
How to convert an assemblies BAML to XAML?

How do I walk through an assemblies BAML resources and convert them back to XAML? ...

Silverlight and XmlnsDefinition

Hi ya'll Consider 3 assemblies: EntryPoint (SL app) ClassLibraryA ClassLibraryB Where there is a class A in ClassLibraryAand a class B in ClassLibraryB EntryPoint has a reference to ClassLibraryA, and ClassLibraryAhas a reference to ClassLibraryB. In the AssemblyInfo of ClassLibrary1 I have the following code: [assembly: XmlnsP...

how to show a ComboBox SelectedItem in a label

XAML VS2010: No code behind solutions please. I have a ComboBox where I display a person name this person have an address which have a property street1. what is the XAML code to show the Person.Address.Street1 from the selectedItem in the ComboBox on a . (or is it better a ) ) ? the ComboBox is defined as: Thanks ...

Read RSS on Windows Phone 7 and Pass data to next Page

On Windows Phone 7: I want to read RSS feed with 3 different field: Title, Description-1, and Description-2. But I want to show only title and description-1 in main page as listbox. When user click on each item then it goes to next page which just show title and description-2 field related to the item user clicked on it. How do we do ...

How can I modify a UIElement's contents?

Hello. Is there a way to modify a UIElement's contents? I have something like this: System.IO.FileStream rdr = System.IO.File.OpenRead(xamlFilePath); System.Windows.UIElement uie = (System.Windows.UIElement)System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(rdr); And when I run the debugger and add uie to the "Watch" window, it gives me the foll...

Looking to place navigation frame where it is available in entire application

I have what amounts to a menu page in my Silverlight application. It has some HyperlinkButtons in a StackPanel. The hyperlinks are mapped to other page Uris in the app using a navigation frame with a UriMapper. It all appears within the LayoutRoot Grid of the menu page. I'd rather have the UriMapping be available to the entire applic...

Error "Specified element is already the logical child of another element"?

I have a TabControl and each Tab can contain the same UI but with different data. In any tab the user can click on a button and bring up a popup. This sets a Style property to the ViewModel telling it what style to use for the popup UI. The Style gets bound to a custom DependecyProperty that is attached to a custom PopupUserControl. My p...

Placeholder for a control in silverlight

Is there something like a placeholder for a control in silverlight? If I have a dynamically created control in my view-model how can I bind it to some element in Xaml? Is it the right way to achieve that: <ContentControl Content="{Binding MyControl}"></ContentControl> ...

What is the meaning of x:Name in xaml (WPF) and its use with Storyboard.

<Border Name="ItemBorder" Margin="5 5 0 5" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" Height="75" Width="75"> <Border.Background> <SolidColorBrush x:Name="ItemBorderBrush" Color="LightBlue"/> </Border.Background> <ContentPresenter/> </Border> <ControlTemplate.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="someEvent"> <BeginStoryboard>...

StringFormat in silverlight Xaml and resources

I have format strings in my resource files. I am trying to access these from the Text attribute of TextBlock using FormatString Text="{Binding Path=Project.Name, StringFormat={Binding Path=WkStrings.DisplayProjectName, Source={StaticResource ResourceWrapper}}}" I am getting the following error: Provide value on 'System.Windows.Data....

WP7 Custom User Control Property

I want a user control called Segmented Panel that contains 3 buttons of which I want to modify their names (Title1/2/3) from a XAML screen. MainPage XAML: <local:SegmentedControl HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="43,62,0,0" x:Name="segmentedControl1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Title1="ENTER BUTTON NAME HERE" Title2="blah.." Title3="Last ...

Is there a good tool for debugging XAML's databinding behavior / errors at runtime?

WPF is a great toolset, and XAML databinding is very powerful, but I've often run into difficulty arising from its transparency: It can be tough to debug a databinding failure when no errors are thrown. For example, I recently had to change a Style declaration like this: <DataGrid.RowStyle> <Style> <Style.Triggers> ...

Form.Show() is "Not Responding..."

Hello. I have a little trivial problem in my application. I have a dialog (d1) that inherits from Form. And in Main, if I call d1.ShowDialog ,it works fine. But calling d1.Show() opens a bad form with pale labels and textboxes, and when I try to drag that window form it says "Not Responding." What's going on? I think I need "Show"...

WPF - How do I make a UI element animate along a path of an ellipse?

I have a canvas that contains a couple other elements. I need this canvas to animate continuously along a circular (elliptical) path. How can I do this in XAML? ...

How to display tooltip in XAML?

I'm writing an application using WPF MVVM. I have a view model with property IsFolderSelected like this: public class SelectFolderViewModel : ViewModelBase { public bool IsFolderSelected { get { return _isFolderSelected; } set { if (_isFolderSelected == val...

WPF Data binding to project settings

Hi In my app, i data bind two text boxes to project settings. <Page.Resources><p:Settings x:Key="Settings" /><Page.Resources/> <TextBox Grid.Row="3" Name="textBox1" Text ="{Binding Source={StaticResource Settings}, Path=Default.Number_Of_Versions, Mode=TwoWay}" Grid.Column="1" Height="30" /> In the textbox i see the number of vers...

Why is the scalability of the UI important in WPF?

While I love developing user interfaces in WPF and XAML, I've tried to embrace the scalability aspect by also creating my icons as vector images... but it's really hard! I very rarely get the same kind of crispness that I can with raster graphics and it almost always takes me longer to produce the icons. Am I wasting my time? Is there n...

Silverlight/XAML Convert text to upper case

Im working on a design in Blend 4 for Silverlight, however much of my text in the design needs to be in UPPERCASE. It appears that Blend and XAML dont support this, I was wondering if its possible to do it in CSharp? Basically I'd like to be able to style certain parts of text as UPPERCASE, can anyone suggest any code that might do thi...

Locbaml /generate gives error "Type reference cannot find public type named '...'"

Hi, I'm using Locbaml to generate localization files in my WPF application. Yesterday, I've upgraded my solutions from VS2008 to VS2010, and since then Locbaml throws an error in two of my assemblies saying "Type reference cannot find public type named 'String'." in one assembly and "Type reference cannot find public type named 'Int3...

WPF - Weird scrollbars behavior in TabItem

I have following code: <Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="MainWindow" Height="145" Width="156"> <Window.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="tabTemplate"> <ScrollViewer> <StackPanel Orie...