
Everything showed good, except the tabs. (HTML,CSS,JS)

Hello, Iam working on a website and I dont have any clue why the tabs doesnt work when I upload the website. Because when I view the website normal it does work perfectly. By the way: The tabs are working with a jquery script. This is the website URL: http://bmvisuals.poshh.nl/ Greetings. Edit: I mean some of the tabs doesnt appear. ...

How to keep an unordered list centered within the screen??

I have the following unordered list within a div: <div id="footer"> <ul> <li>Blog</li> <li>|</li> <li>About Us</li> <li>|</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> <li>|</li> <li>Copyright</li> <li>|</li> <li>Contact Us</li> <li>|</li> <li>Press Inquiries</li> </ul> </div> I want this footer text to stay centered i...

Simple HTML that comes out looking way off?

I cannot for the life of me figure out why my table is turning out this way. The images and text should be lined up: HTML: <div id="items"> <div class="category"><h1>Apparel</h1></div> <div class="list-product"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="50" align="center" style="p...

Is client side (interface) development as a speciality dying out?

I'm seeing less and less of this on job boards, and I'm having trouble hiring an interface engineer who specializes in XHTML, CSS and JavaScript. Is this because designers are taking this on with their design duties, or programmers are now responsible for building out pages, or is it because this work is easily contracted out to companie...

Helvetica or Arial as base font in CSS?

One of my friend told me "Use font family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif in your website", when I asked him why then "blank" he don't know, some usability expert in his company told him this thing. But when I tried helvetica, arial, sans-serif then I noticed that I bold and un-bold is not working properly with this font whereas I use ari...

What's the best way to write a standards compliant popup window with XHTML and Javascript?

I'm writing standards compliant XHTML Strict 1.0, so including the HTML "target" attribute on anchor elements will not do. I've read 2 fundamentally different ways using Javascript: Upon document load, find all links with rel='external' and append the target='_blank' attribute. Use the HTML onClick attribute that fires a Javascript po...

using <form action='page.html'> <button type=submit> to make a button a hyperlink?

This is how I construct my stylized buttons. <span class='button button-orange' id='sign-up'><input type='button' value='Sign up here' /></span> Putting an anchor tag (with href) around the span lets you hyperlink in FF but messes up in IE if your mouse is hovered over the button's value attribute value. (value='Sign up here') Is the...

Are there any code libraries that validate/convert blog comments to XHTML strict?

I am working on a website in PHP where people can make comments similar to a blog, and I only want particular tags to be allowed. Are there any pre-built libraries that process comments and produce valid XHTML Strict code? I would need to do this in JavaScript so I can generate a live preview like Stack Overflow, plus in PHP before savin...

Tidy gives non-standard HTML

Hi, I use Tidy to clean and make HTML files compliant to HTML/XHTML. However, output contains non-standard attributes values like : <table id='abc'>... or <input type='button' /> (look at the single quotes). How can I configure Tidy to give strict XHTML output? Thank you in advance! ...

How do I create tab indenting in html

I have a situation as follows <body> Test<br /> test<br /> test1<br /> </body> I need to add a tab after the 2nd test and 3rd test so that it looks similar to this. Test     test         test1 Is there a special HTML entity or special character for TAB. eg. Non-breaking space == & nbsp ; thanks ...

Creating Valid XHTML Clickable Block Region

I'm trying to make a "clickable" region. <a style="display: block" href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt; StackOverflow </a> A is an inline element but the CSS made it a block. If the above is valid, then the following should be valid too: <a style="display: block" href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt; <div>Some DIV that link...

Convert XHTML to XAML?

Good afternoon, does anyone know of a good xhtml to xaml converter library / functionality? All the ones I've found are far from complete, are missing elements of the base xhtml namespace (e.g. tables etc) and what I need is to display valid xhtml in an wpf flowdocument. Any ideas / suggestions? Cheers & thanks -Jörg ...

HTML5 syntax - HTML vs XHTML

Even with HTML5 being the path forward for HTML we get two options as developers: XHTML syntax and HTML syntax. I've been using XHTML as my main doctype for 5 or so years so I'm very comfortable with it. But my question is given that non-xml syntax will be allowed, is there any reason to stick with a valid XML syntax? Do you gain an...

Are there any tools that can inline css?

Because some email clients don't properly render external stylesheets (or even styles within the <head> of an HTML email message), inlining CSS is a common approach to try to maintain consistent look and feel between a website and emails. But manually inlining styles is painful and error prone. I'm looking for a way to let users create ...

Are nested span tags OK in XHTML?

Will this validate in XHTML? <span>hello<span>world</span></span> ...

What is a polyglot document?

In this answer to this question, Lachlan-Hunt writes the following: With HTML5, you can choose to use HTML-only syntax, meaning that it is only compatible with being served and processed as text/html it is not well-formed XML. Or use XHTML-only syntax, meaning that is is well-formed XML, but uses XML features that are not compatible ...

What XPath selects odd TRs from a table, starting with the third?

I have a table: <table> <tr><td>1</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td></tr> <tr><td>6</td></tr> <tr><td>7</td></tr> <tr><td>8</td></tr> <tr><td>9</td></tr> </table> I need an XPath to select odd rows, starting on the third row (3, 5, 7, 9, etc.). ...

Facebook Connect and HTML5, xmlns available?

Facebook Connect and their "Social Widgets" documentation mention that you need to add an xmlns attribute to your <html> tag on the page where it will be used. I understand that xmlns is for XML Name-spacing, and have used such with XHTML before. However, with all the recent talk about HTML4 / HTML5, without having read through the ent...

Need to access a single div in an html field loaded into a variable in PHP

Hi guys, here is the situation. I'm retrieving a page using curl into a variable. So I now have all the HTML in one snug variable. I need to however using code access a certain DIV notes contents actually its like this - there is one div node on the page with the ID of 'image' and its kinda like this: <html> <body> .......... ...

Restructuring HTML using jQuery

I have some HTML that I need to toggle between two structures - one nested, and one un-nested - to make it easier for users to sort page components in a cms. Here's the before html... <p><a href="#" id="restructure">Toggle Structure</a></p> <div id="modules"> <div class="two_column_box"> <div class="column_left"> <p>Some te...