
Should i use Width, height, margin, padding, line-height in em also if i'm using em for text sizing?

Should i use Width, height, margin, padding, line-height in em also if i'm using em for text sizing? is it good for accessibility? ...

Should i convert every single possible charcter in my xhtml/html code? for both encoding iso-8859-1 vs utf?

Should i convert every single possible charcter in my xhtml/html code? for both encoding iso-8859-1 vs utf? If yes then is there any software to convert any needed character (which should be always in entity code) in my xhtml/html. like after complete xhtml coding in dreamweaver or in any editor i will put all code in converter and will...

if i'm using jquery library with some plugins should i place all at bottom , just before </body>

if i'm using jquery library with some plugins can i place all at bottom , just before </body> or it depends? are there some situations where library+plugin should place in not at end of not bottom? ...

"Minimize the Flash movie size by limiting the glyphs embedded in the movie" in sIFR3 to improve rendering speed

What does this mean? "Minimize the Flash movie size by limiting the glyphs embedded in the movie" in sIFR3 to improve rendering speed What is the meaning of "limiting the glyphs embedded in the movie"? ...

What is the benefit to add empty alt=""? and which alt should be used this alt="" or alt=" " ?

What is the benefit to add null alt=""? is it only to pass validation or it has more reason and how it should be write? like this, no space alt="" or this with one blank space alt=" " ...

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> Where it should be place in <head>to render doucment as IE7 properly in IE8?

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> Where it should be place in <head> to render document as IE7 properly in IE8? ...

How to know how many times and where any CSS selector is being used in whole site?

for example: I want to know if i change anything in this selector then how many places it will effect? How many page are using this selector and which places? #annualReportInvestorContainer p a {.........} ...

What is the label attribute of <option> really used for?

According to the w3 XHTML specification, the label attribute specifies a shorter label for the option. However (using the try-it tool with FF3.5), I can't see any effect. Hence my question: what does this attribute really do? EDIT It seems that it overrides the label used in the dropdown list. The contents of the option are (as far as I...

jQuery HTML select toggle/show/hide

I need to hide an 'Other' label and corresponding input field as default. Then when a user selects 'Other' from a HTML select drop down the matching label and text input need to show. If they navigate to a different option then the label and text input are hidden again: HTML: <select id="indTitle" class="inlineSpace"> <op...

Why unneeded xhtml and js, axd comes in Asp.net pages ?

Can anyone explain why it comes? it makes source code lengthy and it will affect to site SEo also. Site is using Sitecore CMS Is this fault of .net framework? or Sitecore CMS? is PHP and other technology better to produce clean, semantic and W3C valid code? these extra info in header (what is the use of these) <head> <meta name=...

Keyboard Focus Breaking with Radio Button Group

It seems simple, but this has been a bit of a headscratcher for me. Given the following (valid xhtml transitional) code: <form action="weird.html"> <label for="test1">T1</label> <input type="radio" id="test1" name="test" value="1" /> <label for="test2">T2</label> <input type="radio" id="test...

In XHTML 1.1: element 'input' cannot be nested within element 'form'. Why?

This below code is forbidden in XHTML 1.1 strict mode: <form method="post" action="index"> <input id="_method" name="_method" type="hidden" value="" /> </form> if you want it to be valid you need to put a div (or p, etc..) like: <form method="post" action="index"> <div> <input id="_method" name="_method" type="hidden...

Why firefox shows <object> and internet explorer shows <iframe> ?

Why if i use <object> in place for <iframe>, but IE shows <iframe> in rendered source. ...

How to write xhtml and css printer friendly? How to save printer ink with print css?

I'm not talking about just to mke print css or media=print Questions: I am talking what other things we should do in XHTMl and screen css and print css (other than disply:none in print css) we should care to get good print from website pages. And do we need any special care for images, background images in css, flash, silverlight, ifr...

I'm on a 2MBPS internet connection but i want to check a website like i'm on a 256 KBPS connection on same PC?

Does anyone know how to test? I'm on Windows XP? and Firefox , IE7 installed ...

Should we put print css at bottom?

Would it be better if we put print css at bottom just before </body> like yahoo's recommendation for js because only few people will take print and if we will put at bottom then it will be accessed after screen.css and html. ...

Can we use any other TAG inside <ul> along with <li>?

Can we use any other TAG in <ul> along with <li>? like <ul> Some text here or <p>Some text here<p> etc <li>item 1</li> Some text here or <p>Some text here<p> etc <li>item 1</li> </ul> ...

Correct way to leave empty elements in xhtml?

Hello. I've been experimenting with xhtml and now I'm wondering that is there a valid/correct way to add empty elements. Short question, but here's the two ways I've been using: <div> </div> <div>&#32;</div> <!-- Same as space --> Hope someone knows an answer for this. Thanks. ...

Any difference in xhtml between <img .... /> and <img ...></img> at all?

same as title, I'm pretty sure it has no difference, but just to be on the safe side with standard compliance. ...

swapping text and image order using CSS

I need to swap the visual order of 2 elements using CSS HTML order: <div id="text-content"> .... </div> <div id="header-image"> .... </div> Visual order required: ______________________ | image | | (fixed height) | |______________________| ______________________ | text | | (v...