
Why CSS making links non-clickable in Firefox?

I'm checking in Firefox 3.6 Why 2nd level links are not clickable in this tab menu. live example here : http://jsbin.com/upeka4/5 these are clickable if disable the css ...

Read file containing PHP without parsing PHP

I am using a wysiwyg editor in a web app. It is FCKeditor. In order to edit a file, other than loading javascript, my web form that edits the the file looks like this: <textarea><?php include('myWebDoc.html') ?></textarea> I also tried this: <textarea><?php file_get_contents('myWebDoc.html') ?></textarea> Both attempts end up parsi...

Nested Incrementing Lists XHTML + Slidy

I am new to XHTML and I could use a little bit of help. I am using a tool called 'Slidy' to help me put together a slideshow on the net, I would like to make an incremented list so that when you advance the slideshow (click or press the right arrow) the next item appears. This should be the case whether the next item is a new item in the...

php/mysql newbie question

excuse the title but as im not an expericened programmer i dont know how to describe this problem So the problem. I have 2 topics in my topics table. When im on thread 2 it correclty prints a thread to thread 1 but when im on thread 1 it doesnt print the link to thread 2. Whats wrong? $prev_thread = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(id) as pre...

mayday: CSS fonts look horrible different in IE compared to Chrome/Firefox after update

Hello Guys, My site used to look the same in IE, Chrome, Firefox. Today, I looked at the online site (http://www.skytop.at/) and the fonts are a complete mess in IE8, but fine in Chrome and Firefox. I desperately need a quick fix, since the client will be very pissed ;-( Please look at the site in IE (e.g. IE8) versus Chrome/Firefox:...

Best way to code an HTML/CSS/JS tab navigation system (no images)

Hi, I'm coding a tab system for my website that must be entirely CSS/HTML/JS (without using any images). Problem is, I keep hacking the code until when I'm finished its just a mess. I don't know whether to use positioning, or float the tabs or what. Basically one of the big problems is that after I take away the bottom-border CSS of t...

How can be printed ordered list from number 6 with html only?

Hi, How can be printed ordered list from number 6 with html only (if its not possible how should be done)? Example: 6.home 7.place 8.etc.. 9.etc.. Thanks ...

Flash size expands in IE8

I received a flash file from the design agency to incorporate on our template (Java/JSP based framework). I specified the width in the javascript flash player we have as those specified by the agency and 963x488, but in IE8 it seems the flash occupies more space than that and even though the flash content area remains small, the overall ...

Inline SVG Animation: Compatibility Oddities

I've been working on this for some time, but can't seem to find an adequate solution yet. The page is XHTML with inline SVG which is animated with ECMAscript once the SVG is finished loading. There is a 0.5s pause, then an eye in the middle opens. It works on Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on MacOS X. The problem is in Chrome on Windows t...

Is there a good way to change UPPER CASE html tags to lower case, across a whole document?

So, I've got a bunch of markup-pages delivered that I am supposed to style. Problem is that tags are all in uppercase, even though the doctype declares it as xhtml. Not only is it ugly and hurting my eyes, it's also wrong, isn't it? Is there a good way, perhaps a coda (my preferred tool), plug-in, or online service that can do this for ...

Multiline Link Formatting Conundrum

On a webpage, I have markup like the following: <h3>Title Goes here</h3> <a href="...">Link goes here</a> <h3>Next title</h3> <a href="...">Next link</a> Some of these links have very long text and span multiple lines. I would like the following to occur: There is spacing between the first heading's link and the second heading. Lin...

background-color not covering full screen with xsl in xhtml

When I tried to convert my website to xhtml, things went perfectly until I realized that IE doesn't support it. I went to the xhtml FAQ's section about IE, and tried out the workaround there, using an identity transformation to trick IE into rendering it as html in quirks mode. Unfortunately, this seems to make firefox (and possibly oth...

PHP includes instead of iFrames?

What's the best way to use PHP includes instead of iFrames? Edit: Instead of using iFrames, I want to use includes to show my content. ...

Stretching <a> tag to fill entire <li>

Here's a simple menu structure: <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="javascript:;">Home</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;">Test</a></li> </ul> I want the <a> to be stretched so that it fills the entire <li>. I tried using something like width: 100%; height: 100% but that had no effect. How do I stretch the anchor tag correctly? ...

Rendering xhtml compliant pages with XSLT won't render correctly past inline javascript block

I'm currently in the process of updating a (lot of) old xsl+html code to render xhtml compliant code but am running up against a problem where pages include inline javascript. Some of the javascript can be removed from being inline and placed into linked js files. However, there are a number of places where xsl elements are used inside...

How, many PSD 2 HTML companies claim to provide Templates in 8 Hours?

How, many PSD 2 HTML companies claim to provide Templates in 8 Hours? How they make it possible? Do they use special software or techniques? Is it really a possible to provide XHTML Strict, Semantically correct, Cross Browser compatible (even in IE6 and Opera, as some claims), W3C valid XHTML and CSS, properly commented, well optimiz...

Do embedded Youtube videos increase the site's bandwidth?

By having each classified ad with embedded Youtube video, will this increase the bandwidth of the site? If so, would iFrame help in anyway? Thank. ...

Showing default browser bullet points on a <ul> when using YUI CSS reset

I'm using YUI 3 CSS Reset on my page, but want to display a specific unordered list using the browsers default list styling. I've put an example page up on the URL below to explain: http://www.nsmith.me.uk/list.php I want to be able to style <ul> on the page as if the css reset script wasn't included. For an example, add ?hideReset=1 o...

how do you start to finish to solve IE6 issues, if site is working fine in other browsers?

If you receive a site which is working fine on all browser except IE6 (We can't rebuild the whole site's mark-up). and in IE6 layout is very disturbed. and only IE6 supported CSS selector is being used in site. then how do you start to finish to solve IE6 issues? what efforts do you make and how? 1st thing is to add IE6 only CSS <...

Code supplied by WordPress breaks my XHTML 1.0 Strict-compliant theme

According to the WordPress wiki pages on developing themes, I have to call wp_head() in the <head> tag so that WordPress can insert some additional HTML code into my theme. Normally this doesn't cause any validation problems, but when I search for something on my custom-themed WordPress blog one of the automatically inserted lines doesn'...