
Dependency Injection in XAML (WPF)

I am creating a new WPF project and we use Microsoft Unity as DI. I am having a user control which is calling a 3rd party service. So now how to inject dependency from the main window XAML for the usercontrol. ...

Binding to an observableCollection<string> listview

Hi, If i have a ListView (called "MainList") and want to bind to elements in a collection, how is this done. Main.Items.Add(new ObserableCollection() { "hello", "world" } then Why doesnt this work? Ive tried loads of other combinations of bindings as well.... Thanks U. ...

Multi-layer style in Silverlight ressource

I wish to set a property the C# property of a Chart object : Chart.DefaultView.ChartArea.AxisX.DefaultLabelFormat ="dd mm aa"; but I will to do this with the styles in Silverlight : <Application.Resources> <Style x:Key="myStyle" TargetType="telerikCharting:RadChart"> ... but I cannot make a : <Setter Property="DefaultVi...

Dynamically specify and change a Silverlight DataGrid's columns during runtime (MVVM)

What's the best method of dynamically specifying DataGrid columns in the Silverlight DataGrid control at runtime following the MVVM pattern? What I'd like to do would be bind the "DataGrid.Columns" property to a property in my ViewModel so that, if the user adds/removes columns, I simply update the ViewModel property and the DataGrid wo...

How do I use UI Automation on a WPF ItemsControl that groups items?

I am using Microsoft UI Automation (i.e. AutomationElement) to run automated acceptance tests against my application. This has gone well, but I've hit a situation that doesn't appear to be exposed to the automation framework. I have an ItemsControl (although I could be using one of its derived controls, e.g. ListBox) and I am using Coll...

XAML ToolTip + IsHitTestVisible="False"

We need to have mouse clicks and drags "ignored" by our View1 but the ToolTip must still function in that view. The reason is View1 is above View2 in Z-Order, so View1 can tint View2 a red color and show a warning via ToolTip; however the ToolTip accompanying View1 will not work if IsHitTestVisible="False". Anyone know a work around so...

Should i use a trigger or Behaviors for this?

I have an abstract object called Applicant and two different types of objects that inherit from Applicant called Business and Individual. So I have three classes that look like this: public abstract class Applicant { ... } public class Individual : Applicant { ... } public class Business : Applicant { ... } Now in the DataGrid ...

WPF - Extend ListView with checkable AND selectable ListViewItems

Hi there. I already read many examples on extending ListViews with checkboxes bound with IsSelected. But I want something more. I want a seperation between the checked and selected state, so i get a ListBox that has a single selected item, but can have multiple checked items. Unfortunately ListViewItem does not have a property for check...

Custom UserControl property not being set via XAML DataBinding in Silverlight 4

I have a custom user control called GoalProgressControl. Another user control contains GoalProgressControl and sets its GoalName attribute via databinding in XAML. However, the GoalName property is never set. When I check it in debug mode GoalName remains "null" for the control's lifetime. How do I set the GoalName property? Is there so...

XAML ContextMenu gets bound to wrong row in a DataGrid

I have a XAML based ContextMenu bound to the rows in a datagrid. It works just fine - until the grid is scrolled! This is the context menu for one of the controls in the visual tree or a DataGrid row. <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Customer Details" Width="*"> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> ...

XAML Multi-Level Binding Source/Path Issue

So I have this issue I've been trying various ways to tackle all day and nothing's catching and working for it. Basically I have a XAML object called ChromeWindow (derived from Window) which has in it's code-behind a DependencyProperty called AppChrome which stores a reference to an associated ApplicationChrome XAML object (derived from ...

WPF XAML ComboBox Width

I have the following xaml with all the binding removed; <StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="20"> <ComboBox x:Name="ddlDay" Width="30"/> If I set the width of the combobox to 200 it works but if I set it to 50 it doesn't size past the default. I'm kinda new to xaml so ...

Can you view XAML as "regular" .net code (c#\vb.net)?

There are times when I find some example XAML that I want\need to do in code (c#\vb.net). I assume at some point the XAML becomes code, or at least IL. So my questions: Am I correct in assuming that XAML is converted to IL? (or if not IL what does it become?) If the above is correct, when does XAML become IL (or whatever it becomes)?...

Problem to load a UserControl inside XAML node

I have a separated assembly where I defined several standard UserControls. Some of this are standard toolbars, like this: <UserControl x:Class="XXX.ToolbarFullMaintenance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" > <ToolBar Style="{DynamicResource Toolba...

Alternative to FindAncestor RelativeSource in Silverlight 4 to bind to a property of the page

Hi, FindAncestor RelativeSource only supports 'Self' and 'TemplatedParent', but I have to bind the width of a popup to the width of the page. Giving the page a name causes problems because sometimes it will throw exceptions saying a control with that name is already present in the visual tree. <Popup IsOpen="True" Width="{Bindi...

EventTrigger RoutedEvent in wpf xaml

I have a problem in wpf xaml and i'm pretty new on this so it may be something basic i want to rotate a ellipse 360 degree <Ellipse Name="test" Fill="Black" StrokeThickness="5" Margin="0,0,0,0" Height="66"> <Ellipse.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Ellipse.Loaded" SourceName="test"> <BeginStorybo...

WPF - Byte Array to Hex View (similar to Notepad++ HEX-Editor plugin)

I am using an ItemsControl to display a List<byte> in hex. The ItemsPanelTemplate is a UniformGrid with a fixed number of columns: <ItemsControl HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <UniformGrid Columns="16"/> ...

WPF Binding Path=/ not working?

I've set up my DataContext like this: <Window.DataContext> <c:DownloadManager /> </Window.DataContext> Where DownloadManager is Enumerable<DownloadItem>. Then I set my DataGrid like this: <DataGrid Name="dataGrid1" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=/}" ... So that it should list all the DownloadItems, right? So I should be able to set...

Hide overflow in Silverlight TextBox

I have a Silverlight TextBox control that is inside of a Grid column with the width set to 'Auto', so the TexBox's width expands/contracts with the browser window is resized. Unfortunately, when the number of characters entered into the textbox exceeds the textbox's width, the textbox grows to accommodate it. Are there any properties ...

WPF format displayed text?

I have a column defined like this: <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=FileSizeBytes, Mode=OneWay}" Header="Size" IsReadOnly="True" /> But instead of displaying the file size as a big number, I'd like to display units, but still have it sort by the actual FileSizeBytes. Is there some way I can run it through a function or somet...