
Hello world/Console Project in Visual Studio 2008 64 bit

So I am trying to run console 64 bit Hello World program. I have Windows 7 Enterprise x64 bit version. I have installed Visual Studio 2008 and have added all of components needed for 64 bit. I want to create simple console application. It turns out to be a problem. I have simple standard hello world project. I have created it using...

.NET 2.0 Framework in C# check if 64bit os if so do this? if not do this? better answer?

hi i have this little snippet of code i wrote that checks to see if a folder is present (only exists in x64) if so it does "X" commands, if not (i.e x86) does "Z" commands (x,Z are just markers for code) but what i wanna know is there a better or more reliable way to do this using only the 2.0 .net Framework? string target = @"C:\Window...

How do I patch a Windows API at runtime so that it to returns 0 in x64?

In x86, I get the function address using GetProcAddress() and write a simple XOR EAX,EAX; RET 4; in it. Simple and effective. How do I do the same in x64? bool DisableSetUnhandledExceptionFilter() { const BYTE PatchBytes[5] = { 0x33, 0xC0, 0xC2, 0x04, 0x00 }; // XOR EAX,EAX; RET 4; // Obtain the address of SetUnhandledExceptionFilt...

Select and use a driver with mismatching PID on x64 systems

The Silicon Labs CP210x chip allows the PID to be customized which in turn means a customized driver is needed to have a matching PID. On x64 systems that require driver signing using a customized driver would also require signing that driver. Fortunately it is possible to use the original signed CP210x driver by manually select it for t...

Can a WoW64 process create/fork/etc pure x64 process ?

Hi. I wish to call a x64 exe from x86 process/exe, for example: open x32 cmd : %windir%\SysWoW64\cmd.exe start notepad: notepad.exe <- it will be x32 notepad (according to taskmanager = *) Is it possible to execute the x64 notepad from the x32 cmd ? My problem is the process I'm executing must run as x64, I don't want it to wor...

Open x64 'SOFTWARE' registry key in C#

I am trying to read the 64-bit HKLM\SOFTWARE registry key from a 32-bit (C#) application. This, of course, keeps redirecting my view to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node. According to what I've found this is doable, but I can't seem to find a .NET example anywhere. I just need to read; not write. Anyone ran across this before? ...

64 bit c++ compilation error

Hi, I hd made MFC application in VC++ 2005 and i need. It compiles successfully in 32 bit mode but when i try to compile it on 64 bit mode i get following errors. 1>------ Build started: Project: ProgressBar, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>stdafx.cpp 1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include\mfc\afx...

X64 installer using Won64 node registry

I am using InstallShield 2008 premium edition. I created one basicMSI project only to target x64 platforms. I changed summary property to "x64". But this installer is writing registry entries in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CompanyName\ProductName" . I am using both installshield script and vc++ DLL for custom actions. Why...

Problem detecting installed application on Win Svr 2003 x64

I have an x86 Windows application that consists of a couple of services and a client ui. Due to various issues with persuading the various MSIs to upgrade properly, the installation process is now governed by a wizard-style program that detects what is currently installed and handles upgrades by storing the user's current settings, unin...

.NET garbage collector and x64 virtual memory

Running a .NET application on Windows Server 2008 x64 with 16GB of RAM. This application needs to fetch and analyze a very large amount of data (about 64GB), and keep it all in memory at one time. What I expect to see: Process size expands past 16GB to 64GB. Windows uses virtual memory to page the extra data to/from disk as needed. This...

Installation of MYOB ODBC Driver fails on x64

Using either the v19 test drive software to install Premier v19 or the NZ_ODBCv7013.exe file to install the v7 ODBC driver. Both of these methods work on 32 bit systems but fail to install anything on x64 - there were no error msgs either. Am I using the right install files? Has anyone completed this installation successfully? ...

Getting TortoiseSVN/TortoiseGit icon overlays in 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows

When installing TortoiseHg on Windows x64, I have an option to install both x86 and x64 shell extensions, which is useful, as my favorite Windows Explorer replacement is 32-bit. But there is no such options for TortoiseGit or TortoiseSVN, so working with them requires opening Explorer windows. I know it's possible to install 32 and 64-b...

System.BadImageFormatException for CustomAction in Visual Studio 2010 Setup project

Hold your guns! I did check to see if all the project outputs are set to the same processor architecture (in this case, x64). They are. So what am I trying to do? Wrote a plugin for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 x64 targets .NET 3.5 x64 Created a setup project Created a custom action (RegisterRevit2011Addin) for registering plugin...

How to create an x64 DynamicAssembly

I'm currently porting a project of mine from x86 to x64. It is a plugin and absolutely must run as an x64, since the host does too. Part of the application creates a dynamic assembly: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(...) And then saves that to the disk. I checked it with dumpbin /headers, its in x86! How can I force t...

How to build IccLib for 64 bit windows

I am trying to build IccLib for x64 bit windows but I am having problems finding any help to do so. Does anyone have experience with it? Thanks ...

What development tools can build 64 bit programs for Windows x64 and/or Mac?

Delphi does not yet support building 64-bit applications. What common tools are there for building native 64 bit programs, especially with an IDE? For instance, I believe that Visual Studio supports this. Anything else? ...

Visual Studio 2010 won't allow me to debug web application

I have the .NET Target framework set to .NET Framework 3.5 When I try to debug with f5, i get the following message in a popup window: "Unable to start debugging on the web server. Mixed-mode debugging of x64 processes is not supported when using Microsoft.NET Framework versions earlier than 4.0." Of course when I set the target frame...

Why can't I create an object greater than 2GB in size in .NET, even on x64?

After reading Are C# Strings (and other .NET API’s) limited to 2GB in size? I played around with large strings and arrays in .NET 3.5. I found that the largest array I could allocate was int.MaxValue - 56 bytes. Similar thing for strings: the largest I could get was (int.MaxValue - 58) / 2 characters (since each character took 2 bytes). ...

Problem deploying VSTO add-in in 64 bit Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server environment

Hi, We are having a problem deploying a VSTO 2005 Second Edition Add-In and would appreciate any help with this. We previously successfully deployed this add-in onto a 32bit Windows 2003 terminal service environment. By default VSTO installs on a per-user basis. But we got around this limitation by creating a custom CASPOL script which...

Running executable from VS2008 crashes with error "Application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b)" x64

This error is present in both Debug/Release. So the original problem was that it had 32 bit library that I did not link to 64 version of it. (Previous version of this question) I fixed that. And application works on Windows Server Standard 2008R2 x64. I tried running application on Windows Server Enterprise but got above (title) menti...