
WPF ListBox/View Data Binding weird result

I have this problem when i try to synchronize a observable list with listbox/view it displays the first item X times (x total amount of records in the list) but it doesn't change the variable's here is the XAML <ListBox x:Name="PostListView" BorderThickness="0" MinHeight="300" Background="{x:N...

How can I create personalized menus in WPF?

I'm working on an XmlEditor (similar to XmlNotepad, but using WPF) in which I want to implement personalized menus. I.e. only show the most popular MenuItems on first open, and show all MenuItems when the user explicitly asks for it, either by clicking on the double arrow at the bottom or waiting for a certain amount of time. I'm speci...

Problem with relative path to image in XAML?

I am trying to reference a PNG file in my applications working directory through XAML with the following: <Image Name="contactImage"> <Image.Source> <BitmapImage UriSource="/Images/contact.png"> </Image.Source> </Image> Now in my code-behind I try to get the height of the image with contactImage.Source.Height This fai...

Displaying a list of Items in a WPF form using XAML

Hi guys, I am attempting to display a list of items (the style and controltemplate for these items are defined elsewhere) and i want to be able to add/remove as many as i want to. As i do not have infinite screen realestate I am displaying these in a ListBox control. This is the screen i have to date: What is going to happen is this...

Changing color of HighlighBrushKey in XAML

Hi, I have the following problem. The background color in a ListView is set LightGreen or White, whether a boolflag is true or false. Example Screen Window1.xaml: <Window.Resources> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=BoolFlag}" Value="True"> ...

Does a child control inherit its parents properties of the same name

Hi all, simple question regarding property value inheritance in UserControls. If i create a UserControl, it has some standard properties like Background, BorderBrush and BorderThickness. Within that UserControl i have a border. I want to know, if i dont specify any set value or binding for the property BorderBrush of that border, will it...

Exposing inner controls Content property as own [User Control]

Hello, I'm new to WFP and try to learn it via different examples. Right now I want to create a custom user control, which have button inside it (among other controls). I want to expose Buttons Content property as User Controls own. User Control: <DockPanel LastChildFill="True"> <Button Name="ClickButton" DockPanel.Dock="Right" Foc...

How to get rid of annoying HorizontalContentAlignment binding warning?

I am working on a large WPF project and during debug my output window is filled with these annoying warnings: System.Windows.Data Information: 10 : Cannot retrieve value using the binding and no valid > fallback value exists; using default instead. BindingExpression:Path=HorizontalContentAlignment; DataItem=null; target element is...

Getting "XAMLParseException" error on events

Hi , I have an application in VS 2008, and now when I am migrating this into VS2010, I am getting the "XAMLParseException" error on Click event. Can anybody help me out on this. Regards, Manish Garg ...

Are there any plans to support edit-and-continue of XAML in future VS versions?

It would make life so much easier! ...

Why won't Silverlight handle the conversion of my custom float property

In a Silverlight 4 project I have a class that extends Canvas: public class AppendageCanvas : Canvas { public float Friction { get; set; } public float Restitution { get; set; } public float Density { get; set; } } I use this canvas in Blend by dragging it onto another control and setting the custom properties: ...

Binding list of objects to WPF ListView

Hi all, I have a list of objects which i want to bind to a ListView control in my WPF application. The Objects have a DataTemplate already, so no need to define that. The list of objects is a property in the codebehind file in the format list<object> When i add one object programatically, it appears fine. But when i try to bind the ItemS...

Resolve command in WPF. what is the resolve word?

Can someone explain this XAML statement, particularly what is the Resolve? <MenuItem Header="_Load File" Command="{Resolve {Type Commands:LoadFile}}" /> This snippet was taken from NHprof.exe MainMenu.xaml file, using reflector. ...

WPF control not being updated when source is changed

Hi, I have a ListBox which is bound to a list of objects. When the system initializes, the binding is done just fine, When i update the value in one of the fields on the ListBox, the item in the background updates as well, but when i update the value in the background it is not reflected in the ListBox. Does anyone know why this is? ...

Multiple ToggleButton image with different highlight image in WPF

I am very new to WPF and needed some pointers as to why this is not working correctly. I am trying to make a maximize button that will change to a restore button when clicked. I thought a toggle button with 2 different styles that would be changed in the code behind could work. I am first trying to get the maximize button working and ...

Make part of an image transparent

I want to put an image on a button, but I want part of the image to be transparent. How do I do this? ...

Does XAML work with file links in Visual Studio?

I'm adding a new WPF project to an existing Visual Studio solution and would like to reuse a bunch of code (C# and xaml) from an existing project within the solution. I've created the new project and added existing files as follows: Right click project Add -> Add Existing Item Find the file to reuse, use the arrow next to "Add" and "A...

Binding ListBox to List (Collection) in XAML

Hello, I'm learning WPF, so I'm kind of n00b in this. I saw some examples about how to do what I want to do, but nothing exactly... The question: I want to bind List to ListBox. I want to do it in XAML, w/o coding in code behind. How can I achieve that? Right now I do it that way: <!-- XAML --> <ListBox x:Name="FileList"> <ListB...

Silverlight 4: How to add context Menu to DatagridColumnHeader?

Can anyone give me a hint how to add ContextMenu to Data Grid Column Header in XAML? Any pointers are highly appreciated. ...

WCF with No security

Hi all, I've got a WCF service setup which I can consume and use as intendid... but only on the same machine. I'm looking to get this working over multiple computers and I'm not fussed about the security. However when I set (client side) the security to = none, I get a InvalidOperationException: The service certificate is not prov...