
Is XHTML 1.1 better then other doctypes ?

This is stated on this page http://www.veiled-chameleon.com/xhtml11.html XHTML 1.1 allows for the easy creation of different display formats, such as a page format for printing, for wireless devices and PDAs, and television based browsers, simply by writing a new CSS (cascading style sheet) for the new document. Update:...

Apache Rewrite Override Mime and Proxy Request?

I am trying to implement some Apache rewrite rules to set the MIME type (in)correctly for XHTML in Internet Explorer. I have found these rewrite rules in many place, and they seem to work for most people: RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} .*MSIE.* RewriteRule .* - [T=text/html] However, my site is already using Rewrite rules with the...

Can non styled HTML elements make any type of problem in document flow or any cross browser problem?

Should we write css to each element or only for those elements which want to give style? like for example <div id="first"> <span class="one"> <a href="#">content text</a> </span> </div> <div id="second"> <span class="two"> <a href="#">content text</a> </span> </div> <div id="third"> <span ...

Wordpress posts not styling

All of my static pages are running fine with the custom template but for some reason the posts show up outside the frame. ----------page.php---------------- <?php /* Template Name: Page with Comments */ ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="wrap"> <div id="secondWrapper"> <div id="head"> <div id="header"...

Is there any cross-browser css-only sticky footer with W3C valid css and semantic X/HTML?

Is there any cross-browser css sticky footer with W3C valid css and semantic X/HTML? IE : 6,7,8 Firefox : All Version Safari: Windows, Mac and iPHONE Opera: Windows, Mobile and Mini Google Chrome : All Version Blackberry Browser ...

If If iframe is not good to use then is there any other standard complaint way to get same thing like iframe?

If iframe is not good to use then is there any other standard complaint way to get same thing like iframe? ...

How to force Iphone's safari to use "media=handheld"?

Is there a way to force to Iphone's safari to use "media=handheld" in place of media="screen"? ...

What is the real benefit of using external css and js in terms of page loading speed?

What is the real benefit of using external css and js in place of placing code directly in ... and in terms of page loading speed? if we are controlling whole site from one header.php/aspx file? Is use of external files makes page loading faster? My question is only related to page loading speed. ...

If I use XHTML transitional doctype then will it show (in my portfolio) like I'm not a professional expert?

If I use XHTML transitional doctype then will it show (in my portfolio) like I'm not a professional expert? It is for one client who is not paying much for work, and he doesn't know about Web Standards. I want to use some deprecated or presentational item to save time so what should I give to him? Site with XHTML strict but with some...

How do I write selected jQuery DOM elements back out as XHTML snippets?

I'm wanting to select some DOM elements using jQuery, modify some attributes, and then write the DOM elements back out as xhtml snippets for post processing. I want the resulting xHTML to have only the attributes specified in the original page html plus the modifications I make with jQuery. Is there an existing javascript library or AP...

Setting up Cpanel RVKin Theme

Hi, I am having some problems with setting up the RVskin. I have reseller account running WHMCS. I inputed and approved a few test orders for a test webhost package. The account was created in whmcs but not whm.i.e. the cpanel account was not created. The activity log had this: "Error: Unable to validate setting for cpmod: RVSkin. ". Ple...

How to properly escape output (for XHTML) in mako?

Despite offering a nice way to escape output using filters, none of them do the right thing. Taking the string: x=u"&\u0092" The filters do the following: x Turns the & into an entity but not the \u0092 (valid XML but not XHTML) h Exactly the same u Escapes both, but obviously uses url escaping ent...

What are pros to use XHTML 1.0 strict with content="text/html; over HTML 4.01 strict?

I'm sure everyone here knows that we cannot serve the pages with the correct MIME type (application/xhtml+xml) for XHTML without breaking IE compatibility, and that any content served with text/html will be parsed as HTML by any browser out there. So if the content is not parsed as XML. I use a xhtml doctype only for one reason: it help...

jQuery .load() XHTML issue

I am having some strange problems loading content from another XHTML page via jQuery. When the second page I try to load from is served as XHTML I get the below error. I don't know if it helps but both documents validate when I get the error. Uncaught Error: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: DOM Exception 7 Currently the header on t...

Are there any pros to use HTML 4.01 strict over XHTML 1.0 strict (content="text/html)?

Are there any pros to use HTML 4.01 strict over XHTML 1.0 strict (content="text/html)? ...

How to make styling and functioning of form elements get not to break in all browsers?

How to make styling and functioning of form elements identical in all browsers? <form> </form> <fieldset> </fieldset> <legend> </legend> <button> </button> <label> </label> <input type="button" /> <input type="checkbox" /> <input type="file" /> <input type="hidden" /> <input type="image" /> <input type="password" /> <input type="r...

Do all other desktop and mobile browsers support application/xhtml+xml except IE's all version till 8 and IE mobile?

Do all other desktop and mobile browsers support content served as application/xhtml+xml except IE's all version till 8 and IE mobile? ...

What are cons to use % over em in terms of accessibility?

What are cons to use % over em in terms of accessibility? ...

Serious help needed - client's website, which I have spent hours and hours on, completely fails...

Hello y'all. I'm a bit miffed. Actually, a bit more than that, but never mind. The problem revolves around a jQuery gallery called 'Galleria'. You may have heard of it. It's quite aesthetically pleasing and since my client is a Photographer, I thought I'd display all of his images in a Galleria gallery. You can see the site, in it's t...

Is there a useful purpose for <style type="text/javascript">?

What is the use and purpose this , is it useful? ...