
What em can do which can't be done by %?

What em can do which can't be done by %? ...

is font/text sizing in % more accessible and manageble than em ?

Both article are proving this. http://www.kyleschaeffer.com/best-practices/css-font-size-em-vs-px-vs-pt-vs/ http://www.maxdesign.com.au/presentation/relative/ I want to know SO users view? ...

What are the differences between em and % in terms of text resizing and for fixed width site? Is em more hyped than %?

What are the differences between em and % in terms of text resizing and for fixed width site? If I'm using em or % only for text sizing in a fixed width site and body is set as {body:font-size:100%} and what is these best practice to use in css for text sizing for fixed width in terms of accessibility and mobile device friendlies? ...

How does the xml:lang & lang attribute affect the rendering of XHTML Strict 1.0 pages ?

I peeked inside the source of a public website which uses the XHTML 1.0 Strict DOCTYPE and noticed that it specifies two attribute related to the language of the page. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ja" lang="ja"> The page is in Japanese by the way. My question is this:- I suspect that the attribute xml:lang & ...

Adding strong emphasis to an img tag. Semantics

Hi there. I'm actually coding a website and a doubt came to me. I have a list of images (it's an artist portfolio, so it should be images), some of which have a "Featured" badge. Is it semantically correct to wrap the img into a strong tag instead of using a class="featured"? Will it add strong emphasis to the image? Reading the W3C sp...

How to make custom, no editing need, bulletproof jquery's noconflict version?

in my job i always have to use jquery with prototype can i make any custom jquery with library file like once i will add in head and then no need to change anything in any code. is it possible? I don't want to change anything in an code $ to jQuery. ...

Is there a way to select one whole column in a table to style differently?

Is there a way to select one whole column in a table to style differently? without adding class or id to all those td? I want to do with HTML and css 2.1 only. with cross browser compatibility ...

What is the best semantic and valid method to make drop shadow around whole #wrapper? on all side.

What is the best semantic and valid method to make drop shadow around whole #wrapper? on all side. horizontally can be fixed but vertically should be expandable. ...

Is the DOCTYPE relevant only to the markup or also to the DOM?

Up to what level of abstraction does the <!DOCTYPE> declaration (and content-type) of a document remain relevant? For example, if I'm working with XHTML but want to use an element which is not available in XHTML - an easy example being an iframe - would it be bad practice to programatically add the element with JavaScript? Or do I eithe...

What is the best method to code a logo with slogan in a header?

Which method is best? <div id="header"> <a id="logo" href="#"><img width="172" height="80" src="logo.jpg" alt="Clevex logo"></a> <h1>slogan of company</h1> </div> <div id="header"> <a id="logo" href="#"><img width="172" height="80" src="logo.jpg" alt="Clevex logo"></a> <p>slogan of company</p> </div> <div id="header"> <a i...

Should i give float to every element or to just need to give to first element ?

Should i give float to every element or to just need to give to first element ? if i want to set all element horizontally. element-1-fixed-width element-2-no-width-defined element-3-fixed-width element-4-fixed-width or i should set float:left to some element and float:right to some element? ...

What tag should be used to make Form layout if we can't use only pure semantic way?

i know it is pure semantic way <form action="" method=""> <fieldset> <legend>Contact Form</legend> <label for="name">Name</label> <input name="name" id="name" size="20" /> </fieldset> <form> But some time for some design purpose it's not sufficient to get needed style. so my qu...

Why is URN one of more popular formats used to uniquely identify the resource?

I somewhat understand that URNs are used to provide unique and location independent name for the resource. Yet I fail to see their usefulness and how exactly they work: a) In order for URN to really be unique, there would have to be some central authority (similar to authority for domain names) where we could register URNs and that way ...

When would we choose Public identifier over System identifier to locate DTD file?

Hi 1) FPIs can be used to identify DTD files. Since as far as I can tell, FPIs are somewhat similar to URNs in that they uniquely identify the resource ( DTD file ), then why don’t we use URNs instead of FPIs to locate DTDs? In other words, what makes FPIs more efficient in identifying DTD files? 2) I also don’t understand the usefuln...

more than one table with th having duplicated ids

I was wondering if I could have more than one tables like below. If you notice, I have applied th with the id="id", and id="name". so If have the more than one tables then, there will be many ths with the same id. <table> <thead> <tr><th id="id"></th><th id="name"></th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td headers="...

Should we try to use all H1 to H6 in a website?

Should we use all H1 to H6 in a website? i use h1 to h2 usually. now how to judge and decide where to use H3 to h6. should we use like this h3 {display:inline} <div id="content"> <h3> some text in bold:</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dol...

How to give different style with css if 2 pages have same id?

in same site i have a page disclaimer 2 times in 2 different section corporate > disclaimer.html consumer > disclaimer.html one good this my company's custom cms is generates body id for each page but the problem here is he generate id as same as page name, and i can't change name and can't give different ID both pages having same id...

What is the best way to make jump menu (HTML select dropdown)?

Every <option> in an HTML <select> will have external URL and should open in new a window. If it's possible to make in CSS and HTML only then good, if not possible without JavaScript then it should be unobtrusive. ...

gap between LI's on drop down menu in IE

Hi I ave a drop down menu which when dropped, there is a gap between the li's. I have tried all usual methods but I cant seem to find where it is coming from! I would paste the code but there is a bit of it so I have set up a temp directory for you to see. http://www.actwebdesigns.com/web-design-mansfield/ Regards, Phil ...

Why Xhtml 1.1 goes into quirk mode?

i'm not using I'm only using this dtd as a first thing in a page? which has no problem to render strict mode. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"&gt; <html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; and checked quirks mode with this site http://vesa....