
How to make technical training session useful and successful for trainee?

Are these suggestions good to give for a successful training session? Practice time should be always given immediate after technical training? usually after receiving any technical session about any new thing we do routine work. If we don't do practice just after training, later when we do any work related to that training then we fee...

Horizontal scroll bar in IE7

If you look at http://wilwaldon.com/JLS10/dine.html in ie7 (the devil) you will see a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of your browser. I've tried to hide the overflow of pretty much every div and i've taken out every element in the layout one by one to see what could be causing this issue. I just can't seem to wrap my brain around it...

Is there any benefit to use Progressive image display for JPG, Gif and PNG?

Is there any benefit to use Progressive image display, these days, for JPG, Gif and PNG? Should we use progressive image in both condition as a <img> and in css background? Does all mainstream desktop and mobile browsers support progressive display? mobiles doesn't have much speed? so is it really usefful for mibile phone ...

HTML valid DIV attributes?

What are all the valid DIV attributes? Based on this link, it appears only class, id, title. Is that correct? Meaning, the for attribute and others is not valid for DIV? ...

stylish reusable web forms

Hi, I'm looking for some examples of stylish web forms that can be used on any site. I've googled for "stylish web forms", but most of the examples I find are of very ornate forms that use a lots of images, which are unlikely to look good on other sites that use different color schemes. I've also found lots of examples of using CSS to l...

XHTML, how not to display the TITLE attribute as a tooltip

To make my web site XHTML compliant, I have added a title attribute to all of my IMG tags. However, when you mouseover an image, the text from my title attribute displays as a small popup. I don't want that text to be viewable. Question: How do I prevent the browser from displaying the title attribute text as a popup while still keepin...

How to get design mockup as a overlay for quicker development without using Firefox's pixel perfect plugin?

This is FF plugin http://www.pixelperfectplugin.com/ Pixel Perfect is a Firefox/Firebug extension that allows web developers and designers to easily overlay a web composition over top of the developed HTML. Read more: http://pixelperfectplugin.com/how-to-use/walkthrough/#ixzz0eOfezx1N How to get mockup image behind all div like this ...

What is the best way to put my logo into the footer of every website I make?

What is the best method to put my company logo with a link at the end of the footer in every website which I make (if the client allows me)? First, I would host the logo image on my site. What would then be the best method in xhtml and css for me to put in my logo? ...

What are the practical benefits of using microformats for every possible thing?

What practical benefits can my client get if I use microformats on his site for every possible thing? How can I explain these benefits to a non-technical client? ...

HTML - how to make an entire DIV a hyperlink?

How do I make an entire DIV a clickable hyperlink. Meaning, I essentially want to do: <div class="myclass" href="example.com"> <div>...</div> <table><tr>..</tr></table> .... </div> And whenever someone mouse hovers of the myclass DIV, I want the entire DIV it to be a clickable hyperlink. ...

Is using fieldset and labels in XHTML discouraged?

I heard there was fundamental lack of web-browser comprehension of those, and often IE6,7, opera would flounder trying to display them. Is that indeed true? Should those be avoided? And while we're at it, do they have a specific advantage when using forms? (except for the impeccably square frame around) ...

How to embed a FeedBurner (or general Atom) feed into XHTML site? (BuzzBoost?)

The default javascript generated by BuzzBoost just contains a bunch of document.write statements, which are not legal for an XHTML page. Is it possible to get BuzzBoost to emit XHTML-friendly script? If not, what would you use instead for embedding excerpts from a FeedBurner feed (or any generic Atom feed) into an XHTML page? ...

Catching in page links with jQuery

Hi i want to trig a function when user click in page links for example abc.com/hello.html#variable1 i want to catch #varible1 and execute a function. ...

localhost != remote server

I've been developing / testing a site locally on a MAMP (e.g. LAMP) environment. I have a form that's processed by jQuery that works fine locally; I don't want it to be submitted, but to send the values to an AJAX function. The issue is that it submits to the 'action' destination of the form parameter when it's run on a remote server wi...

Problems with equal height columns

This is my CSS: #contents { clear: both; width: 900px; background: #fff url(../img/contents_bg.jpg) repeat-y; } #contents .left { float: left; width: 615px; padding: 10px 0 0 20px; } #contents .right { float: right; width: 225px; padding: 10px 20px 0 0; } And HTML: <div id="contents"> <div class="left"> <p>test</p> </div> <div c...

How can i increase speed for loading of google maps embeded on site?

Are there any javascripts or other method which can decrease loading time of google maps? Google maps are added by iframe code. Update: 12 FEB 2010 Can any jquery plugin be useful for me? ...

Resources to develop web front-end skills (CSS, etc)

I would like to develop solid web development skills. I have some back-end knowledge (my weapon of choice is RoR), but I am absolutely terrible with HTML, CSS, Javascript, all the front-end / user interface stuff. Do you know any good resources to develop HTMl/CSS skills? Javascript is more of a programming language, so I don't think it...

xHTML/CSS: How to make inner div get 100% width - margins

I have 2 nested divs and outer one has width:100% <div id="#outer" style="width:100%; border:1px"> <div id="#inner" style="width:100%; border:1px; margin:4px"> something inside ... </div> </div> But in this case inner div exceeds width of outer by 8px (margins). How to make inner div to get width of outer div minus 8px margin?...

What is the benefit to using <acronym> and <abbr>?

Should i give my time to change terms and abbreviations to <acronym> and <abbr>? Is it worth to use? What are pros to use both tags? Is it useful for SEO and screen reader? ...

How to give different style, color to dotted border of links ?

How to give different style, color to dotted border of keyboard navigation? Style should appear only if user use keyboard to navigate not on mouse over and :active. And style should work in all mainstream browsers with valid css. ...