
CSS Class Selectors

I'm more of a server side person, so for the css sample below, I understand what the first 2 groups of css selectors are doing. I don't understand the 3rd. Given that the home class only occurs once in the html, it seems redundant to specify the class twice. This comes from the site clearleft.com. What is the purpose of the last ...

After stripping unwanted tags, what else should I do to text input?

In a PHP script I'm accepting input from the user from a textarea and want to allow a few basic tags. So when I output the string I'm using - echo strip_tags($content, '<b><i><ul><ol><li>'); Now normally I would use FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING but that would strip all tags and I would use html_entities() but that would prevent the tags I'm...

Using a separate .js file to handle Jquery.

Hello All, I'm new to Jquery and am running into an issue when trying to put my JQuery scripts into a separate file in my project folder. I'm working with a plug-in called Corner. Here is the relevant part of the HTML file <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" s...

What is the best ASP.NET PDF solution for converting XHTML markup with CSS support?

I have looked for a good solution for rendering a PDF based on a web page / HTML string, that can also keep the CSS styling. Does anyone know of any good solutions for this? Thanks in advance. ...

Images not displaying in certain browsers

having just completed first wordpress theme uploaded and working fine in FF, testing has revealed that the images in the following page do not display in safari and chrome. http://www.isabelarbelaez.com/category/projects/so_it_goes Anyone any ideas why? I cannot see why at all. The images on the page display in FF, IE and Opera, just ...

Firefox error 'no element found'

First off, this isn't exactly the ideal way of setting up a page, however there's a need to distribute a script as 1 file. I have a php script at the top of an otherwise xhtml document with javascript, and under certain conditions use XHR to send a query string to the page itself. The php at the top then activates, and stores the passe...

Moving focus when opening a panel using JQuery

on the following site i have two hidden panels labelled "show map" and "show floor plans". When the the header of each is clicked the slide panel is opened. The floor plans is long and thus will go below the page view. is there anyway to keep focus at the bottom of the panel, so that when it's clicked you manage to see the whole windo...

The Future: XHTML 2.0 vs HTML 5

Possible Duplicates: HTML 5 versus XHTML 1.0 Transitional? Why are (X)HTML 5 and XHTML 2 separate standards? At the end of the day, why choose XHTML over HTML? I mean, the HTML and XHTML models have been a mess for the past years. I'm one of those web developers that when learned about a thing called "standards", that start...

Finding malformed XHTML with Javascript

Does anyone have a good way of finding if a string contains malformed XHTML using Javascript? Since my page allows 'user' generated XHTML returns (the users can be trusted) and injects it into the DOM, I want a way to check if there are unclosed or overly closed tags, and encode them as &lt; and &gt; so that it will simply display the e...

window opener close issue for javascript

Hi EveryBody, I have a problem with browsers window managament with javascript. I have two page in my proof of concept application. First page contains login information (username, password, login button etc.) and second page is a managament screen. I need that when the user pressed to the login button on the login screen it open to main...

Having trouble rendering xhtml to page

I am trying to render xhtml from cute editor output to display rich text in my page. I'm trying this but it doesn't seem to be working for me. //ce_Document is my instance of cute editor public void btn_SaveMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XhtmlTextWriter xtw = new XhtmlTextWriter(System.IO.TextWriter.Null); xtw.Writ...

How to insert XHTML into XML

Hi all, I'm working with JDOM at the moment. I can't think of a solution which what should essentially be an easy problem. I have a valid XHTML string: <b>M&amp;A</b> &euro; How do I insert this into the XML DOM as follows? <parentNode>   <b>M&amp;A</b>    </parentNode> (this XML then goes off to an XSL transformer, which then ren...

xHTML 1.0 strict - Validate iFrames

Is it possible to validate iFrames in xhtml 1.0 strict? Preferably without any use of javascript to inject the iframe into the page. I know there is no point in validating just for the sake of validation, but lets just say that I like the green validation message on w3c ;) (I am forced by factors beyond my control to use iframes) Or ma...

JavaScript - Form OnSubmit works but Action doesn't

On my FORM, for some reason, I can get my form input variable via onsubmit but not using action. This works: <form onsubmit="javascript:myFunc(this.city.value);"> <p><input type="text" id="city-field" name="city" onfocus="this.select();" /> <input type="submit" value="Find" /></p> </form> This doesn't work (this.city.value is fou...

is there a framework to build plugins for firefox, chrome, safari and IE at the same time?

I am trying to write a plugin for our company and want to use HTML, JS and CSS to build them. Is there a framework so I only have to build my plugins once and not have to build one for Firefox, one for Chrome, one for Safari and so on. Jetpack and Google Chromes extension engine seem very close to each other is there a framework or a com...

Is machine readability a valid point for xhtml if it does not validate?

I often run across developers that insist on using the XHTML doctype and when I ask why they common response is that its "machine readable". Once the project is underway the markup does not validate. Now that their markup does not validate...is machine readability valid anymore? I assume that if it does not validate it can't be process...

Custom attributes - Yay or nay?

Recently I have been reading more and more about people using custom attributes in their HTML tags, mainly for the purpose of embedding some extra bits of data for use in javascript code. I was hoping to gather some feedback on whether or not using custom attributes is a good practice, and also what some alternatives are. It seems like...

So what if custom HTML attributes aren't valid XHTML?

I know that is the reason some people don't approve of them, but does it really matter? I think that the power that they provide, in interacting with JavaScript and storing and sending information from and to the server, outweighs the validation concern. Am I missing something? What are the ramifications of "invalid" HTML? And wouldn'...

How to manage css files the best way

Hi, one question about performance. I have an webproject with different css files in the moment (uncompressed). Every page is including the needed files. Iam thinking about putting all style definitions in one file, compress it, and put in central in the header. What makes a better performance ? on file compressed (every page loads al...

Make glowing effect around the text box while active

Hi friends, Make glowing effect around the text box while placing the cursor inside the textbox. For example : just place the cursor inside the search textbox in our stackoverflow.com. Its because of css, but i dont know how to achieve it.. Please help me. ...