
WPF: Hide Column using XAML

I'm trying to hide a column based a value I get from my object. Following is a bit of my playing around. Note: Binding="{Binding Path=SelectedShortName}" returns a value. I want to hide the column when that value is equal to something. I've tried a variety of ways, but it just seems like i'm butting my head. Any input appreciated. Ta ...

XAML Based Level Editor

I would like to create a level editor for Silverlight with XAML. What resources would be useful for research before starting such a project? Here is some information to clarify. I made 1 silverlight game and released it so far. The I would like to have an overhead style action game. The map would be much larger than the current viewa...

wpf complete reference

Hey I am looking for a complete wpf tags documentation to use it with wpf controls. Anybody seen something like this? 10x ...

Wpf hosting windows form - mouse events not getting through

Hi, I've got a WPF app that has a WindowsFormsHost, which hosts a geobase map. The problem I have is getting the mouse events through to the map. I've added MouseUp event handlers to the map (in code), but this does not work, and I've tried adding the MouseUp event handler on the Grid that contains the WindowsFormsHost, but the events...

Any suggestions for making Silverlight content available to search engines?

Assuming the following: You have some content currently being displayed in an ASP.NET HTML table. You want to use Silverlight for a better user experience. It is important that the information be indexed in Google, et al. What do you do? I know that XAP (Silverlight executables) contain XAML which could theoretically be indexed. But ...

Declaring Text Decorations such as Underline, Strikethrough in a Style.

How do I include text decorations such as Underline, Strikethrough etc in a Style definition: <Style x:Key="UnderlinedLabel"> <Setter Property="Control.FontFamily" Value="Trebuchet MS" /> <Setter Property="Control.FontSize" Value="14" /> <!-- Next line fails --> <Setter Property="Control.TextDecorations" Value="Under...

How to add a details row dynamically in WPF?

The only example I can think of is in html - if you dynamically add a TR w/ a colspan + div inside it containing details (editable) on the click of the previous TR for example I'm trying to grok XAML and wanted to see if someone could point me in the right direction w/ this wacky request. ...

Show ContextMenu on Left Click using only XAML.

The default behavior of a WPF ContextMenu is to display it when the user right-clicks. I want the ContextMenu to show when the user left-clicks. It seems like this should be a simple property on ContextMenu, but it is not. I rigged it, so that I handle the LeftMouseButtonDown event in the code-behind and then display the context menu....

How can I make resizing WPF windows less "laggy"?

I am relatively new in the WPF world and one thing I immediately noticed is how laggy the window content is drawn when you resize a window. For example if you have scrollbars at the window edges those scrollbars will be partly hidden while shrinking and have space between them and the window border when enlarging. This even happens with...

Why can't I define a ResourceDictionary in XAML and instantiate it by itself?

Ok, that question was really hard to ask in one line. Here's the deal. If I have this XAML: <ResourceDictionary x:Class="MyAssembly.MiscResources" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"&gt; <SolidColorBrush x:Key="MyBrush" Color="Purple" ...

How to update Dynamic Resource within a Dynamic Resource?

I have a visual brush which is a group of shapes, the main colour of which is a dynamic resource itself - so the shape is for example MyShape and the Colour, MyColour which is referenced by the Shape object. My problem is when I update the colour for this - it only happens the first time the shape is loaded (the colour needs to be set fi...

WPF using custom RoutedUICommands or simple event handlers?

I was talking to someone today about picking a design pattern for how to handle logic in their WPF program and hoping that the SO community can help with further advice to make the decision easier. What factors in favour of commands outweigh the inconvenience? I prepared a full sample along with some UML diagrams of the first two of thr...

WPF Rounded corners - is a consistent gradient around the corner possible?

Howdy, I've made a gradient that I quite like in expression blend, and I'm trying to work out if I can make the gradient curve around a corner, to give me a rounded border effect with the gradient. The problem is that I can't use a normal border, because the gradient wont be consistent. I came up with the following which should help d...

How to autosize and right-align GridViewColumn data in WPF?

How can I: right-align the text in the ID column make each of the columns auto size according to the text length of the cell with the longest visible data? Here is the code: <ListView Name="lstCustomers" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Collection}"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="ID" DisplayMe...

How do I make custom controls in Silverlight?

I've created a custom control using Expression Blend: <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" ...

How to create trapezoid tabs in WPF tab control

How to create trapezoid tabs in WPF tab control? I'd like to create non rectangular tabs that look like tabs in Google Chrome or like tabs in code editor of VS 2008. Can it be done with WPF styles or it must be drawn in code? Is there any example of code available on internet? Edit: There is lots of examples that show how to round co...

How can I list colors with WPF?

How can I get list of all colors I can pick in Visual Studio Designer (which is System.Windows.Media.Colors, but that isn't a collection) and put them into my own ComboBox using WPF and XAML markup? ...

HRException on startup of my C# WPF app

I have a C# WPF application that is suddenly throwing an exception on startup, and I cannot figure out why. The exception is a C++ HRException, and it occurs in MSCORLIB in CreateInstanceSlow(), which is called from CreateInstance(), which is called from BamlRecordReader.CreateInstanceFromType() in the System.Windows.Markup assembly. I m...

Do you have any recommendations on Blend/XAML books/tutorials for designers?

There are a lot of WPF resources that are aiming developers. We are trying to get our designer up-to speed, and I have been researching some of the options on the market. The only two reasonable options that I found were "Expression Blend Unleashed" and "APress Foundation Expression Blend 2 Building Applications in WPF and SilverLight...

WPF TextBox DataBind on EnterKey press

The default DataBinding on TextBox is TwoWay and it commits the text to the Property only when TextBox lost its focus. Is there any easy XAML way exists to make the DataBinding Happens when I press Enter Key on the TextBox?. I know it is pretty easy to do in the code behind, but imagine if this textBox is inside some complex DataTemplate...