
htmlentities displaying html safely

I have data that is coming in from a rss feed. I want to be safe and use htmlentities but then again if I use it if there is html code in there the page is full of code and content. I don't mind the formatting the rss offers and would be glad to use it as long as I can display it safely. I'm after the content of the feed but also want it...

Selecting elements whose attribute begins with something in XPath

As the title says, is it possible to select elements in XPath that only begin with a certain string, but perhaps do not end with the same? For example there are 3 anchor elements: <a href="buy.php/onething"></a><a href="buy.php/twothing"></a><a href="sell.php/anotherthing"></a> I only want to get anchor elements that begin with 'buy....

ASP.NET Vertically wrapping a list generated by a repeater

I've got my repeater generating a list of links that need to appear in a certain order. Meaning I need my list to appear like so -Item1 -Item4 -Item2 -Item5 -Item3 Every solution I've found involves knowing whats going to be in your list and setting classes where the list should break. My issue is that it could be anywhere from 1 to 1...

Probobly a rather simple CSS Problem

Hey, I have this CSS-rule to get the "pushed-down" effect on pressed links: a:active { position: relative; top: 1px; } Now this works as expected, however I want to write a rule that disable this on linked images as this one: <a href="#"><img src="..." /></a> Is it possible? Thanks. ...

Override Anchor > Image Behavior with CSS

Note: I asked a similar question 5 minutes ago, however this is not the same... I have this CSS-rule to underline links without striking through any of the letter's "foots": a:hover, a:focus, a:active { color: #3b234a; border-bottom: 1px #ccc solid; } Now this works as expected, however I want to write a rule that disable thi...

Ignore DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE for the Django Admin Site?

What would be the best way to go about forcing all HttpResponse objects returned by views in the Django admin site app to use "text/html" as their content type, regardless of the value of the DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE setting? My project has this set to "application/xhtml+xml," and although content produced by the admin app claims to be valid...

Is it possible to define a wildcard attribute in DTD?

Hi I am wondering if there is any chance to create a wildcard attribute list in xhtml. E.g. ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" [ <!ATTLIST a tooltip CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST a tooltip-align (top|bottom|right|left) #IMPLIED> ]> ...

How do I set the mime type in zend framework?

I would like to set the repsonse mime type to application/xhtml+xml How and where do I set that in Zend Framework? Thanks for your help. ...

Xpath - How to get the data contained between elements, not the elements themselves

I'm writing a Java program that scrapes a web page for links and then stores them in a database. I'm having problems though. Using HTMLUnit, I wrote the following: page.getByXPath("//a[starts-with(@href, \"showdetails.aspx\")]"); It returns the correct anchor elements, but I only want the actual path contained in the href attribute, n...

Random image url when reload

Hi, What I want is that the URL to some specific images should change on reload / new visit. No news but this is how it looks today... <li><a href="http://nameToSite/images/bkg1.jpg"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; Is it possible to make a jQuery url change To something like <li><a href="http://nameToSite/images/randomImages[1].jpg"&g...

Changing HTML DOM element name dynamically

What I'm thinking about is when I remove or add a child element from the DOM, I will change other elements' names through JavaScript or jQuery. For example, I'm going to remove the second text box from a form which have 3 text boxes. They have the names "input-1", "input-2" and "input-3." After removing "input-2," I'm going to rename ...

Iterating through Returned jQuery Data

Hi All, I have a form which I'm using jQuery to post and working to handle the return data. I currently have the following : $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/', data: $("#register_member_form").serialize(), success: function(data){ if (data.search(/error/) >= 0) { var err = "There were errors found...

Css list align problems

Hei guys, I have the following problem: As I can see those arrows are not aligned with the text, I've tried alot of things but I didn't find a solution, mabe you can help me, here is my code: .domains-wrapper .sidebar{ width: 203px; } /* For the background */ .domains-wrapper .links .the-t...

How can I suppress keyboard popup on an iPad HTML5 app?

I’ve written an HTML5 application for iPad. It has one input field. Every time a user comes to this page, the popup keyboard appears. How can I suppress this default behavior within HTML5/JS context? In my app, if you type in a login & password, it shows another screen (without page reload). But the keyboard still exists, and you have ...

How can I place HTML in a JavaScript string and have it validate?

I want to show different css files depending on browser that user is using. I want to do this on JS and on client side. I am using code like this. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")) >= "0"){ document.write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/common.IE.css\" type=\"text/...

Loading data from form using jquery to php file returns null

When ever I pass a value from a form using submit to a php file using load, $.get or post and try to receive data or load it in general as shown below, I just get ruturned a null or undefined value. Anyone know what im doing wrong ? iNDEX.HTML ` <script type = "text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#NewOrgForm...

Change flying saucer header

Is it possible to change the header of a pdf page to the same name as the currently selected bookmark? I'm using flying saucer for my pdf generation. Could you include an example? Thanks in advance. ...

Aligning text. Using tables or css or &nbsp; ?

Frequently I am aligning text such as: To: 07/02/2010 From: 07/02/2010 Id like it to be displayed like this: To: 07/02/2010 From: 07/02/2010 So what is the quickest/easiest/best way to do this? CSS? using a few nbsp (would work if its mono spacing) or using tables. Normally if I am not in a anti-hating table mood, ill use tables....

Can you make an html form to upload images from cell phones with PHP?

I have a website at which you can upload your photos from a trip, for example, and have them displayed in your profile. I am now trying to make a mobile version of this website. So my question is, what is the easiest way to make it possible for my users to upload their images from their cell phones to the website? ...

How to build this layout with CSS?

Hello, I'm not new at CSS, but this is problem for me and I can't solve it. I need to build layout as below: Divs that are at the bottom and at the top have fixed heights. The one in the center have to be exacly in the height of PAGE HEIGHT - DIV 1 HEIGHT - DIV 3 HEIGHT or in some cases smaller. Also it have to had this size setted b...