit system. ppm install ht...

How slow is NaN arithmetic in the Intel x64 FPU?

Hints and allegations abound that arithmetic with NaNs can be 'slow' in hardware FPUs. Specifically in the modern x64 FPU, e.g on a Nehalem i7, is that still true? Do FPU multiplies get churned out at the same speed regardless of the values of the operands? I have some interpolation code that can wander off the edge of our defined data...

Where can I get PHP to install on windows server (x64).

Hi. I'm trying to find PHP to install on a windows server machine (x64), but don't seem to find it on http://windows.php.net/download. A ftp link would be helpfull thank you. ...

Filenotfound exception while opening an SPSite object - x64

Hello I've created a simple asp.net application to open a site and display the title of the corresponding web. But i'm getting FileNotFoundException while trying to open the site. The same code works perfectly when i run it in a console app. My spec Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, SharePoint 2007 x64, Visual Studio 2005 My target for t...