
What does the media="" attribute in the stylesheet HTML definition refer to?

Hi all, I'm sure some of you have seen the following: <link rel="stylesheet" src="styles.css" media="screen,projection" /> <link rel="stylesheet" src="styles.css" media="print" /> Or whatever else... But what does the media attribute actually do? I've created several websites and I have never used the media attributes when linking s...

Tree navigation with XML and XSLT

I have this tree structured XML (toc.xml): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <toc> <item name="top" key="4294967296" subkey="1"> <item name="child1" key="4294967611" subkey=""> <item name="child2-1" key="4294961611" subkey=""> <item name="child3-1" key="4294967613" subkey=""/> <item name="child3-2" key="...

Stretch node width without to stretch the parent width

Is there anyway to stretch the width of a new row without to stretch the width of parent node (table)? Structure example: <table> <tr> <td> <div id="div_1"> Block 1 </div> </td> <td> <div id="div_2"> Block 2 </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div id="div_3"> Block 3 </div> </td> <td> ...

How to validate XHTML page that using fb:comments ,xid and <div href>?

I'm actually gettings these errors and I cannot let them fixed. I need some help. I can't found anything on Google, sorry. there is no attribute "href" <div id="audio" href="http://domain.com/mp3/Green Day - A Quick One While Hes… there is no attribute "xid" <div style="margin: 0px 100px;"><fb:comments xid="music52"></fb:comments></...

How to express a page break semantically correct in HTML?

Hello, I'm editing books/articles in HTML. These texts were printed once and I scan them, convert them into an intermediate XML-Format and then I transform them into HTML (by XSLT). Because some of those texts are extinct from the market today and are only available through the major libraries I want to publish them in a way so that peo...

How do you implement CSS with fixed left sidebar and fluid right content

I got headache how to make my fluid content will float to right. left sidebar is fixed size. right content is fluid size. Here and example my html and css How to make my id="content" will float on right? ...

multilingual websites and rtl direction - best practices

Could you share any tips for supporting rtl direction in multilingual websites? Apart from the text direction, should there be any changes, for instance, to the menus mark-up? The rtl CSS should be included in a separate file (like "layout-rtl.css") or a "rtl" class should be added to the body tag? I would like to know stuff like that. ...

Generate a dynamic <table> from XML with XSLT

Hello, I'm trying to do a easy dynamic with an input XML. My XML code looks like: <table> <col size="5%">#</col> <col size="55%">Title</col> <col size="10%">Author</col> <col size="10%">Date</col> <col size="10%">Modification</col> <col size="10%">Actions</col> <output> ...

I need a tool that allows me to quickly generate html and xquery it

At the moment I have a nice class that generates HTML and allows me to create pages without having to worry about things like closing tags, proper nesting, or clear formatting. The syntax is simple and straight forward, //Create an anchor tag $anchor = new Tag("a", array("name"=>"anchor"); //Create a paragraph $paragraph = Tag::Craft("...

Can I use the display:inline with text-align: right?

Example: <td> <img src="..." /> <img src="..." /> <div style="text-align:right display:inline;"> hello world! </div> </td> ...

Style Sheet Loading Problem

Using C# In my webpage style sheet is not loading, i am using Google Chrome Browser Code. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head runat="server"> <title>Data Entry</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="G:/style.css" type="text/css" charset="utf-8" /> </head> </html> The above code is not loading the style.css file. How ...

Facebook Connect & application/xhtml+xml

Hi For various reasons I'm serving my pages with the application/xhtml+xml content type (at least to browsers explicitly accepting that). This seems to break FB Connect, probably because it uses document.write() which isn't supported for that content type. Does anyone know of a workaround which makes FB Connect work with pages sent as a...

Invalid markup with XFBML and RDFa

EDIT: I switched back to XHTML 1.0 Transitional. It renders fine, but isn't valid. Help is still appreciated. Hello. I am trying to integrate the Facebook plugins into my website, PlugB. To make them validate at W3 validator, I added a XHTML + RDFa doctype. But I am getting errors with Iframes and FBML. How can I fix this? http://val...

How to correctly display html-page on all mobile devices/browsers.

I'm currently working on survey project where users answer surveys from they mobile phones. I need to display a vary basic pages with one question on each page, but I need to make sure they are correctly displayed on all mobile phones, because user can have wap browser, "normal" browser like opera mini and probably something else. So my ...

Change default theme of "project.net"

I want to change complete theme of an open source project "project.net". Can anyone help me that how to change overall theme into custom theme. NOTE: i already done with coloring and images change by CSS etc... my question is about change theme structure. e.g. and beautiful header in new theme. Accordion on left navigation etc. Your qu...

how to get link inside function() { ...} ?

I can't share full code now. It's a portion of jquery code $('#contentBox').hover( function() { posi("5",768,"box.jpg","i need link here","some text here"); } I tried this $('#contentBox').hover( function() { posi("5",768,"box.jpg","<a href='#'>...

How not to load all images on a page on load

I have a page with a list of jpg images on the page. The div that contains images is hidden and works as images source for Galleria jQuery image gallery plugin. So, when I load a page, it takes long to load it because it loads all images. Is there a way not to load all these images on page load, but just when galleria needs them? ...

Safari rendering table very strange

Hi I am trying to create a small todo application for a project, and it works how i want it in firefox. However when i view the website in safari and hover over one of my todo items very strange table borders show up. The hover also does not work as well as it does in firefox. Unfortunately for me the teacher is making in safari. Here ...

How DOM works/is loaded? (in HTML)

Hi All! How DOM is loaded in a html page? First is load the all html tag ( ) and inside of this element is created an other element and so on or first is create followed by ... and finally, the closing tags are added? Thank you! ...

Should I avoid using !important in CSS?

Sometimes !important is useful, for example if I have defined common style for all links on the site (selector, say, a), but when I want to override some rules I have the following choices: Use more specific (longer) selector Use !important Which way is better and may be there are some guidelines? ...