
How to break long single word in <td> using CSS?

in a td of a table i have a very long single word "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" and i want to reduce the width of table but unable to do because of this long word in one of the td i can break this word by giving <br /> but is there any CSS way to break this word according to available space. without giving line break or...

Will i feel any performance improvement in page load if i switch sIFR to @font-face?

Will i feel any performance improvement in page load if i switch sIFR to @font-face? I made a site on client request with a sIFR because client wanted to use his logo's font in Home Page heading and subheadings etc. Now client feel site is slow to load because on homepage itself there are 20 instances of sIFR text. Now if I suggest to...

image in div wont show

Why wont it show the whole original picture? <div class="test"></div> .test { background: url("http://i27.tinypic.com/28ktoh.jpg") no-repeat; } Problem is that is doesnt show anything, if you type something in the div it shows a little bit of the image. I want it to include the full picture. http://yfrog.com/cbcrapfp (copy paste ...

HTML to XHTML Mobile Profile Converter

Hi! I looking for Linux Library/Service that can make conversion of supplied HTML to XHTML-MP format. It will be perfect if this library also know to make resizing of embedded images. ...

Table coming on the Top of Div .how to bring the Table down

I have a div in the html and after the Div and i have another div which contains the HTml table Which is coming on the top of div .How to bring the table down . <div id='testupdate2' >Mynumber: ". $num." </div> <div id="test"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td id="He...

How do you implement CSS without to have clear:both on float left and float right

How to clear float:left & float:right on CSS You may look an example here The wrap id overlap to the header & search. How to fix it without to put the clear:both ...

Does anyone know the do's and don't of commenting in FireFox 3.x?

I decided to show a breaking version of what I am talking about. It is not important how it messes up the layout, only that it causes the DIV element to be null.... <!-- [ top panel ] --><div id="top_panel"> <!-- -------------------------------------- --> <script type="text/javascript"> alert(document.getElementById('top_panel'...

html5 audio codec

I'm using html5 audio tag and can't seem to find what to specify for the codec for both mp3 and wav. I know ogg is: <audio> <source type='audio/ogg; codec="vorbis"' /> </audio> Anyone know what I would write for mp3 and wav? ...

Library to query HTML with XPath in Java?

Can anyone recommend me a java library to allow me XPath Queries over URLs? I've tried JAXP without success. Thank you. ...

Anyone know how to calculate the DOCUMENT dimensions, NOT the VIEWPORT in Javascript?

Just to make sure everyone understands what I am asking for, I will run through what I believe are the basic distinctions between document, window, and viewport.... WINDOW is the entire browser window, including all nav bars, etc.... VIEWPORT is the portion of the window used to view the current XHTML/HTML/Flash document... DOCUMENT i...

Weird input buttons inside labels onClick handler behavior

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//WC3/DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html> <body> <label>A label <input type="button" value="First" onClick="alert('First');" /> <input type="button" value="Second" onClick="alert('Second');" /> </label> </body> </html> Tried this code in Firefox 3.6.8. When I...

Mysterious XHTML Validation Error

Hello guys, i am trying to validate homepage of my new website and looks like i have a mysterious trouble. If i use W3C Validator's copy-paste page source function, i only receive one warning and my page validates. However if i use link input to validate my page it displays following error: A fatal error occurred when attempting to de...

What is better 'parent()' or 'parents()'?

What is the better way to get a parent node for the following example of code? ... <tr> <td> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="block_data"> Hello world!! </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> /*Javascript code 1*/ $('.block_data').parents('tr').first()... /*Java...

How many type of "Box Model" CSS have?

How many type of "Box Model" CSS have? ...

Having jQuery insert defined content

Hi everyone, I have a navigation menu in xHTML with the following typical structure: <ul id="nav1"> <li><a href="#">item1</a></li> </ul> I have this jQuery script to add a space and a slash after every link: $('#nav1 li,#nav2 li').append('&nbsp;/'); However, after the last link (aka the last li), I want to only add a space (aka &n...

How to make textarea fill the width of its parent width?

Given that we don't know the div's width beforehand? My idea: Calculate the div 's width with JS, find a way to convert it to cols and the apply the css to the textarea onthe fly. But perhaps there 's no need to reinvent the wheel? Thank you. ...

What elements can be contained within a <a> tag?

My google fu is not up to scratch this evening. What are the valid html elements, if any, that can be contained within a <a> tag? <a> ?? </a> ...

In how many ways a website can be accessed and should we consider all condition?

As far as i know a website can be accessed on Desktop Browser Text only browser Mobile phone browser PSP Iphone/ipad touch screen and conditions JavaScript disabled CSS disabled JavaScript and CSS both disabled images disabled with screen reader and keyboard with keyboard only with keyboard and mouse combination. Color Monitor B&W ...

Combining <xsl:param> and <xsl:include>

I'm trying to make a website more dinamically with splitting it in parts. I had a XML file for the first page that now has been converted to 4 files: index.xml, menu.xml, sidebar.xml and footer.xml. (Updated) I include correctly the XML's on the index.xsl file. Now I need to include the .xls that they will use. Actually I've it all in ...

CSS Styles - Fonts

Hi guys, Im trying to replicate a design into HTML / CSS. The problem is that the text within the site changes between two different colours, multiple font sizes and different font weights. Also the text can be stand alone or multiple types on one line. I am including a sample below.. These font styles are used all over the site. S...